HSCO 511 Reflection Paper Assignment Example: Analyzing Anger Management

HSCO 511 Reflection Paper Assignment Example: Analyzing Anger ManagementHSC 511 Reflection Paper Assignment Brief

Assignment Title: Analyzing Anger Management Group Dynamics

Assignment Overview:

In this assignment, you will be required to watch the video of the Anger Management Therapy Group led by Ed Jacobs and Christine Schimmel, available in Module 3, and then compose a 3–4 page (1,000–1,300 word) paper. The purpose of this paper is to critically analyze the group dynamics, leadership style, and therapeutic aspects of the session. While you may use the first person in your paper, it must adhere to the current APA format, and it should be well-written, well-organized, and free of grammatical, spelling, or other writing errors. There is no need for an abstract in this paper.

Assignment Objectives:

Upon completing this assignment, you will be able to:

  • Analyze Group Objectives: Understand the overall purpose of the Anger Management Therapy Group and identify the specific goals that the leaders appear to have in mind for the first session. Describe the content covered in this session and list all props used, with a focus on evaluating the effectiveness of one specific prop.
  • Evaluate Leadership Style: Describe the leadership style employed by the group leaders in the session. Analyze the utilization of basic group leadership skills as outlined in the Jacobs et al. text, highlighting three skills that were particularly effective in this context and their impact on the group.
  • Examine Group Dynamics: Observe and analyze the evolution of group dynamics and processes as the session progresses from the initial stages to the working stage. Evaluate the level of participant engagement and assess the extent to which the session proved to be therapeutic for them.
  • Suggest Improvements: Identify areas where the session could have been improved, considering lost opportunities for the leaders. Describe how you would have approached leading this group differently, incorporating insights gained from your analysis. Additionally, explore how this session aligns with a biblical view of persons and suggest ways to integrate biblical perspectives more intentionally.
  • Self-Reflection: Reflect on your own growth as an emerging group leader and examine any new insights gained through this assignment.

The Student’s Role:

As the student, your role is to critically analyze the provided video of the Anger Management Therapy Group led by Ed Jacobs and Christine Schimmel. While addressing the assignment questions, make sure to integrate relevant ideas from both the Jacobs et al. and Forsyth texts in a coherent and meaningful manner. Refer to specific group members by name, providing context (e.g., Matt in the white t-shirt), and ensure that your paper adheres to current APA formatting guidelines.


In the realm of human existence, interactions are an integral part of our daily lives. Whether we are at school, work, church, or spending time with friends, we constantly find ourselves engaged in various forms of social interaction. These interactions are an inescapable aspect of our lives, as they serve specific purposes and contribute to our personal growth and societal well-being. While some individuals seem to navigate social interactions effortlessly due to their easygoing nature, others may find these encounters to be challenging and, at times, even torturous (Bilge, 2017). This reality becomes particularly evident when we explore the dynamics of group interactions through the lens of biblical scriptures, given the significant role that Christianity plays in shaping our society.

This reflection paper delves into a case study involving a group discussion on anger management. The primary objective of this group was to impart knowledge about anger management, particularly in the context of interpersonal interactions. The group session aimed to encourage self-reflection among participants, allowing them to examine their anger management issues and the rationale behind their reactions. The initial session was designed to help each member identify their triggers and provide insights into the nature of their short-tempered or patient disposition.

Props were employed during the session to facilitate the discussion. These props included a shaking bottle of soda to symbolize the self-destructive consequences of unmanaged anger, a chair to represent the object of anger, a beer bottle to signify the pressure points leading to anger, a whiteboard with the word “should” to embody the concept of freedom of choice, two chairs to illustrate the power of making choices, and a chair with a short fuse to demonstrate the repercussions of a short temper. Among these props, the two-chairs exercise proved to be the most effective, as it vividly illustrated the concept of freedom of choice, emphasizing that individuals can choose whether or not to succumb to anger.

Leadership in the group session adopted an intrapersonal style, focusing on the participants’ underlying issues, perceptions, and behaviors. Since there were two group moderators, they exhibited a unified form of leadership, with equal influence, responsibilities, and a shared objective of improving the participants’ anger management skills. The leaders employed various communication skills, including clarification to gain deeper insights into the participants’ conditions, linking to extrapolate and interpret the listed issues, and mini-lecturing to enhance participants’ understanding of anger management principles (Üzar-Özçetin & Hiçdurmaz, 2017).

At the outset of the group session, the dynamics of the group could be described as closed-minded. Many participants initially believed that their anger was justified, attributing it to the incompetence, ignorance, or recklessness of others rather than reflecting on their own behavior. This initial stance made it challenging for the members to accept their own mistakes and engage in open dialogue. However, as the session progressed, especially during the prop demonstrations, participants began to connect the abstract concepts to personal accountability. This transformation gained momentum when participants started acknowledging their behaviors and engaging in cohesive discussions (Lök et al., 2018).

While the group session was conducted professionally, there are areas where potential improvement is possible. One such area is the explanation of the prop demonstrations. Since these concepts were abstract, more time should have been allocated to ensure participants thoroughly understood them. Rushing through the props may have missed an opportunity for deeper comprehension and real-life application (Lök et al., 2018). If I were conducting the session, I would encourage role-playing activities after the session to help members practice and internalize proper anger management techniques.

The focus on anger management aligns with the Christian perspective, as reflected in Psalm 37:8, which advises, “Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil.” To further integrate biblical principles into the session, Christian-themed props and references could be incorporated, fostering a deeper connection between anger management and spiritual teachings.


In conclusion, the group session on anger management provided valuable insights into the dynamics of human interactions and the challenges individuals face in managing their anger. Through effective leadership and the use of props, participants were encouraged to engage in self-reflection and take responsibility for their behaviors. While the session was well-structured, there is room for improvement in the explanation of abstract concepts. Overall, the integration of biblical perspectives with anger management principles added depth to the discussion, highlighting the importance of self-control and self-awareness in our daily interactions.

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