NURS FPX 8014 Health Global Issue Problem Description Essay Example

NURS FPX 8014 Assessment 2 Global Issue Problem DescriptionNURS FPX 8014 Assessment 2 Global Issue Problem Description

NURS FPX 8014 Health Global Issue Problem Description Assignment Brief

Course: NURS-FPX8014 Global Population Health

Assignment Title: Assessment 2 Global Issue Problem Description

Assignment Overview:

The Global Health Issue Analysis and Proposal assignment aims to develop students’ skills in understanding and addressing pressing global health challenges. Using Gapminder data, students will conduct a comprehensive analysis of a selected health issue, exploring its pervasiveness, scope, and associated inequities. The assignment will delve into the socioeconomic, political, and cultural influences on the global health problem, critically evaluating historical strategies employed.

Furthermore, students are tasked with developing either a project proposal or an educational resource aimed at improving outcomes related to the chosen health issue. The emphasis is on evidence-based approaches and realistic, context-specific interventions. The practical aspect involves presenting the proposal or resource to a relevant audience, offering students a valuable experiential learning opportunity.

The Student’s Role:

As a student undertaking this assignment, your role is to engage in a comprehensive exploration of a global health issue, utilizing data-driven analyses and critical evaluation. Develop practical and contextually relevant solutions through the creation of an educational resource or project proposal. Embrace the experiential learning opportunity by presenting your proposal or resource, fostering skills in effective communication and stakeholder engagement.

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NURS FPX 8014 Health Global Issue Problem Description Essay Example


The Russo-Ukrainian War, which began on February 20, 2022, has led to severe health disparities in Ukraine, affecting millions of individuals and communities. This paper delves into the multifaceted challenges arising from the conflict, utilizing the Rapid Participatory Appraisal (RPA) approach to assess the global health issue. By analyzing epidemiological data, social determinants, and historical strategies, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the health problem, propose evidence-based improvements, and reflect on the experience of presenting a project proposal to address these disparities.

Analyzing the Global Health Issue

Pervasiveness and Scope of the Problem

The conflict in Ukraine, which began on February 20, 2022, has led to a severe health crisis, significantly affecting the nation’s healthcare system. Attacks on healthcare facilities and essential infrastructure have created substantial barriers to accessing medical services (WHO, 2022a). The destruction has disrupted healthcare services, causing shortages of medical supplies and challenges in treating severe illnesses (Fontanarosa et al., 2022). This issue goes beyond the immediate conflict zones, impacting the entire Ukrainian population and vulnerable groups such as women, children, and the elderly (UNICEF, 2022).

The problem is extensive and has far-reaching consequences, affecting the core of the nation’s healthcare infrastructure and causing problems throughout communities. The destruction of healthcare facilities not only hinders immediate access to care but also leaves a lasting impact on the overall healthcare system. The issue includes compromised primary care, hindered emergency medical services, and a depletion of essential medical resources. Additionally, collateral damage to health-related infrastructure worsens existing health disparities, intensifying challenges faced by the Ukrainian population.

Inequities Across Countries

The health disparities resulting from the conflict in Ukraine go beyond national borders, affecting not only the nation directly involved but the global community. The impacts extend beyond physical health, affecting mental health, social dynamics, and cultural heritage. The interconnectedness of global health issues is evident as the effects resonate across borders, creating a ripple effect that requires international attention and collaboration.

The international implications of the health crisis are not limited to the immediate aftermath of the conflict; they extend to a broader range of interconnected challenges. Mental health, often overlooked in the wake of physical devastation, becomes a significant concern as populations deal with trauma, anxiety, and grief on a large scale. Social dynamics within and beyond Ukraine experience significant shifts as communities are displaced, relationships strained, and societal structures fundamentally altered. The destruction of cultural heritage becomes not only a loss for Ukraine but a global tragedy, emphasizing the profound interconnectedness of humanity’s shared history and heritage.

Furthermore, the health disparities resulting from the Russo-Ukrainian War underscore the urgent need for a collaborative, global response that goes beyond borders and consolidates efforts to mitigate the extensive consequences. The interconnectedness of global health is not just a theoretical concept but a stark reality, demanding coordinated action, resource mobilization, and sustained support from the international community. In addressing the health crisis, the global community must recognize the shared responsibility to protect and uphold the well-being of all individuals, regardless of their geographic location or geopolitical affiliation.

Analyzing Socioeconomic, Political, and Cultural Influences

Population Most Affected

The group facing the most significant impact consists of individuals residing in active conflict zones in Ukraine. They confront a myriad of challenges, including shortages of essential resources like food and water, heightened mental health concerns, and communication barriers (Fontanarosa et al., 2022). Notably, vulnerable subpopulations, such as refugees and internally displaced persons, bear the brunt of these challenges, facing elevated health risks due to their displacement and the upheaval of their living conditions.

Social Determinants

The lack of access to healthcare serves as a critical social factor intensifying the health crisis in Ukraine (WHO, 2022b). Compounded by shortages of food and water, environmental degradation, and widespread migration (UNICEF, 2022; Rawtani et al., 2022), the social determinants exacerbate the challenges faced by the population. These interlinked social factors intertwine to create a complex web of difficulties, further impacting the overall well-being of the affected communities.

Cultural Beliefs

Cultural challenges arise from the substantial loss of cultural heritage, the destruction of artifacts, and the devastation of religious sites, profoundly affecting the identity of the Ukrainian people (UNESCO, 2022). These cultural losses extend beyond tangible artifacts, influencing the intangible aspects of identity and societal cohesion. Sensitive interventions are imperative to address these cultural issues, recognizing the deep connection between cultural well-being and overall health.

Geographical Elements

Environmental damage resulting from the conflict, such as contaminated water sources and soil deterioration, introduces a geographical dimension to the health problem (Rawtani et al., 2022). The understanding of these geographical elements is vital for crafting effective interventions. Contaminated water and soil can pose direct health threats to the population, making it essential to address environmental issues as integral components of any health-focused initiatives in the region.

Socioeconomic Status and Political Systems

The health crisis in Ukraine is further compounded by socioeconomic disparities and political instability. Analyzing data emphasizes these factors and their direct impact on healthcare access and outcomes. Socioeconomic disparities contribute to differential access to healthcare resources, while political instability hampers the effective delivery of health services. Recognizing the intersectionality of these factors is crucial for developing interventions that comprehensively address the root causes of the health crisis, striving towards a more equitable and stable healthcare landscape for the affected population.

Evaluation of Historical Strategies

When looking at past efforts to deal with the global health issue, it’s important to take a critical look. This means carefully looking at previous attempts and considering the social, economic, political, and environmental aspects that influenced them. Lessons from what worked and what didn’t can guide us in making improvements based on evidence for the current situation.

Social Considerations

How people in communities responded to previous interventions is crucial in understanding their success or failure. Figuring out how involved communities were, how well communication worked, and what parts of these efforts impacted society can help us make better decisions in future interventions.

Economic Factors

Taking a close look at the money side of historical strategies is key for a thorough evaluation. Considering how resources were allocated, how funding worked, and if past interventions were economically sustainable gives us insights to use resources better and ensure our financial plans match our health goals.

Political Dynamics

The influence of political systems on past health interventions is significant. Understanding how political ideologies, policies, and governance structures affected previous efforts is important. Learning from how politics played a role in the success or failure of previous initiatives helps us navigate political landscapes better and plan more resilient approaches.

Environmental Impacts

Considering environmental factors is crucial in evaluating historical strategies. Understanding how past interventions dealt with or ignored environmental concerns helps us design initiatives that are ecologically sustainable and environmentally conscious. Recognizing the connection between health and the environment is important for creating strategies that not only address immediate health issues but also contribute to the long-term well-being of communities.

Lessons Learned for Evidence-Based Improvements

Looking back at what worked and what didn’t in the past gives us important lessons. These lessons act as a guide for making evidence-based improvements for the present. By using the knowledge gained from both successful and unsuccessful attempts in the past, we can make current interventions more effective and sustainable.

Evaluation of the Strategies, Interventions, and Current Response

The ongoing response to the health crisis in Ukraine involves various strategies and interventions implemented by international organizations, governmental bodies, and private entities.

Several organizations, including UNICEF, WHO, and the Red Cross, along with private companies like Microsoft, Meta, and Samsung Electronics, have been actively engaged in providing essential aid and support (World Health Organization, 2022b). Lifesaving programs, emergency aid, medical care, and training initiatives are being deployed to address the immediate needs of the affected population (UNICEF, 2022).

Gaps in the Response

Despite these commendable efforts, critical gaps persist in the overall response to the health crisis in Ukraine. Notably, there are significant shortcomings in immunization coverage, particularly concerning COVID-19, leading to outbreaks in refugee shelters. Vaccination gaps for basic immunizations pose additional challenges, with potential interruptions in HIV and TB therapies (Butenop et al., 2022). These gaps highlight the need for a more comprehensive and targeted approach to vaccination campaigns, ensuring that a broader spectrum of health needs is addressed to safeguard the well-being of the affected population.

Developing an Educational Resource or Project Proposal

Target Population and Social Determinants

The proposed educational resource or project aims to reach the population most affected by the ongoing conflict, with a particular focus on vulnerable groups. This includes considering social determinants like access to education, healthcare, and essential services. Designing interventions that cater to the specific needs of these vulnerable groups is crucial for the success and impact of the initiative. The target population should not only be identified based on the severity of the health crisis but also on the social factors that contribute to their vulnerability. Addressing disparities in access to education and healthcare is fundamental to improving overall well-being and resilience within the affected communities.

Contextual Setting

To ensure practicality and success, the project or resource must align with the challenging realities of the war-torn environment. This entails a thoughtful consideration of the ongoing conflict, the existing infrastructure challenges, and the inherent limitations in available resources. Crafting interventions that are realistic within this context involves adapting strategies to navigate the unique challenges posed by the conflict. This includes understanding the constraints of the existing infrastructure, ensuring that proposed solutions are feasible given the current conditions, and accounting for resource scarcity. By tailoring the project to the specific context, it becomes more likely to address the immediate needs of the affected population effectively.

Stakeholder Engagement

Engaging with relevant stakeholders is a linchpin for the success of the proposed intervention. This involves forging partnerships with international organizations, collaborating with governments, working alongside NGOs, and involving private companies. Such collaboration ensures a more comprehensive and sustainable approach to tackling health disparities. Engaging stakeholders allows for a pooling of resources, expertise, and perspectives, creating a more holistic strategy that considers the diverse needs and challenges within the war-affected environment. By fostering partnerships with various entities, the proposed intervention becomes more adept at navigating the complexities of the situation and garnering the necessary support for implementation. Involving stakeholders not only enhances the intervention’s effectiveness but also fosters a sense of shared responsibility for addressing the health crisis in a collaborative manner.

Summarizing the Practicum Experience

Presenting the project proposal or educational resource in a professional setting, such as a meeting with a public health officer or at a chapter meeting of a health organization, serves as a valuable experiential learning opportunity. Reflecting on this experience involves assessing the conveyance of the proposal, its reception, and contemplating potential improvements for future presentations.

Conveying the Proposal

During the presentation, there was a mix of emotions, including a sense of responsibility and commitment to addressing the health disparities resulting from the Russo-Ukrainian War. Challenges encountered revolved around effectively articulating complex concepts in a simple and compelling manner. Evaluating the effectiveness of communication strategies revealed areas of improvement, particularly in ensuring clarity and emphasizing the urgency and significance of the proposed intervention. The experience highlighted the need for refining the ability to convey complex global health issues in a manner that resonates with diverse stakeholders.

Reception of the Proposal

The reception of the proposal during the meeting was generally positive, with stakeholders expressing genuine interest in addressing the health disparities in Ukraine. Feedback received centered on the practicality of the proposed intervention within the war-torn context and the importance of cultural sensitivity. Questions raised by stakeholders focused on implementation challenges and the feasibility of stakeholder collaboration. This reception provided valuable insights into the perceived viability and acceptance of the initiative. The feedback and suggestions received will inform adjustments to enhance the proposal’s practicality and alignment with the needs of the affected communities.

Lessons Learned and Future Adjustments

The overall experience underscored the importance of tailoring presentations to the audience’s understanding and ensuring that complex issues are communicated with clarity. Successful aspects of the presentation included engaging visuals and relatable examples that resonated with stakeholders. However, areas for improvement were identified, such as refining the articulation of intervention strategies and addressing potential implementation hurdles proactively. Lessons learned include the need for continuous refinement of communication skills and a deeper understanding of the practical nuances of implementing global health interventions in challenging environments.

Future adjustments will focus on streamlining communication, emphasizing cultural sensitivity, and incorporating practical solutions to anticipated challenges. Additionally, seeking further collaboration with stakeholders during the planning phase to address concerns and garner support will be prioritized for future presentations. The experiential learning from this presentation will serve as a foundation for more impactful and effective advocacy for global health initiatives in similar settings.


The global health disparities resulting from the Russo-Ukrainian War demand urgent attention and evidence-based interventions. By employing the RPA approach, this analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of the health problem, identifies key determinants, and proposes strategies for improvement. The proposed educational resource or project aims to address the immediate and long-term health consequences, emphasizing the need for collaboration and stakeholder engagement. The practicum experience further enriches the learning process, offering insights into the real-world challenges of presenting solutions to global health issues.


Bhatia, G., & McClure, J. (2020, September 14). Ukraine: The latest coronavirus counts, charts and maps. Reuters.

Butenop, J., Brake, T., Mauder, S., & Razum, O. (2022). Gesundheitliche lage in der ukraine vor kriegsbeginn und ihre relevanz für die versorgung ukrainischer geflüchteter in deutschland: Literaturdurchsicht, risikoanalyse und prioritätensetzung. Das Gesundheitswesen, 84(08/09), 679–688.

Cooperrider, D. L., Whitney, D., & Stavros, J. M. (2008). Appreciative inquiry handbook: For leaders of change (2nd ed.). Williston, VT: Berrett-Koehler.

Fontanarosa, P. B., Flanagin, A., & Golub, R. M. (2022). Catastrophic health consequences of the war in Ukraine. JAMA, 327(16), 1549.

Gapminder. (n.d.). Ukraine.

Internal Displacement Monitoring Center. (2022, May 18). Ukraine. IDMC.

Mogilevkina, I., Gurianov, V., & Lindmark, G. (2022). Effectiveness of emergency obstetric care training at the regional level in Ukraine: A non-randomized controlled trial. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22(1).

Office for New Americans. (2022). Governor’s office for new americans reiterates U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s uniting for Ukraine initiative. State of Nevada.

Rawtani, D., Gupta, G., Khatri, N., Rao, P. K., & Hussain, C. (2022). Environmental damages due to war in Ukraine: A perspective. Science of The Total Environment, 850, 157932.

UNESCO. (2022, December 26). Damaged cultural sites in Ukraine verified by UNESCO.

UNICEF. (2022, March 13). Stop attacks on health care in Ukraine. Humanitarian appeal.

United Nations News. (2022, May 25). Cultural destruction in Ukraine by Russian forces will reverberate for years, UN rights expert warns. UN News.

World Health Organization. (2022a, June 3). One hundred days of war has put Ukraine’s health system under severe pressure.

World Health Organization. (2022b, December 19). WHO provides assistive products for thousands of displaced people in Ukraine. WHO.

Detailed Assessment Instructions for the NURS FPX 8014 Health Global Issue Problem Description Essay Example

For the DNP leader, assessing a community and empowering its members to lead and facilitate change are key components of promoting equitable health care across the globe. In this assessment, you will explore how rapid participatory appraisal (RPA) has been used successfully to address global health issues. You will also be reflecting on how global health issues are really human issues that transcend national boundaries.

Changing or improving a community’s health means engaging and involving community members and stakeholders in the business of change. It means organizing and empowering the vulnerable and disenfranchised as partners in change. It means entering the community with an appreciative and inquisitive attitude and building on existing capacities and paradigms.

Developed in the 1990s as a tool for qualitative action research, RPA is a type of investigation in which the change agent enters into the world of a community or social system to effect change through its people. RPA relies on respectful questioning and may use elements of appreciative inquiry (AI).

Cooperrider, Whitney, and Stavros (2008) described AI:

Fundamentally, AI is still about changing attitudes, behaviors, and practices through appreciative conversations and relationships—interactions designed to bring out the best in people so that they can imagine a preferred future together that is more hopeful, boundless, and inherently good. It is still about socially constructing a shared future and enacting human systems through the questions asked. And it is still about anticipatory learning—finding those positive, anticipatory images of the future that compel action toward them. (p. vi)

RPA can be a great place to start when seeking to intervene on a current health issue. Taking time to understand all aspects of the community—its people, culture, environment, policy, economics, and values—is imperative to making a lasting, sustainable difference in a health issue.


Cooperrider, D. L., Whitney, D., & Stavros, J. M. (2008). Appreciative inquiry handbook: For leaders of change (2nd ed.). Williston, VT: Berrett-Koehler.


This assignment is an opportunity for you to present a thoughtful analysis of your selected public health problem and the countries and people affected. This could be the health problem that you identified while exploring the Gapminder tool. The goal is to develop a brief project proposal or educational resource that you could present to a relevant public health officer or at a government or NGO chapter meeting. You may also wish to interview relevant stakeholders from the organization you plan to present. This could help provide you with additional ideas for how to pitch your project proposal or educational resource.

Remember to track the experiential hours you spend interviewing, preparing your proposal, and presenting it. This time can count toward your total practicum hours.


For this assessment, you will submit an analysis paper of your selected health issue and its relevant Gapminder data, using current APA style and formatting. In an appendix of this paper, you will include either your project proposal or educational resource for potentially improving outcomes related to your chosen health issue. You should also include a second appendix in which you briefly summarize your experience related to the presentation or meeting related to your proposal or resource.

Make sure you address the following scoring guide criteria in your analysis of a health issue with global implications:

  • Analyze an international health issue in regard to its effect on individuals, communities, and populations.
    • As you address the following questions, be sure to use epidemiological data (this could be Gapminder).
      • How pervasive is the problem?
      • What is the scope of the problem?
      • What nations or people are affected?
      • Which countries are disproportionately affected?
      • What inequities exist across countries?
  • Analyze data regarding the socioeconomic, political, and cultural influences that affect the global health issue.
    • Because this section is a data analysis, be sure that data support your arguments here. This is another opportunity to include Gapminder data, but you may also want to draw from other sources.
      • How would you describe the population most affected?
      • What are the social determinants that affect this problem?
      • How do cultural beliefs affect the health problem?
      • How do geographical elements affect the health problem?
      • How does socioeconomic status affect the health problem?
      • How do political systems affect the health problem?
  • Evaluate strategies or research that has been used historically to address the global health issue.
    • Address the historical strategies that have been used. It will be necessary to explore social, economic, political, and environmental concerns to answer this question.
  • Develop an educational resource or project proposal focused on driving evidence-based improvements related to your chosen health issue.
    • Consider the target population and the relevant social determinants of health related to this health issue.
    • Also, keep in mind the setting in which the project would be occurring or the educational resource be distributed.
    • Target this artifact so that it is realistic within the context within which it will be implemented but also target it to the relevant stakeholder whom you will present it to.
    • Include this in an appendix of your submission.
  • Summarize the practicum experience of presenting a project proposal or educational resource to a relevant public health officer or at a chapter meeting of a relevant health organization.
    • Discuss how you felt conveying your proposal or resource.
    • Discuss how you felt it was received during the meeting.
    • Reflect on anything you might change if you were going to present at a similar meeting in the future.
    • This should only be two or three paragraphs.
    • Include this in an appendix of your assignment submission.

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