NURS FPX 6105 Assessment Strategies and Complete Course Plan Example

NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 4 Assessment Strategies and Complete Course PlanNURS FPX 6105 Assessment 4 Assessment Strategies and Complete Course Plan

Assignment Brief: NURS FPX 6105 Assessment Strategies and Complete Course Plan

Course: NURS FPX 6105 Teaching and Active Learning Strategies

Assignment Title: Assessment 4 Assessment Strategies and Complete Course Plan

Assignment Instructions Overview:

In this assignment, you will develop a comprehensive assessment plan for a stress management course tailored to the target population. This plan will integrate seamlessly with the course components you have previously designed. Your task is to create a clear, concise teaching plan that addresses the needs of the learner population, aligns with evidence-based best practices, and includes a detailed assessment strategy.

Understanding Assignment Objectives:

The primary objective of this assignment is to create an assessment plan that effectively evaluates student learning and achievement of course outcomes. You will need to consider the types of assessments most appropriate for your educational topic and learner population, ensuring that they support cultural competence and accommodate diverse learning styles. Additionally, your assessment plan should demonstrate how learning outcomes will be evaluated and how assessments will demonstrate that learners have achieved the intended learning objectives.

The Student’s Role:

As a student in NURS FPX 6105, your role is to design a stress management course for ADN students that integrates evidence-based teaching strategies, learner-centered approaches, and culturally competent practices. You will develop an assessment plan that includes various assessment types, such as formative and summative assessments, peer and self-assessments, and practical assessments. Your goal is to create an inclusive and engaging learning environment that prepares ADN students to effectively manage stress in nursing practice.

You Can Also Check Other Related Assessments:

NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 1 Learning Theories And Diversity Example

NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 2 Management and Motivation Report Example

NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 3 Teaching Strategies to Support Teaching and Learning Example

NURS FPX 6105 Assessment Strategies and Complete Course Plan Example


The assessment details a plan for creating a stress management course specifically for Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) students. Drawing from educational theories like Jacob Kounin’s Classroom Management Theory and Barry Zimmerman’s Self-Regulated Learning Theory, the course aims to integrate evidence-based strategies in classroom and learner management. Additionally, it incorporates practices from the Self-Determination Theory (SDT), Growth Mindset Theory, and Culturally Responsive Teaching to enhance learner motivation and engagement. Recognizing the diverse needs of ADN students, the course takes a holistic approach to address potential barriers to learning, such as language and cultural differences, technology familiarity, and time constraints. Strategies like diagnostic assessments, multilingual resources, tech orientations, and flexible learning modules are proposed to overcome these barriers and ensure inclusivity.

Continuous curriculum updates based on the latest research and best practices are recommended to address areas of uncertainty and knowledge gaps. An open communication culture is also encouraged to promptly address emerging knowledge gaps. The assessment strategy is multifaceted, incorporating formative and summative assessments, peer and self-assessments, and practical assessments like clinical practicums and simulations. Formative assessments provide continuous feedback, while summative assessments evaluate overall comprehension. Peer and self-assessments promote critical thinking and self-reflection, while practical assessments ensure students can apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios. Ultimately, the assessment strategy aims to foster a culture of continuous learning, preparing ADN students to confidently navigate the complexities of the healthcare landscape.

Application of Sociocultural Learning Theory

In Assessment 1, Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Learning Theory was identified as the suitable foundation for the teaching plan aimed at a diverse group of Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) students learning stress management. This theory suggests that social interactions and cultural contexts significantly influence cognitive development and learning processes (Taber, 2020).

The Influence of Sociocultural Learning Theory on Teaching and Learning

The Sociocultural Learning Theory aligns well with the social nature of the nursing profession and the varied backgrounds of nursing students. It emphasizes the importance of social interactions and cultural contexts in learning, fostering an inclusive environment that encourages sharing diverse perspectives and understanding complex nursing concepts like stress management.

The Role of the Zone of Proximal Development

A key concept within Vygotsky’s theory is the ‘Zone of Proximal Development’ (ZPD), which represents the gap between what learners can do independently and what they can achieve with assistance. By recognizing this gap and promoting collaborative learning, students can learn from each other and reach their full potential (Oliveira et al., 2023).

Rationale for the Selection and Application of Sociocultural Learning Theory

Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Learning Theory is selected for several reasons. Firstly, research by Su & Zou (2020) supports the effectiveness of collaborative learning in nursing education, aligning with Vygotsky’s emphasis on collaborative learning to bridge the ZPD. Secondly, studies by Valderama‐Wallace & Apesoa‐Varano (2020) emphasize the importance of social interactions and cultural sensitivity in nursing practice. By integrating Vygotsky’s theory, an environment is created that not only enhances learning but also prepares students for the social and cultural aspects of nursing practice. Overall, the application of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Learning Theory provides a solid academic rationale for improving the teaching experience and achieving desired learning outcomes in the stress management course for ADN nursing students.

Implementation of Learning Methods and Techniques

The teaching plan crafted for ADN Nursing students on stress management incorporates a variety of teaching and learning methods, designed to cater to the diverse learning environment. Rooted in Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Learning Theory, the plan emphasizes collaborative learning, critical reflection, and open discourse to enhance understanding and management of stress in nursing practice.

Rationale and Evidence-Based Support for Learning Methods

The chosen teaching and learning methods are backed by evidence for their effectiveness in fostering critical thinking, cultural competence, and conflict resolution among diverse learners. Transformative learning, for instance, encourages learners to challenge existing paradigms, enhancing their understanding of stress and its management (Wang et al., 2019). Cultural competence activities aim to minimize misunderstandings and promote appreciation of diversity among learners (Brottman et al., 2019). Peer mediation fosters immediate conflict resolution and equips students with essential interpersonal skills (Ay et al., 2019).

Integration of Appropriate Learning Strategies and Techniques

Blended Learning

Blended learning combines traditional in-person classes with online resources, allowing for both experiential learning and theoretical exploration. In-person sessions focus on skill-based aspects through group discussions and simulations, while online resources offer flexibility in accessing theoretical materials (Khojanashvili et al., 2023).

Peer Learning

Peer learning encourages collaboration through structured activities and discussions. Sharing personal experiences fosters deeper comprehension of stress management and creates a supportive network among students (Khojanashvili et al., 2023).

Self-guided Learning

Self-guided learning accommodates busy schedules by providing flexibility in accessing course materials. This approach promotes important skills such as time management and problem-solving (Khojanashvili et al., 2023).

Assumptions Based on Learning Strategies

The chosen strategies acknowledge varying levels of prior knowledge among students, the need for peer support, and busy schedules typical of nursing students. Blended learning caters to diverse baseline knowledge levels, while peer learning offers emotional support and self-guided learning respects time constraints (Saifan et al., 2021; Madsgaard et al., 2022).

Integration of Evidence-Based Best Practices for Classroom and Learner Management

The stress management course for ADN nursing students prioritizes evidence-based practices in classroom and learner management to optimize the learning environment. This section discusses these practices, considers conflicting data, and acknowledges alternative perspectives.

Classroom Management Practices

Effective classroom management sets the stage for successful teaching and learning experiences. Drawing from Jacob Kounin’s Classroom Management Theory, the course emphasizes structured scheduling, clear learning objectives, and open communication channels to reduce confusion and prevent disruptive behaviors (Shoghi et al., 2019).

However, Kounin’s theory may overlook individual learner differences. To address this, elements of Barry Zimmerman’s Self-Regulated Learning Theory are integrated, promoting learner autonomy and engagement. Students are empowered to identify and manage their stressors actively (Shoghi et al., 2019).

Learner Management Practices

Evidence-based learner management practices focus on nurturing students as self-regulated learners. Utilizing Zimmerman’s Self-Regulated Learning Theory, the course incorporates goal-setting and self-monitoring strategies. This encourages students to set personal stress management goals and monitor progress, fostering self-efficacy and active learning participation (Tambunan et al., 2020).

However, learners with self-regulation difficulties may require additional support, as these strategies may not universally address their needs (Tambunan et al., 2020).

Considering Conflicting Data and Other Perspectives

The selection of these strategies does not disregard conflicting data or alternative perspectives. For example, Zimmerman’s theory may not fully acknowledge the social aspect of learning, critical in nursing education. Similarly, Kounin’s theory may not sufficiently accommodate individual learner differences.

Motivating learners poses challenges, necessitating careful consideration. While the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) emphasizes autonomy, competence, and relatedness, it may understate external factors like cultural and socioeconomic conditions. Likewise, the Achievement Goal Theory provides insights into learners’ academic goals but may undervalue intrinsic interest and enjoyment in learning (Ryan & Deci, 2020).

Incorporation of Evidence-Based Best Practices to Enhance Learner Motivation

The stress management course for ADN nursing students integrates evidence-based strategies to boost learner motivation. Strategies drawn from Self-Determination Theory (SDT) and Growth Mindset theory aim to nurture learners’ autonomy, competence, and sense of belonging. Stress is portrayed as a challenge that can be tackled, promoting a growth mindset among students (Ryan & Deci, 2020).

Another key practice integrated into the course is Culturally Responsive Teaching. This approach acknowledges and respects cultural diversity, fostering a supportive environment where learners from various backgrounds feel valued and motivated to engage (Tambunan et al., 2020).

While these strategies are grounded in research and best practices, receptiveness to feedback and adaptability to meet individual learner needs are emphasized. Flexibility is essential to ensure that the teaching approach effectively caters to the unique characteristics and requirements of ADN nursing students. By being responsive and adaptable, an inclusive and motivating learning environment for stress management is aimed for.

Consideration of Barriers to Learning and Areas of Uncertainty

In the development and execution of educational programs, it is imperative to acknowledge and overcome potential hindrances to learning. Such barriers encompass linguistic and cultural disparities, divergent educational backgrounds, varying levels of technological proficiency, and time constraints.

Identification and Management of Learning Barriers

Students enter programs with differing levels of foundational knowledge and educational experiences. To alleviate this challenge, initial diagnostic assessments are implemented to pinpoint areas necessitating additional assistance, thereby customizing learning resources accordingly.

Language and cultural disparities may impede certain students, especially those not proficient in English or hailing from diverse cultural contexts. To counteract this, resources and support are offered in multiple languages wherever feasible, and the curriculum is designed to embrace cultural diversity.

The integration of technology in a blended learning setting might pose difficulties for students less adept with technology. This obstacle is managed through comprehensive orientations on utilizing the learning management system and other online tools. Continuous technical support is also provided to aid students encountering obstacles.

Balancing multiple responsibilities presents a time management challenge for some students. This is accommodated through the program’s flexibility, offering self-paced modules and recorded sessions that students can engage with at their convenience.

Identification and Management of Areas of Uncertainty and Knowledge Gaps

Given the dynamic nature of the nursing field, uncertainties and knowledge gaps may arise. To address this, the curriculum undergoes continuous updates and enhancements informed by the latest research and best practices. Additionally, fostering an environment of open communication encourages students to voice concerns, pose questions, and offer feedback, facilitating the prompt identification and resolution of emerging knowledge gaps.

Assessment Strategies

The assessment framework employed is diverse, aiming to provide a comprehensive evaluation of student learning and growth. A key aspect of the approach is the integration of cultural competence within nursing and healthcare education. It encompasses a blend of formative and summative assessments, supplemented by peer, self, and practical evaluations. These assessments serve not only to gauge knowledge acquisition but also to foster practical skills, critical thinking, and self-reflection.

Formative Assessments

Integral to the strategy are formative assessments, which offer continuous feedback to both students and instructors. This ongoing assessment facilitates the identification of areas requiring further elucidation or instruction, thereby enhancing the learning journey (van der Kleij, 2019). The relevance, currency, sufficiency, and credibility of the evidence underpinning these assessment methodologies are meticulously assessed. Examples of formative assessments include:

  • Quizzes: Regular quizzes allow students to assess their grasp of the material in a low-pressure environment, while providing instructors with immediate insights into areas needing reinforcement.
  • Reflective Journals: Encouraging students to maintain reflective journals fosters critical thinking about their learning process, enhancing understanding and retention.
  • Discussion Posts: Online discussions cultivate a sense of community, encourage active engagement, and offer platforms for exploring diverse viewpoints.
  • Group Activities: Collaborative group tasks enable peer learning, allowing students to learn from one another and solidify their comprehension of the material.

Summative Assessments

Summative assessments, conducted at the culmination of instructional periods, focus on evaluating student learning outcomes. Examples include:

  • Final Exams: These comprehensive assessments test students’ overall understanding and integration of course material.
  • Capstone Projects: Students undertake capstone projects to showcase their ability to apply and synthesize knowledge and skills acquired throughout the course.
  • Simulations: In the nursing domain, simulations provide a valuable means of assessing students’ competency in realistic yet controlled settings.

Peer and Self-Assessments

Incorporating peer and self-assessment strategies promotes critical thinking and self-reflection among students. These methods enable students to evaluate their own work and that of their peers, fostering constructive feedback and deepening the learning experience (Farrag, 2020).

Practical Assessments

Practical assessments are integral, particularly in nursing education, where hands-on skills are paramount. This approach ensures students can effectively translate theoretical knowledge into practical nursing proficiency (van der Kleij, 2019). Practical assessments include:

  • Clinical Practicums: Students apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings under supervision, honing and showcasing their practical skills.
  • Simulations: High-fidelity simulations replicate real-life scenarios, allowing students to demonstrate their abilities in a controlled, safe environment.


In conclusion, the stress management course for Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) students is meticulously designed to integrate evidence-based teaching and learning methods, address barriers to learning, and foster a conducive environment for student success. Drawing from educational theories like Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Learning Theory, the course emphasizes collaborative learning, critical reflection, and cultural sensitivity. Evidence-based practices such as blended learning, peer mediation, and self-guided learning are strategically incorporated to cater to the diverse needs of ADN students. Additionally, learner motivation is enhanced through strategies grounded in Self-Determination Theory (SDT) and Growth Mindset theory, alongside Culturally Responsive Teaching practices. Continuous updates and feedback mechanisms ensure the curriculum remains relevant and effective, while comprehensive assessment strategies aim to evaluate student learning comprehensively. By embracing these approaches, the stress management course endeavors to equip ADN nursing students with the essential skills and knowledge to thrive in their academic and professional endeavors.


Ay, C., Yurt, N., & Canbazoglu Bilici, S. (2019). The effect of peer mediation training on interpersonal problem solving skills and social skills. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 19(6), 83-103.

Brottman, M. R., Chae, D. H., & Hill, L. M. (2019). Teaching culturally competent care: Using simulation in a diverse clinical setting. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 28, 38-43.

Farrag, M. A. (2020). Strategies to improve nursing students’ performance in summative assessment. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 10(3), 98-105.

Khojanashvili, D., Bjørgen, D., Širbegović, S., & Ulleberg, P. (2023). Blended learning: Impact on academic performance and student satisfaction. Computers & Education, 185, 104030.

Madsgaard, M., Kjaergaard, H. H., & Hartmeyer, S. L. (2022). Supporting self-guided learning in nursing education: An exploratory study of students’ and instructors’ perspectives. Nurse Education in Practice, 59, 103256.

Oliveira, A. W., Silva, L. G., & Lopes, T. P. (2023). The zone of proximal development in educational psychology: A systematic review. Education and Information Technologies, 28(2), 2433-2457.

Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2020). Self-determination theory: Basic psychological needs in motivation, development, and wellness. Guilford Publications.

Saifan, A. R., Abu-Shanab, E., & Nazzal, A. (2021). Self-regulated learning strategies used by nursing students: A review. Nurse Education in Practice, 53, 103083.

Shoghi, M., Moghaddam, M. F., & Khosravan, S. (2019). Developing a growth mindset in the classroom: Strategies for teaching resilience. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 56(4), 444-452.

Taber, K. S. (2020). The use of Cronbach’s alpha when developing and reporting research instruments in science education. Research in Science Education, 50(3), 1273-1296.

Tambunan, A. R., Ramdhani, M. A., & Riyanto, Y. (2020). An analysis of students’ self-regulation in learning mathematics viewed from mindset learning theories. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1467(1), 012023.

Valderama‐Wallace, C. P., & Apesoa‐Varano, E. C. (2020). Cultural competence in nursing education: Practical approaches for an increasingly diverse population. Journal of Nursing Education, 59(11), 601-603.

van der Kleij, F. M. (2019). The impact of formative assessment practices on student learning outcomes: A study on student perceptions and motivation. Educational Research Review, 28, 100290.

Wang, L., Ye, B., Zhou, J., Liu, X., & Zhang, Y. (2019). The role of transformative learning in a critical nursing education program. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 14(4), 217-220.

Detailed Assessment Instructions for the NURS FPX 6105 Assessment Strategies and Complete Course Plan Assignment


Create a 12–15-page complete teaching plan, synthesizing previous work with an assessment plan for the course to create a cohesive whole.

Note: Assessments in this course build on each other and must be completed in sequential order.

Assessment is a key to teaching and learning. In this assessment, you will select meaningful ways to assess the teaching and learning in the course you have been designing, and will tie together each of the parts of your course design.

The Assessment 4 Context document contains important information about the following topics:

Teaching and Technology.

Assessment Practices.

Evidence-based Teaching.

Best Practices in Nursing Education.

  • Assessment Instructions
  • Note: Assessments in this course build on each other and must be completed in sequential order.
  • For this assessment, you will build an assessment plan of your own that fits with your course plan. Your assessment plan should blend seamlessly into the course components that you have already designed. To that end, you will consolidate the work you have already completed in earlier assessments with the assessment plan here in order to create a clear, concise, focused teaching plan that meets the needs of the content, learner population, and environment.
  • Preparation

Take time to reflect on the following questions as you craft your assessment plan for your course, conducting additional research as necessary.

What types of assessment do you believe are most appropriate for your educational topic and intended audience?

How will you evaluate whether or not learning outcomes were accomplished?

Do the assessments you selected support cultural competence?


As you select the assessments that you will use, what is your rationale for the type of assessments you will use? Explain how these assessments support differences in learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic)?

Also, before completing your final, complete course plan, be sure to make any necessary changes or improvements based on what you have learned over the course overall.

(Optional) Practice implementing these considerations in the Vila Health challenge provided in the Resources before beginning your work here.

  • Instructions
  • Create a complete teaching plan for your course that fuses together all previous course components and includes the addition of a detailed assessment plan.
  • Your complete teaching plan should provide:
  • An overview of the course topic, environment, and learner population.

An explanation of the learner outcomes for the course as well as the learning theory or theories that are the foundation of the course.

An incorporation of evidence-based best practices to enhance learner motivation in your selected learning environment and format.


A consideration of barriers to learning when designing and developing educational programs and an integration of cultural competence in nursing and healthcare educational offerings.

A logical, well-designed assessment plan that addresses these points:

A selection of assessment types that are most appropriate for the content, environment, and learner population.

  • An explanation of how you will evaluate whether or not learning outcomes were accomplished in the course, and how assessments will demonstrate that learners have learned as intended.
  • An analysis of how your selected assessment types support cultural competence as well as fit for learners with varied learning styles.
  • Organize your plan as follows:
  • Title page.
  • Table of Contents.
  • An overview of your course (topic, setting audience, and so on).

Learning Theories and Diversity (Assessment 1).

  • Teaching Strategies (Assessment 2).
  • Management and Motivation (Assessment 3).
  • Assessment Strategies (designed in this Assessment).



  • Appendices.
  • Your completed plan should be clear and flow together well. It should show cohesion, understanding, and the application of best practices, and all writing should be professional and free of errors.
  • Additional Requirements
  • Format: 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font, double-spaced in Microsoft Word.
  • Length: 12–15 pages, plus a title page and a references page.
  • Use correct APA format, including running head, page numbers, and a title page.
  • Use and cite at least 10 references, and at least five of them from peer-reviewed journals that are not required for this course.
  • Writing should be free of grammar and spelling errors that distract from content.
  • Suggested Resources
  • The resources provided here are optional. You may use other resources of your choice to prepare for this assessment; however, you will need to ensure that they are appropriate, credible, and valid. The MSN-FP6105 Library Guide can help direct your research, and the Supplemental Resources and Research Resources, both linked from the left navigation menu in your courseroom, provide additional resources to help support you.

Preparation for Assessment


Vila Health: Developing an Assessment Strategy | Transcript.


Simpson-Beck, V. (2011). Assessing classroom assessment techniquesActive Learning in Higher Education12(2), 125–132.

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