NURS 6052/5052 EB001 Where in the World Is Evidence-Based Practice Discussion Example

NURS 6052/5052 EB001 Module01 Where in the World Is Evidence-Based Practice Discussion AssignmentNURS 6052/5052 EB001 Module01 Where in the World Is Evidence-Based Practice Discussion Assignment

NURS 6052/5052 EB001 Where in the World Is Evidence-Based Practice Discussion Assignment Brief

Course: NURS 5052 – Essentials of Evidence-Based Practice

Assignment Title: NURS 6052/5052 EB001 Module01 Where in the World Is Evidence-Based Practice Discussion Assignment

Assignment Overview

The purpose of this assignment is to explore the integration of evidence-based practice (EBP) within professional healthcare organizations by analyzing their respective websites. Students will critically examine the presence and extent of EBP within these organizations, evaluate the grounding of their work in EBP principles, and reflect on how this information influences their perception of the organizations.

Assignment Objectives

  • Review and reflect on the definition and goal of evidence-based practice (EBP) in healthcare.
  • Analyze a professional healthcare organization’s website to identify instances of EBP implementation.
  • Evaluate the extent to which the organization’s work is grounded in evidence-based practice.
  • Reflect on the impact of the organization’s commitment to EBP on one’s perception of the healthcare organization.

The Student’s Role

As a student in NURS 6052/5052 EB001: Essentials of Evidence-Based Practice, your role is to critically engage with healthcare organization websites to assess their adoption of EBP. By examining the mission, vision, philosophy, goals, and other relevant sections of the website, you will identify and analyze instances where EBP is evident. Subsequently, you will evaluate whether the organization’s activities are firmly grounded in EBP principles and consider the implications of this for healthcare quality and outcomes.

Competencies Measured

  • Ability to recognize and assess the application of evidence-based practice (EBP) in healthcare settings.
  • Capacity to critically evaluate organizational commitments to EBP based on website content.
  • Proficiency in articulating the influence of EBP adoption on one’s perception of healthcare organizations.
  • Skill in synthesizing information from diverse sources to inform professional practice and decision-making.

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NURS 6052/5052 EB001 Where in the World Is Evidence-Based Practice Discussion Example


In today’s healthcare landscape, evidence-based practice (EBP) is essential for delivering high-quality care and improving patient outcomes. By aligning clinical decisions with the best available evidence, healthcare organizations can ensure that their practices are effective and informed. This paper explores the commitment of healthcare organizations towards EBP, focusing specifically on the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). By analyzing their respective websites and organizational strategies, we can gain deeper insights into how these entities integrate EBP principles into their work to address critical healthcare challenges.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP): A Closer Look

The AFSP is a leading organization dedicated to preventing suicide and promoting mental health awareness. A visit to their website reveals a comprehensive approach grounded in evidence-based principles. For instance, the AFSP’s emphasis on suicide statistics reflects their commitment to understanding the scope of the problem through empirical data (AFSP, 2020). Furthermore, the organization’s tailored prevention programs for specific populations, such as veterans and LGBTQ individuals, are developed based on the latest research findings in suicide prevention (AFSP, 2020).

Evidence-Based Utilization at AFSP

The AFSP’s mental health first aid program is a prime example of evidence-based utilization. This program equips individuals with practical skills derived from evidence-based guidelines to recognize signs of distress and provide appropriate support (AFSP, 2020). By integrating evidence into their programs, the AFSP ensures that their interventions are not only effective but also aligned with best practices in mental health care.

Grounding in EBP

The AFSP’s strong grounding in EBP is evident in its research initiatives. The organization actively funds studies focused on prevention, interventions, and treatments related to suicide (AFSP, 2020). By supporting research, the AFSP contributes to the generation of new evidence that informs their programs and advocacy efforts. Additionally, the AFSP’s engagement in public policy advocacy underscores its commitment to translating research findings into actionable policies that promote suicide prevention at local, state, and national levels.

Perception of AFSP

Exploring the AFSP’s website has deepened my perception of the organization. Previously viewed primarily as a resource for suicide prevention, I now recognize the AFSP as a pioneer in evidence-based mental health interventions. The organization’s holistic approach, combining research, advocacy, and community engagement, underscores its leadership in promoting evidence-based practices to address a critical public health issue.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Unveiling EBP Practices

As a premier public health agency, the CDC plays a pivotal role in disease prevention and control both domestically and globally. A review of the CDC’s website reveals a robust commitment to evidence-based practices across its programs and initiatives.

Evidence-Based Utilization at CDC

The CDC’s approach to disease surveillance exemplifies evidence-based utilization. The agency collects and analyzes data on notifiable diseases, enabling evidence-based interventions to contain outbreaks and prevent further transmission (CDC, 2019). By leveraging research and technology, the CDC stays at the forefront of public health responses, ensuring that their strategies are informed by the best available evidence.

Grounding in EBP

The CDC’s foundation in EBP is reflected in its scientific approach to public health. Through rigorous research and evaluation, the CDC generates evidence that informs policy decisions and public health recommendations (CDC, 2019). The agency’s collaboration with national and international partners further strengthens its evidence-based initiatives, demonstrating a commitment to promoting health equity and improving population health outcomes.

Perception of CDC

Exploring the CDC’s website has reaffirmed my perception of the agency as a global leader in evidence-based public health. The CDC’s systematic integration of research into practice underscores its effectiveness in addressing complex health challenges. By translating evidence into action, the CDC plays a pivotal role in safeguarding public health and promoting well-being on a global scale.


In conclusion, the analysis of the AFSP and CDC websites highlights the critical importance of evidence-based practice in healthcare organizations. Both entities demonstrate a strong commitment to integrating research findings into their programs and initiatives, underscoring the transformative impact of EBP on healthcare delivery. By embracing evidence-based principles, these organizations contribute to improving patient outcomes, advancing public health, and addressing pressing healthcare needs in innovative ways. As future nursing professionals, understanding and advocating for evidence-based practice will be essential in driving positive change and promoting excellence in healthcare delivery.


American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. (2020). About AFSP. Retrieved February 26, 2020, from

Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (2019). Mission, Role and Pledge. Retrieved  February 26 ,  2020 from

Kim, S. C., Stichler, J. F., Ecoff, L., Brown, C. E., Gallo, A.-M., & Davidson, J. E. (2016). Predictors of evidence-based practice implementation, job satisfaction, and group cohesion among regional fellowship program participants. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 13(5), 340–348. doi:10.1111/wvn.12171

Melnyk, B. M., Fineout-Overholt, E., Stillwell, S. B., & Williamson, K. M. (2010). Evidence-based practice: Step by step. The seven steps of evidence-based practice. American Journal of Nursing, 110(1), 51–53. doi:10.1097/01.NAJ.0000366056.06605.d2.

Melnyk, B., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

Response to Colleague 1

After reviewing your analysis of the AFSP’s website, I found additional examples of evidence-based practice (EBP) integration within the organization’s programs. One notable aspect is the AFSP’s emphasis on offering evidence-based interventions tailored to specific populations, such as veterans and LGBTQ individuals. These targeted programs reflect a nuanced understanding of diverse needs and preferences, aligning with EBP principles by incorporating research findings into practice. Furthermore, the AFSP’s commitment to funding research grants for prevention studies underscores its dedication to advancing EBP in the field of suicide prevention.

Response to Colleague 2

Upon visiting the CDC website as discussed in your post, I observed several examples of evidence-based practice (EBP) in action. One compelling instance is the CDC’s use of epidemiological data to inform public health interventions. By collecting and analyzing disease surveillance data, the CDC identifies trends and patterns that guide evidence-based strategies to prevent and control disease outbreaks. Additionally, the CDC’s collaboration with state agencies to report notifiable diseases demonstrates a systematic approach to integrating research into public health practice, reinforcing the agency’s commitment to EBP.

Detailed Assessment Instructions for the NURS 6052/5052 EB001 Where in the World Is Evidence-Based Practice Discussion Assignment

Discussion: Where in the World Is Evidence-Based Practice?

March 21, 2010, was not EBP’s date of birth, but it may be the date the approach “grew up” and left home to take on the world.

When the Affordable Care Act was passed, it came with a requirement of empirical evidence. Research on EBP increased significantly. Application of EBP spread to allied health professions, education, healthcare technology, and more. Health organizations began to adopt and promote EBP.

In this Discussion, you will consider this adoption. You will examine healthcare organization websites and analyze to what extent these organizations use EBP NURS 5052/NURS 6052/NURS 6052N/NRSE 6052C/NURS 6052C/NURS 5052C/NURS 6052A/NRSE 6052A: Essentials of Evidence-Based Practice.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and reflect on the definition and goal of EBP.
  • Choose a professional healthcare organization’s website (e.g., a reimbursing body, an accredited body, or a national initiative).
  • Explore the website to determine where and to what extent EBP is evident.

By Day 3 of Week 1

Post a description of the healthcare organization website you reviewed. Describe where, if at all, EBP appears (e.g., the mission, vision, philosophy, and/or goals of the healthcare organization, or in other locations on the website). Then, explain whether this healthcare organization’s work is grounded in EBP and why or why not. Finally, explain whether the information you discovered on the healthcare organization’s website has changed your perception of the healthcare organization. Be specific and provide examples.

By Day 6 of Week 1

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by visiting the websites they shared and offering additional examples of EBP or alternative views/interpretations to those shared in your colleagues’ posts.

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 1 Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 3 and Respond by Day 6 of Week 1

To participate in this Discussion:

Week 1 Discussion

Learning Resources

Note: To access this module’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.

Required Readings

Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2023). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (5th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

  • Chapter 1, “Making the Case for Evidence-Based Practice and Cultivating a Spirit of Inquiry” (pp. 7–32)

Boller, J. (2017). Nurse educators: Leading health care to the quadruple aim sweet spot. Journal of Nursing Education, 56(12), 707–708. doi:10.3928/01484834-20171120-01

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Crabtree, E., Brennan, E., Davis, A., & Coyle, A. (2016). Improving patient care through nursing engagement in evidence-based practice. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 13(2), 172–175. doi:10.1111/wvn.12126 NURS 5052/NURS 6052/NURS 6052N/NRSE 6052C/NURS 6052C/NURS 5052C/NURS 6052A/NRSE 6052A: Essentials of Evidence-Based Practice

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Kim, S. C., Stichler, J. F., Ecoff, L., Brown, C. E., Gallo, A.-M., & Davidson, J. E. (2016). Predictors of evidence-based practice implementation, job satisfaction, and group cohesion among regional fellowship program participants. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 13(5), 340–348. doi:10.1111/wvn.12171

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Melnyk, B. M., Fineout-Overholt, E., Stillwell, S. B., & Williamson, K. M. (2010). Evidence-based practice: Step by step. The seven steps of evidence-based practice. American Journal of Nursing, 110(1), 51–53. doi:10.1097/01.NAJ.0000366056.06605.d2

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Melnyk, B. M., Gallagher-Ford, L., Long, L. E., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2014). The establishment of evidence-based practice competencies for practicing registered nurses and advanced practice nurses in real-world clinical settings: Proficiencies to improve healthcare quality, reliability, patient outcomes, and costs. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 11(1), 5–15. doi:10.1111/wvn.12021

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Sikka, R., Morath, J. M., & Leape, L. (2015). The Quadruple Aim: Care, health, cost and meaning in work. BMJ Quality & Safety, 24, 608–610. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2015-004160

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Walden University Library. (n.d.-a). Databases A-Z: Nursing. Retrieved September 6, 2019, from

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice and Research [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

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