NURS 3110A – Information Management and Patient Care Technology Course Guide & Examples

NURS 3110A - Information Management and Patient Care Technology Course Guide & ExamplesNURS 3110A – Information Management and Patient Care Technology Course Guide & Examples

NURS 3110A – Information Management and Patient Care Technology Course (5 credits)

  • IM3001A Informatics in Healthcare
    • Recognize the importance of nursing informatics in healthcare and how it impacts the nurse’s role and the healthcare institution.
  • IM3002A Clinical Data Evaluation
    • Evaluate clinical data to support evidence-based decision-making related to safe, quality healthcare delivery. 
  • IM3003A Protecting Patient Privacy
    • Use strategies to ensure the protection of patient data and privacy.
  • IM3004A Healthcare Technology and Informed Decision Making
    • Create educational plans in collaboration with patients based on information from healthcare technology.

NURS 3110 Information Management and Patient Care Technology Course Readings

After clicking on a citation below, enter your myWalden user name and password at the prompt.

Please Ask a Librarian if you have any questions about the links.

Adler-Milstein, J., Kvedar, J., & Bates, D. W. (2014). Telehealth among US hospitals: Several factors, including state reimbursement and licensure policies, influence adoption. Health Affairs, 33(2), 207-15.

Eadie, C. (2014). Health literacy: A conceptual review. MEDSURG Nursing, 23(1), 1-13.

Grady, J. (2014) CE: Telehealth: A case study in disruptive innovation. American Journal of Nursing, 114(4), 38-45.

Harris, L., Thomas, V., & Fox, M. (2015). The influence of health care literacy on the use of PHRs among older adults. MEDSURG Nursing, 24(4), 283-285.

Hunter, K. M., McGonigle, D. M., & Hebda, T. L. (2013). TIGER-based measurement of nursing informatics competencies: The development and implementation of an online tool for self-assessment. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 3(12), 70.

Huston, C. (2013). The impact of emerging technology on nursing care: Warp speed ahead. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 18(2), 1-15.

Liebner, L.T. (2015). I can’t read that! Improving perioperative literacy for ambulatory surgical patients. AORN Journal, 101(4), 416-427.

McCartney, P. (2014). Human factors, usability, and the electronic health record. MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing, 39(5), 333.

Seaman, J. B., & Erlen, J. A. (2015). Workarounds in the workplace: A second look. Orthopaedic Nursing, 34(4), 235-240.

Other Readings

Optional or supplemental readings may or may not be available in the library. Find further information about optional readings here.

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NURS 3110 Information Management and Patient Care Technology Study Guides & Discussion Essay Assignment Papers

Nursing informatics supports nursing practice in education, administration, research, patient safety, quality outcomes, core standards, and nurse-sensitive outcomes. In this course, students emphasize the meaningful use of information technology in the delivery of nursing services, including the collection, storage, retrieval, and communication of data; information system safeguards; ethical and legal issues; and information management to promote patient safety and quality of care.

IM3001A Informatics in Healthcare Module Pre-Assessments

 IM3001A Module 2 Pre-Assessment Assignment Example

Module Pre-Assessments are your opportunity to practice applying module content before final submission of your Competency Assessment. For your final Competency Assessment, you will address scenarios related to the importance of nursing informatics in healthcare.

For your Module 2 Pre-Assessment, respond to the following prompts. These prompts match those in your final Assessment. Be sure to support your responses with evidence from scholarly literature.


Write a 1- to 2-page information sheet that addresses the following scenario:

You are responsible for orienting several new graduates to your nursing unit. The new hires are scheduled to begin an orientation session with the health informatics department. Prior to the orientation, the new hires need to gain a baseline understanding of the history and evolution of nursing informatics.

To assist with their understanding, create a new-hire information sheet that addresses the following topics (1–2 pages):

  • Describe the key components that contribute to the definition of nursing informatics.
  • Provide a brief explanation of the historical evolution of health informatics in general.
  • Describe the aspects of healthcare that the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act sought to improve when it was signed into law.
  • Explain the concept of meaningful use.

IM3001A Module 2 Pre-Assessment Nursing Informatics Introduction and Evolution Essay Example


Nursing informatics (NI) is a specialized field that combines nursing science with information management and analytical sciences. The goal of nursing informatics is to identify, define, manage, and communicate data, information, knowledge, and wisdom within nursing practice. By integrating these elements, nursing informatics supports nurses, patients, healthcare teams, and other stakeholders across various roles and settings. This support is facilitated through the effective use of information structures, processes, and technology, ultimately helping to achieve desired healthcare outcomes (American Nurses Association, 2015).

Key Components of Nursing Informatics

Nursing informatics is a specialized field that integrates nursing science with information management and analytical sciences to improve patient care. Key components contributing to the definition of nursing informatics include data, which are raw, unprocessed facts without context such as vital signs and lab results; information, which is processed and structured data providing context, like a patient’s temperature readings over time; knowledge, which is the synthesis of information to establish relationships and provide deeper understanding, such as understanding how temperature changes correlate with patient conditions; and wisdom, which is the application of knowledge to make informed clinical decisions and solve complex health problems, reflected in the clinical judgments made by nurses based on accumulated knowledge and experience (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2017).

Historical Evolution of Health Informatics

The field of health informatics has evolved significantly over the decades. The exploration of computers to aid in diagnosing medical conditions began during World War II. In the 1950s, the convergence of biophysics, epidemiology, clinical documentation, and biometry led to the establishment of the International Society of Cybernetic Medicine Congress. The 1960s saw the development of early electronic health record (EHR) systems, including the first operational EHR at the University of Utah. Increased portability of computers in the 1970s-1980s made them more useful in healthcare settings. The 2000s recognized technology’s potential to revolutionize healthcare, with President George W. Bush setting a goal in 2004 for widespread EHR adoption. In 2009, the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act was signed into law by President Barack Obama, significantly boosting health informatics development and implementation (Braunstein, 2018).

The HITECH Act: Goals and Impact

The HITECH Act of 2009 was a pivotal piece of legislation aimed at promoting the adoption and meaningful use of health information technology. Key objectives of the HITECH Act included enhancing healthcare quality and safety by encouraging the adoption of EHRs to improve the quality, safety, and efficiency of healthcare delivery; closing HIPAA loopholes by strengthening privacy and security protections for health information; providing grants and loans to healthcare providers to support the adoption and implementation of EHR systems; and establishing programs to test and certify health information technology to ensure it meets rigorous standards (Blumenthal, 2010).

Meaningful Use: Definition and Objectives

The concept of “meaningful use” was introduced as part of the HITECH Act to ensure that EHRs were used effectively to improve patient care. Meaningful use includes several stages and criteria that healthcare providers must meet: Stage 1 focused on capturing patient data in a standardized format and sharing this information to improve patient care; Stage 2 emphasized increasing the use of EHRs for tracking patient information and improving care coordination; and Stage 3 focused on improving health outcomes by using EHRs to engage patients and families, ensuring safer and more efficient care. The meaningful use program offered financial incentives to encourage healthcare providers to adopt and use EHR systems. Providers had to demonstrate compliance with specific criteria to receive these incentives, promoting widespread EHR adoption (, 2020).


Understanding the foundational components and historical evolution of nursing informatics, the objectives of the HITECH Act, and the concept of meaningful use will provide a solid baseline as new hires begin their orientation. Nursing informatics plays a crucial role in modern healthcare, enhancing patient care quality and efficiency through the effective use of technology. This foundational knowledge will support new hires as they integrate into the team and leverage informatics to deliver exceptional patient care.


American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing informatics: Scope and standards of practice (2nd ed.). Silver Spring, MD:

Blumenthal, D. (2010). Launching HITECH. The New England Journal of Medicine, 362(5), 382-385.

Braunstein, M. L. (2018). Health informatics in the cloud. Springer. (2020). Meaningful use definition & objectives. Retrieved from

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2017). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

IM3001A Module 3 Pre-Assessment Assignment Example

IM3001A Module 3 Pre-Assessment (PDF)

Module Pre-Assessments are your opportunity to practice applying module content before final submission of your Competency Assessment. For your final Competency Assessment, you will address scenarios related to the importance of nursing informatics in healthcare.

For your Module 3 Pre-Assessment, respond to the following prompts. These prompts match those in your final Assessment. Be sure to support your responses with evidence from scholarly literature.



A patient approaches you after her consultation with her physician. Her physician had reviewed her electronic health record with her during the consultation. The patient realized that some of the information in her EHR was incorrect. The patient asks you to make changes to this information. Is this possible? Why or why not? Write a 1-page response that includes the following:

  • Describe what you would tell the patient in this scenario regarding making changes to her electronic health record (EHR).
  • Explain your reasons for responding to the patient in the way you describe.
  • Be sure to reference any legal requirements related to EHRs.

IM3001A Module 3 Pre-Assessment Response to Patient Regarding Changes to Electronic Health Record (EHR) Example

Explanation to the Patient:

In response to your request to make changes to your Electronic Health Record (EHR), I understand your concerns and the importance of having accurate information in your health records. However, it is important to follow a structured process to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the EHR system.

First, I must inform you that neither you nor I have the authority to directly alter the EHR. This restriction exists to maintain the reliability and trustworthiness of the information stored within the healthcare system. The information in your EHR is protected and regulated by strict guidelines and laws to ensure it accurately reflects your medical history and current health status (, 2018).

If you have identified incorrect or outdated information in your EHR, the appropriate course of action is to notify your healthcare provider. You should detail the inaccuracies you have found and provide any supporting documentation if available. Your healthcare provider will then review the information and, if necessary, initiate a formal amendment process to correct the errors (McBride et al., 2018).

Reasons for the Response:

Legal and Ethical Guidelines

The integrity of EHRs is protected by legal frameworks such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States. HIPAA sets standards for the protection of health information and governs how patient information should be handled to ensure confidentiality, accuracy, and security. Unauthorized alterations to the EHR can lead to serious legal consequences and compromise the trustworthiness of the healthcare system (Office for Civil Rights, 2013).

Ensuring Patient Safety

Accurate and up-to-date health records are crucial for delivering effective healthcare. Inaccurate information can mislead healthcare providers, potentially resulting in inappropriate treatments, medication errors, or misdiagnoses. Following the formal amendment process ensures that any corrections made to the EHR are verified and documented appropriately, thereby maintaining the safety and well-being of the patient (Bowman, 2013).

Maintaining Data Integrity

EHR systems are designed to create a reliable and permanent record of a patient’s medical history. Allowing unauthorized changes to these records would undermine their integrity and could lead to a breakdown in the continuity of care. The established protocols for amending EHRs are in place to preserve the accuracy and reliability of the information, ensuring that all modifications are traceable and accountable (, 2018).

Legal Requirements and Processes

Under HIPAA, patients have the right to request corrections to their health information. This request must be made in writing, and the healthcare provider must respond within a designated timeframe. The provider may deny the request if they believe the information is accurate and complete, but they must provide a written explanation for the denial. If the request is accepted, the provider will amend the record and inform the patient of the correction. This formal process ensures transparency and accountability in maintaining EHRs (Office for Civil Rights, 2013).

Ethical Considerations

From an ethical standpoint, healthcare providers have a duty to uphold the principles of beneficence and non-maleficence, ensuring that actions taken are in the best interest of the patient and do no harm. Ensuring the accuracy of health records aligns with these principles, as it supports the delivery of high-quality care and protects the patient from potential harm due to erroneous information (McBride et al., 2018).


In summary, while the process of correcting errors in your EHR may seem cumbersome, it is designed to protect your health and ensure the accuracy and integrity of your medical information. I encourage you to discuss the inaccuracies with your healthcare provider, who can guide you through the formal amendment process. This approach ensures that any corrections made are appropriately documented and verified, maintaining the trust and reliability of the healthcare system.


Bowman, S. (2013). Impact of electronic health record systems on information integrity: quality and safety implications. Perspectives in Health Information Management, 10(Fall). Retrieved from (2018). The benefits of electronic health records (EHRs). Retrieved from

McBride, S., Tietze, M., Robichaux, C., & Stokes, L. (2018). Nursing informatics for the advanced practice nurse: Patient safety, quality, outcomes, and interprofessionalism. Springer Publishing Company.

Office for Civil Rights (OCR). (2013). Summary of the HIPAA privacy rule. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved from

IM3002A Module 2 Pre-Assessment Assignment Example

Walden University Clinical Data Evaluation Presentation


****CREATE A 12-TO 15-SLIDE PRESENTATION (EXCLUDING THE COVER AND REFERENCE SLIDES) that presents performance comparisons for two healthcare facilities. (POWERPOINT TEMPLATE ATTACHED, ALSO a PAPER wrote on the comparison)


The administrator for your healthcare organization is asking nurse leaders to understand how quality of care is measured as well as determine what each nurse can do to make an impact on areas that need improvement in healthcare organizations. Each nurse leader is asked to gather pertinent data used to measure quality of care from two organizations of the same category and to compare this data to assess performance. State and national averages should be identified when using the benchmark data from the Compare sites and should be used to compile a presentation to the hospital administrator.

In response to your administrator’s request, you will create a presentation that will highlight performance comparisons for the two healthcare organizations you selected.

To begin:

  1. Select one healthcare organization category you will focus on from the following categories: HOSPITAL
  2. Visit the Compare site for your chosen category and select two organizations to compare. Compare EMORY HOSPITAL AND GRADY HOSPITAL The link posted below is the compare website for emory and grady hospital…
  3. When you compare your two chosen organizations, only focus on one of the data/survey types:
    • If you chose two Hospitals, focus on one of the following to compare:
      • Survey of Patient Experiences
      • Timely and Effective Care
      • Complications & Death
  4. As you review the data on your two chosen organizations, consider your clinical experiences and brainstorm on what the data may be highlighting and indicating relative to each healthcare organization’s performance. Also consider how systems thinking can be applied to understand and improve performance measures.

The Presentation:

With your two healthcare organizations in mind, complete and submit a presentation that contains the following sections:

  • Cover slide with name and title (1 slide)
  • Using a systems thinking perspective, identify and describe potential factors that may account for differences in performance measures. (2–3 slides)( Please read systems thinking attached)
  • Evaluate how these differences in performance measures might impact nursing practice. (2–3 slides)
  • Analyze the effect of publicly reported data on the quality and safety of care for the healthcare organization category you chose to analyze (either hospitals, nursing homes, OR home health agencies). Be sure to make reference to core measures in your analysis. (2 slides)
  • Describe and compare the publicly reported data on the quality and safety of care for the TWO healthcare organizations you selected. Be sure to focus on one survey or data area for your description and comparison. (4 slides)
  • Provide recommendations that are supported by the research literature for clinical decision systems that may potentially explain why the healthcare organizations are performing well, including an explanation of what you as a nurse leader might continue doing to sustain a high level of performance. Alternatively, explain why the healthcare organizations are not meeting standards, including an explanation of what you as a nurse leader might do to help reach standards in the selected healthcare organizations. Be sure to cite at least 3 scholarly resources to support your recommendations. (2–3 slides)
  • Reference slide that cites all resources consulted and used to support the development of your presentation (1 slide)

Performance Comparisons for Two Healthcare Facilities Presentation Example

Cover Slide

Title: Performance Comparison of Emory Hospital and Grady Hospital

Name: [Your Name]

Course: IM3002A Module 2 Pre-Assessment

Date: [Date]

Slide 1: Introduction

  • Objective: Compare Emory and Grady Hospitals using “Survey of Patient Experiences.”
  • Importance: Identifying areas for improvement to enhance nursing practice and patient care.
Speaker Notes:

The purpose of this presentation is to compare the performance of Emory Hospital and Grady Hospital using publicly reported data, focusing on the “Survey of Patient Experiences.” By analyzing this data, the aim is to identify areas for improvement and suggest evidence-based strategies to enhance nursing practice and patient care.

Slide 2: Systems Thinking Overview

  • Definition: Understanding healthcare systems as interconnected wholes.
  • Importance: Identifying how different factors influence performance measures.
Speaker Notes:

Systems thinking involves understanding the healthcare system as an interconnected whole, where each part influences the others. In the context of hospitals, it includes considering how various factors such as staff training, patient demographics, hospital policies, and external regulations affect performance measures. This helps understand how factors like staff training and hospital policies impact performance.

Slide 3: Factors Affecting Performance

  • Staff Training and Education
  • Patient Demographics
  • Hospital Policies and Procedures
  • External Regulations and Accreditation

Speaker Notes:

Several factors affect hospital performance, including staff training, patient demographics, hospital policies, and external regulations. These elements significantly influence patient experiences and outcomes.

  • Staff Training and Education: Differences in staff qualifications and ongoing training programs can impact patient experiences.
  • Patient Demographics: Variations in patient populations, including socioeconomic status and health literacy, may influence survey responses.
  • Hospital Policies and Procedures: Distinct approaches to patient care, discharge planning, and follow-up can lead to different patient experiences.
  • External Regulations and Accreditation: Compliance with regulatory standards and accreditation requirements can affect overall performance.

Slide 4: Interaction of Factors

  • Example: Improved staff training leads to better patient communication.
  • Result: Enhanced patient experiences.
Speaker Notes:

These factors interact in complex ways. For example, improved staff training can enhance patient communication, leading to better patient experiences. Understanding these interactions is key to improving hospital performance.

Slide 5: Impact on Nursing Practice

  • Patient-Centered Care
  • Professional Development
  • Quality Improvement Initiatives
Speaker Notes:

Nurses are central to delivering patient-centered care. By focusing on professional development and participating in quality improvement initiatives, nurses can significantly influence patient satisfaction and care quality.

  • Patient-Centered Care: Variations in patient experience scores highlight the need for continuous improvement in communication, empathy, and responsiveness to patient needs.
  • Professional Development: Ongoing education and professional development for nurses can directly influence patient satisfaction. Emphasizing skills such as active listening, cultural competence, and emotional intelligence can improve patient experiences.
  • Quality Improvement Initiatives: Nurses must be actively involved in quality improvement initiatives, using patient feedback to identify areas for enhancement and implementing evidence-based practices to address them.

Slide 6: Patient-Centered Care

  • Emphasis on communication, empathy, and responsiveness.
  • Goal: Enhance patient experiences.
Speaker Notes:

Patient-centered care involves effective communication, empathy, and responsiveness to patient needs. Improving these aspects can lead to higher patient satisfaction and better overall care experiences.

Slide 7: Professional Development

  • Importance of ongoing education.
  • Skills: Active listening, cultural competence, emotional intelligence.
Speaker Notes:

Continuous professional development is crucial for nurses. Skills such as active listening, cultural competence, and emotional intelligence are essential for improving patient interactions and experiences.

Slide 8: Quality Improvement Initiatives

  • Role of nurses in quality improvement.
  • Use of patient feedback to identify and address areas for enhancement.
Speaker Notes:

Nurses should be actively involved in quality improvement initiatives. By utilizing patient feedback, nurses can identify areas needing improvement and implement evidence-based practices to enhance care quality.

Slide 9: Effect of Publicly Reported Data

  • Transparency and Accountability
  • Informed Decision-Making
  • Core Measures
Speaker Notes:

Publicly reported data promotes transparency and accountability, encouraging hospitals to maintain high standards. It also helps patients make informed choices about their care, driving competition and quality improvement.

  • Transparency and Accountability: Publicly reported data increases transparency and holds healthcare organizations accountable for their performance. It encourages hospitals to maintain high standards and continuously strive for improvement.
  • Informed Decision-Making: Patients use publicly reported data to make informed choices about where to receive care. Hospitals with higher ratings are more likely to attract patients, creating a competitive environment that promotes quality and safety.
  • Core Measures: Core measures, such as patient safety indicators and care effectiveness, are critical in evaluating hospital performance. Public reporting of these measures drives hospitals to adhere to best practices and reduce adverse events.

Slide 10: Comparison of Emory and Grady Hospitals

  • Focus on “Survey of Patient Experiences.”
  • Emory: High marks in communication and responsiveness.
  • Grady: Needs improvement in nurse communication and pain management.
Speaker Notes:

We will compare Emory and Grady Hospitals based on the “Survey of Patient Experiences.”

  • Emory Hospital: Emory Hospital generally receives high marks for patient experiences, with notable strengths in communication with nurses and doctors, responsiveness of hospital staff, and cleanliness.
  • Grady Hospital: Grady Hospital shows room for improvement in several areas, including nurse communication and pain management. However, it performs well in discharge information and care transition.

Slide 11: Key Differences

  • Nurse Communication: Emory scores higher.
  • Pain Management: Grady needs improvement.
  • Discharge Planning: Both perform similarly.
Speaker Notes:

Key differences include nurse communication, where Emory scores higher, and pain management, where Grady needs improvement. Both hospitals perform similarly in discharge planning, with Grady showing slightly better results.

  • Nurse Communication: Emory Hospital scores higher in nurse communication, indicating more effective interactions between nurses and patients.
  • Pain Management: Grady Hospital needs to improve its pain management practices, as reflected in lower patient satisfaction scores.
  • Discharge Planning: Both hospitals perform similarly in discharge planning, but Grady’s patients report better experiences in receiving clear instructions.

Slide 12: Recommendations for Improvement

  • Enhance Nurse Communication
  • Update Pain Management Protocols
  • Improve Patient Education and Discharge Planning
  • Implement Clinical Decision Systems
Speaker Notes:

Recommendations include enhancing nurse communication, updating pain management protocols, improving patient education and discharge planning, and implementing clinical decision support systems to improve overall patient care.

Slide 13: Enhancing Nurse Communication

  • Invest in communication training programs.
  • Emory: Continue current practices.
  • Grady: Adopt new strategies.
Speaker Notes:

Both hospitals should invest in communication training programs. Emory should continue its successful practices, while Grady needs to adopt new strategies to enhance nurse-patient interactions.

Slide 14: Pain Management Protocols

  • Review and update protocols.
  • Equip nurses with skills for effective pain management.
Speaker Notes:

Grady Hospital should review and update its pain management protocols, ensuring that nurses are equipped with the necessary skills to effectively address patients’ pain and improve satisfaction.

Slide 15: Conclusion

  • Summary of key findings.
  • Emphasis on data-driven improvement.
  • Role of nurses in enhancing care quality.
Speaker Notes:

In conclusion, comparing the performance of Emory and Grady Hospitals reveals strengths and areas for improvement. By focusing on data-driven approaches and leveraging the role of nurses, we can enhance healthcare quality and patient satisfaction.

Slide 16: References

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