NURS 4115 GH4003 Communication and Collaboration With Diverse Cultures Paper Example

NURS 4115 GH4003 Communication and Collaboration With Diverse Cultures Paper AssignmentNURS 4115 GH4003 Communication and Collaboration With Diverse Cultures Paper Assignment

NURS 4115 GH4003 Communication and Collaboration With Diverse Cultures Assignment Brief

Course: NURS 4115 – Role of the Nurse in Public and Global Health

Assignment Title: NURS 4115 GH4003 Communication and Collaboration With Diverse Cultures Assignment

Understanding Assignment Objectives

The primary objective of this assignment is to enhance your understanding and ability to provide culturally competent care. As a nurse, it is crucial to recognize and respect the diverse cultural backgrounds of your patients. This task involves creating a podcast episode where you will discuss cultural competency in healthcare, focusing on high-quality care delivery to individuals from various cultural backgrounds.

The Student’s Role

In this assignment, you will take on the role of a nurse leader who is tasked with educating your peers on the importance of cultural competency in healthcare. Your goal is to highlight the diversity within your community and provide practical strategies to ensure that all patients receive respectful and effective care, regardless of their cultural background. You will:

  • Identify and describe different cultures within your community.
  • Analyze the interactions between these cultures and their impact on healthcare delivery.
  • Discuss how cultural differences can affect patient outcomes.
  • Offer strategies for you and your colleagues to enhance cultural awareness and sensitivity.
  • Encourage ongoing education and collaboration among healthcare professionals to foster a culturally competent healthcare environment.

Competencies Measured

This assignment measures several key competencies, including:

  • Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity: Demonstrating an understanding of various cultural beliefs, values, and practices and their implications for healthcare.
  • Communication Skills: Effectively conveying information about cultural competency in a clear, engaging, and informative manner.
  • Critical Thinking: Analyzing and interpreting the impact of cultural differences on patient care and outcomes.
  • Leadership and Advocacy: Promoting cultural competence among healthcare professionals and advocating for high-quality care for all patients.

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NURS 4115 GH4003 Communication and Collaboration With Diverse Cultures Paper Example


Welcome to my podcast on cultural competency in nursing. Today, I will explore the importance of understanding and integrating cultural differences into healthcare to ensure high-quality patient care. I will focus on identifying different cultures within our community, how cultural interactions affect patient outcomes, and strategies for nurses to provide culturally competent care.

Identifying Cultures in the Community

Our community is made of diverse collection of cultures, which includes a significant population of Hispanic and Asian individuals, as well as a growing Somali refugee community. Each of these groups brings unique cultural characteristics, languages, and traditions that impact their healthcare experiences.

Hispanic Community

The Hispanic community often shares cultural traits such as strong family bonds, a preference for traditional medicine, and the Spanish language. Family members are usually deeply involved in healthcare decisions, and there is often a reliance on herbal remedies and traditional healing practices.

Asian Community

The Asian community, comprising individuals from various countries such as China, India, and the Philippines, also exhibits distinct cultural traits. Respect for authority, the use of traditional medicine, and the importance of modesty are common. Language barriers can also be significant, with many older adults preferring to communicate in their native languages.

Somali Refugee Community

The Somali community, largely composed of Muslim individuals, adheres to religious practices that can influence healthcare, such as dietary restrictions and prayer routines. There is often a need for gender-specific care, where female patients may prefer female healthcare providers.

Interactions Among Cultures

Interactions among these diverse cultures can be complex. For example, the Hispanic community’s reliance on family for decision-making may clash with the more individualistic approach common in Western healthcare. Similarly, language barriers can lead to misunderstandings and decreased patient satisfaction.

Impact of Cultural Differences on Patient Outcomes

Cultural differences can significantly affect patient outcomes. Miscommunication due to language barriers or differing health beliefs can lead to non-compliance with medical advice, misdiagnosis, and overall poorer health outcomes. For instance, a Hispanic patient might not adhere to prescribed medications if they believe in using traditional remedies instead.

Strategies for Culturally Competent Care

To ensure culturally competent care, it is crucial for healthcare providers to be aware of the cultures they serve. This involves active listening, empathy, and a willingness to learn about and respect cultural differences. Here are some strategies:

  • Cultural Awareness Training: Regular training sessions can help healthcare workers understand the cultural nuances of the communities they serve. This training should cover language skills, cultural beliefs, and traditional practices.
  • Language Services: Providing interpreters and translated materials can bridge the communication gap. For example, having medical forms available in Spanish and Somali can enhance understanding and compliance.
  • Cultural Liaisons: Employing cultural liaisons who belong to the same cultural groups as the patients can facilitate better communication and trust.
  • Patient-Centered Care: Adopting a patient-centered approach where patients’ cultural needs and preferences are prioritized can improve outcomes. This might involve accommodating dietary restrictions or understanding the significance of family involvement in healthcare decisions.
  • Community Engagement: Engaging with the community through outreach programs and partnerships with local cultural organizations can provide valuable insights and foster trust.
  • Encouraging Colleagues: Encouraging colleagues to educate themselves about the cultures around them is vital. As nurse leaders, we must lead by example, promoting an environment of continuous learning and cultural sensitivity. Sharing resources, attending cultural competency workshops, and discussing cultural experiences in team meetings can enhance our collective ability to provide high-quality care.


In conclusion, providing culturally competent care is essential for ensuring positive health outcomes in our diverse community. By understanding and respecting cultural differences, employing effective communication strategies, and engaging with the community, we can enhance the quality of care we provide. Let’s commit to ongoing education and cultural sensitivity to better serve our patients.

Thank you for listening to this podcast. We hope you found it insightful and that it inspires you to take proactive steps in providing culturally competent care in your practice.

Detailed Assessment Instructions for the NURS 4115 GH4003 Communication and Collaboration With Diverse Cultures Assignment



For this Performance Task Assessment, you will create a podcast episode where you will discuss cultural competency and providing high quality care to those of varying cultures.

Submission Length: 5- to 7-minute podcast episode (audio recording)


To complete this Assessment, do the following:

  • Be sure to adhere to the indicated assignment length.

Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the SME will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.


All submissions must follow the conventions of scholarly writing. Properly formatted APA citations and references must be provided where appropriate. Submissions that do not meet these expectations will be returned without scoring.

Your response to this Performance Task should reflect the criteria provided in the Rubric and adhere to the required length. This Assessment requires submission of one (1) file. Save your file as follows: GH4003_firstinitial_lastname (for example, GH4003_J_Smith).

You may submit a draft of your assignment to the Turnitin Draft Check area to check for authenticity. When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.

Important Note: As a student taking this Competency, you agree that you may be required to submit your Assessment for textual similarity review to for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted Assessment materials will be included as source documents in the reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such materials. Use of the service is subject to the Usage Policy posted on the site.

Providing Culturally Competent Care

Consider the cultures that are represented in your area. Do you live in a rural, urban, or suburban area? Is there a particular religion or political affiliation that is prevalent? Is there an activity or lifestyle that has a specific knowledge and behavior set? Culture is not always related to race and ethnicity. It is also comprised of a group of people that share similar characteristics, knowledge, language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music, etc. As a nurse, it is your responsibility to provide high quality care to people from cultures different from your own and be aware of how culture might impact your ability to provide that care.

In this Performance Task Assessment, you will create a 5- to 7-minute audio recording “podcast episode” in which you discuss some of the cultures in your area and how you, as a nurse leader, can help to ensure that every patient receives high quality care. You will use the “Record Audio” function in Brightspace, which is found in the Submission Folder for the Competency Assessment.

In your podcast recording, address the following prompts. You may want to create an outline to guide you while recording. A written component, however, is not required for submission.

  • Identify two or more cultures that are represented in your community. Keep in mind the definition of culture and the fact that culture is not just about ethnicity.
  • Describe how the differing cultures in your community interact.
  • Explain how differences in culture can lead to poor patient outcomes.
  • Explain how you and your colleagues can ensure that you are aware of these cultures and interactions and the traditions and norms that could impact how you, as a nurse, provide care.
  • Encourage your colleagues to educate themselves about the cultures around them and how they, as nurse leaders, can use this information to provide high quality care.

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