NURS FPX 6414 Conference Poster Presentation Paper Example
NURS FPX 6414 Assessment 1 Conference Poster Presentation
NURS FPX 6414 Conference Poster Presentation Paper Assignment Brief
Course: NURS-FPX6414 Advancing Health Care Through Data Mining
Assignment Title: Analyzing the Use of Informatics Models in Healthcare: NURS FPX 6414 Assessment 1 Conference Poster Presentation
Assignment Instructions Overview
For this assignment, you will prepare a conference poster presentation for a specialty organization’s conference, such as Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI), American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL), American Nurses Association (ANA), or the National League for Nurses (NLN). Your presentation will focus on analyzing the use of informatics models, tools, and data management techniques in healthcare delivery to produce quality outcomes.
Understanding Assignment Objectives
This assignment aims to assess your ability to analyze the utilization of informatics models and data management techniques in healthcare delivery. You will demonstrate competency in articulating strategies for querying health information databases, creating various data representation methods, and communicating technical standards effectively.
The Student’s Role
As a nursing student, your role is to critically analyze the use of informatics models in healthcare delivery and communicate your findings effectively through a conference poster presentation. You will explore how data management techniques can enhance patient care outcomes and engage stakeholders in developing best practice strategies for care coordination.
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Abstract Part
Healthcare professionals continually strive to improve patient care, with patient safety being a top priority, particularly among the elderly population where falls pose a significant risk. Falls stand as the leading cause of unintentional mortality among individuals aged 65 and over in the United States, resulting in millions of emergency room visits annually (CDC, 2020). Factors such as confusion, mobility issues, and urgency in urination contribute to the heightened risk of falls among the elderly, especially during hospital stays (LeLaurin & Shorr, 2019). Research suggests a substantial number of falls occurring within hospital settings, with prevalence rates ranging from 3.5 to 9.5 per 1000 bed days (LeLaurin & Shorr, 2019). Galet et al. (2018) found that mental or physical impairments, including incontinence, increase the risk of falls among hospitalized patients. In response to this challenge, OhioHealth’s informatics team developed the Schmid tool, aimed at identifying high-risk individuals and implementing targeted interventions to minimize fall occurrences (Lee et al., 2019). This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the Schmid tool in improving patient safety and overall outcomes through the utilization of data and informatics models.
Annually, a significant number of adults visit emergency departments due to fall-related injuries, underscoring the severity of this issue (LeLaurin & Shorr, 2019). LeLaurin & Shorr (2019) reported that approximately 2.8 million adults seek treatment yearly for such injuries. Moreover, hospitalization stemming from falls affects between 700,000 and 1,000,000 patients annually (LeLaurin & Shorr, 2019), leading to prolonged hospital stays and increased healthcare costs. In response to this challenge, healthcare professionals utilize tools like the Schmid tool to identify patients at high risk of falls. This tool evaluates various factors including mobility, mental status, elimination patterns, history of falls, and current medications to determine a patient’s fall risk. Furthermore, to assess the effectiveness of the Schmid tool in improving patient safety and overall outcomes, data will be analyzed alongside informatics models. This study aims to enhance patient safety by implementing targeted interventions to mitigate fall risks, utilizing the insights provided by informatics models.
Analyzing the Use of the Informatics Model
The Schmid fall risk scale is commonly employed by healthcare professionals to evaluate a patient’s susceptibility to falls. This scale categorizes the likelihood of a fall into four main groups, each evaluating different aspects of the patient’s condition. Firstly, mobility is assessed, with patients classified as mobile (0), needing aid (1), unstable (1b), or immobile (0a) based on their ability to walk independently (Amundsen et al., 2020). Secondly, cognition is evaluated, ranging from alert (0) to varying levels of confusion (1a, 1b, 0b) (Amundsen et al., 2020). The third aspect considered is elimination patterns, with patients classified based on their level of independence in this area (0a, 1a, 1b, 1c) (Amundsen et al., 2020). Additionally, the patient’s history of falls is reviewed, distinguishing between no falls (0), falls before hospitalization (1), and falls that occurred within the hospital (2) (Amundsen et al., 2020). Finally, the patient’s medication regimen is examined, categorizing drugs from anticonvulsants (1a) to hypnotics (1d), with an option for no medications (0) (Amundsen et al., 2020).
Literature Review
Despite efforts to reduce hospital falls, they remain a significant concern in healthcare settings (LeLaurin & Shorr, 2019). Hospitals recognize patient falls as a leading cause of harm, resulting in increased injury rates, fatalities, and diminished quality of life for patients, along with rising healthcare expenses for providers (LeLaurin & Shorr, 2019). Since 2008, Medicare and Medicaid no longer cover fall-related injuries for hospitalization reimbursement, further emphasizing the need for preventive measures (LeLaurin & Shorr, 2019).
Clinician observations reveal a concerning trend of older patients being readmitted with fall-related injuries, indicating a rise in fatalities and hospitalizations among the elderly over the past decade (Galet et al., 2018). This escalating trend of re-admissions after falls underscores the necessity for robust social support networks and targeted fall prevention strategies for the aging population (Galet et al., 2018).
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifies falls as the primary cause of injury and mortality among individuals aged 65 and older in the United States (CDC, 2020). Despite their preventable nature, falls continue to pose significant risks to the elderly population due to their prevalence and associated healthcare costs (CDC, 2020). Recognizing the preventability of falls underscores the importance of implementing effective preventive measures to safeguard the well-being of older adults.
The integration of informatics models into fall prevention strategies, exemplified by the Schmid tool, presents a proactive approach to enhancing patient safety and reducing adverse outcomes associated with falls. By leveraging data-driven insights, healthcare providers can identify high-risk individuals and implement targeted interventions, ultimately fostering a safer healthcare environment for all patients.
Professional Poster Presentation Part
[You can input an image of an elderly patient walking with assistance for illustration purposes]
Title: Enhancing Patient Safety Through Informatics-Driven Fall Prevention
- Falls pose a significant risk to patient safety, especially among the elderly population.
- Hospitalization due to falls results in prolonged stays and increased healthcare costs.
- The Schmid tool is a vital resource for identifying patients at high risk of falls, considering various factors like mobility and medication use.
Analyzing the Use of the Informatics Model
- The Schmid fall risk scale categorizes patients based on mobility, cognition, elimination patterns, fall history, and medication regimen.
- Mobility assessment ranges from fully mobile to immobile.
- Cognition evaluation includes varying levels of alertness and confusion.
- Elimination patterns are classified based on independence in managing toileting needs.
- Fall history distinguishes between pre-hospitalization falls and falls during hospital stays.
- Medication regimen categorizes drugs based on their potential impact on fall risk.
Literature Review
- Despite efforts, hospital falls remain a significant concern, leading to increased injury rates and healthcare costs.
- Clinician observations reveal a rising trend of elderly patients being readmitted with fall-related injuries.
- Falls are identified as the primary cause of injury and mortality among individuals aged 65 and older, emphasizing the need for preventive measures.
- Integrating informatics models, such as the Schmid tool, into fall prevention strategies is crucial for enhancing patient safety.
- Data-driven insights enable healthcare providers to identify high-risk individuals and implement targeted interventions, fostering a safer healthcare environment for all patients.
Detailed Assessment Instructions for the NURS FPX 6414 Conference Poster Presentation Paper Assignment
- Write a 250-word abstract proposal for a conference poster presentation. Then, create a one-slide poster for the presentation.
In today’s interconnected world, it is important for care coordinators to plan interventions for care coordination using multiple health care delivery resources. As leaders, care coordinators must know how to engage and develop inter-professional stakeholders and health care providers in order to develop best practice strategies for care coordination.
For this assessment, you will prepare both an abstract proposal for a poster presentation and a poster presentation for a specialty organization’s conference (for example, Sigma Theta Tau International [STTI], American Organization for Nursing Leadership [AONL], American Nurses Association [ANA], or the National League for Nurses [NLN]). Your topic explores a specific situation using an informatics model, tools, and application of data in practice to assess, monitor, and produce quality outcomes. Think about the clear use of database terminology, data management, and data trending, and how to communicate clearly with your stakeholders and conference attendees.
For this assessment:
- Analyze the use of an informatics model, tools, and use of data to produce quality outcomes.
- Identify the organization at whose conference you would be presenting and locate a copy of their guidelines for conference presentations.
- Identify a topic for your presentation that analyzes the use of data management and data trending to assess, monitor, and produce quality outcomes.
- Assess the use of data terminology, data management, and data trending to show enhanced health care delivery outcomes.
- Create an abstract for your poster presentation that includes:
- An introduction.
- A literature review highlighting the important concepts in the literature that support your idea.
- An analysis of the intervention/model for change.
- Conclusions drawn about data use and the health care delivery outcomes.
- Synthesize information for clear communication with stakeholders and conference attendees.
- Create a professional poster presentation, geared to your audience, that provides a visual representation of the information in the abstract.
- Limit your poster to a one-slide presentation.
- Create an abstract for your poster presentation that includes:
Additional Requirements
- Part 1: Abstract:
- Length of abstract: 250 words.
- Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
- Reference: Five scholarly sources that support the written abstract. Additional references may be used.
- Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
- APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
- Part 2: Poster Presentation:
- Visual Properties: Make use of graphs, charts, models, et cetera that visually demonstrate the content of your presentation as described by the abstract.
- Length of presentation: One slide.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
- Competency 1: Apply data management techniques to decision making in nursing practice.
- Analyze the use of an informatics model, tools, and use of data to produce quality outcomes.
- Competency 2: Create various data representation methods for reporting and professional communications.
- Create a professional poster that includes an introduction, literature review, model for change, data conclusions, and references.
- Competency 3: Articulate strategies for querying and generating reports from health information system databases.
- Assess the use of data terminology, data management, and data trending to show enhanced health care delivery outcomes.
- Competency 4: Communicate technical standards as they relate to various informatics technologies.
- Synthesize the use of information for clear communication with stakeholders and conference attendees.
- Competency 5: Communicate as a practitioner-scholar, consistent with the expectations of a nursing professional.
- Write clearly and logically with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics, and correctly formats citations using current APA style.
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