NURS 3100 IN3006 Creating Your Personal Nursing Legacy Discussion Example Paper

NURS 3100 Creating Your Personal Nursing Legacy Discussion AssignmentNURS 3100 Creating Your Personal Nursing Legacy Discussion Assignment

NURS 3100 IN3006 Creating Your Personal Nursing Legacy Discussion Assignment Brief

Course: NURS 3100 – Issues and Trends in Nursing

Assignment Title: NURS 3100 Creating Your Personal Nursing Legacy Discussion Assignment

Assignment Instructions Overview

This discussion assignment is designed to encourage nursing students to reflect on their personal contributions to the profession and to envision their legacy in the field of nursing. The assignment is divided into two main parts:

  1. Main Discussion Part: This involves writing a detailed response to a given topic, focusing on personal reflections and integrating scholarly resources.
  2. Two Replies Part: This requires responding to two of your peers’ posts, providing thoughtful feedback and furthering the discussion.

The primary objective is to help students articulate their aspirations, address challenges in the nursing field, and draw inspiration from past and present nurse leaders.

Understanding Assignment Objectives

The main objectives of this assignment are:

  • Reflection: To encourage students to reflect on their personal nursing career goals and how they want to be remembered within the profession.
  • Challenge Identification: To identify current challenges in nursing and propose viable solutions based on historical and contemporary examples.
  • Scholarly Integration: To use scholarly resources to support ideas and arguments, promoting evidence-based practice.
  • Engagement: To engage with peers in meaningful discussions that provide insights and foster a collaborative learning environment.

The Student’s Role

As a student, your role in this assignment involves:

  • Self-Reflection: Think deeply about your career aspirations and the legacy you wish to create in nursing.
  • Research: Utilize the provided resources and conduct additional research to support your discussion with evidence.
  • Critical Thinking: Identify challenges in the nursing profession and critically analyze potential solutions.
  • Engagement with Peers: Provide constructive feedback on your peers’ posts, share additional insights, and ask clarifying questions.

Competencies Measured

This assignment measures several key competencies, including:

  • Professional Reflection: The ability to reflect on personal and professional goals and articulate a clear vision for one’s career legacy.
  • Problem-Solving: Identifying and analyzing challenges in the nursing profession and proposing evidence-based solutions.
  • Communication Skills: Effectively communicating ideas and feedback in a clear, concise, and professional manner.
  • Scholarly Writing: Demonstrating the ability to integrate scholarly resources and adhere to APA formatting guidelines.

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NURS 3100 IN3006 Creating Your Personal Nursing Legacy Discussion Example Paper


Nursing has a long and distinguished history, characterized by exceptional individuals who have left lasting legacies of excellence and dedication. The 200th birthday celebration of Florence Nightingale and the World Health Organization’s designation of 2020 as the Year of the Nurse and Midwife underscore the pivotal role that nurses play in healthcare. These milestones provide a unique opportunity to reflect on the contributions of past and present nurse leaders and to envision how one’s own career can build upon this rich legacy. This discussion aims to explore the challenges faced by nurses today and propose solutions inspired by historical and contemporary nurse leaders, ultimately helping to shape a personal nursing legacy.

Current and Future Challenges in Nursing

Nursing Burnout

One of the most significant challenges in nursing today is burnout, exacerbated by the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Burnout, characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a reduced sense of personal accomplishment, adversely affects both nurses and patients. High workloads, increased nurse-to-patient ratios, low staffing, and extended shifts have intensified this issue, leading to deteriorated nurse health, emotional drain, and a decline in work performance (Ball et al., 2019). In psychiatric nursing, where the work is inherently stressful, these factors can lead to low employee morale and compromised patient care.

Solutions to Nursing Burnout

To address nursing burnout, two key solutions are proposed: improving nurse-to-patient ratios and enhancing nurse well-being. Improving nurse-to-patient ratios requires a concerted effort to recruit and train more nurses. This can be achieved through targeted educational initiatives and financial incentives, such as scholarships and loan forgiveness programs for nursing students. Additionally, policymakers should be lobbied to establish and enforce safe staffing standards, similar to the advocacy efforts led by Florence Nightingale for better hospital conditions (McEnroe, 2020).

Enhancing nurse well-being involves creating supportive work environments that prioritize mental health and resilience. Implementing wellness programs, providing access to mental health resources, and fostering a culture of peer support can help mitigate burnout. Encouraging practices such as reflective journaling and promoting work-life balance through adequate rest and nutrition are also essential strategies (Hinds et al., 2015).

Inspiring Nurse Leaders

Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale’s legacy serves as a timeless inspiration for nurses. Her pioneering work in healthcare reform, statistical analysis, and education has set a high standard for nursing practice. Nightingale’s emphasis on evidence-based practice and patient-centered care continues to resonate today. Her ability to challenge the status quo and advocate for systemic changes underscores the importance of leadership and advocacy in nursing (Heege, 2011).

Contemporary Nurse Leaders

In contemporary settings, nurse leaders like Kathleen Sanford have also made significant contributions to addressing nursing challenges. Sanford’s focus on combating burnout through improved staffing ratios and political advocacy highlights the ongoing relevance of Nightingale’s principles. Similarly, Jennifer Flaubert’s emphasis on self-care and mental health reflects the growing recognition of the need for holistic support systems within the nursing profession.

Building a Personal Nursing Legacy

Education and Professional Development

Furthering education is a crucial component of building a personal nursing legacy. Advanced degrees and specialized training enable nurses to develop expertise in specific areas of practice, research, and education. For instance, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in Nursing can open doors to leadership roles, allowing nurses to influence policy and drive innovation in healthcare (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2020).

Practice and Research

In practice, nurses can contribute to their legacy by implementing evidence-based interventions and continuously improving patient care. Engaging in research and contributing to the scientific body of knowledge enhances the profession’s ability to address emerging healthcare challenges. By participating in clinical trials, publishing research findings, and presenting at conferences, nurses can share their insights and foster a culture of inquiry and excellence (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018).

Education and Mentorship

Education and mentorship are vital for nurturing the next generation of nurses. Experienced nurses can leave a lasting impact by teaching and mentoring students and junior colleagues. Creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment helps to cultivate future leaders who are well-prepared to tackle the evolving challenges in healthcare. By sharing knowledge, providing guidance, and modeling professional values, nurse educators and mentors play a crucial role in sustaining the profession’s legacy (National League for Nursing, 2019).


Reflecting on the legacies of past and present nurse leaders provides valuable insights into the qualities and actions that contribute to a distinguished nursing career. Addressing current challenges such as nursing burnout requires a multifaceted approach, including improving nurse-to-patient ratios, enhancing nurse well-being, and advocating for systemic changes. Furthering education and engaging in research, practice, and mentorship are essential strategies for building a personal nursing legacy. By deliberately planning and pursuing these goals, nurses can make a meaningful and lasting impact on their profession and the patients they serve.


American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2020). The impact of education on nursing practice. Retrieved from

Ball, J., Reinius, M., & Griffiths, P. (2019). Burnout in nursing: A theoretical review. Human Resources for Health, 17(1), 1-10.

Heege, L. (2011). The empty carriage: Lessons in leadership from Florence Nightingale. Nursing Management, 18(8), 18-20.

Hinds, P. S., Britton, D. R., Coleman, L., Engh, E., Humbel, T. K., Keller, K., … & Phillips, C. (2015). Creating a career legacy map to help assure meaningful work in nursing. Nursing Outlook, 63(2), 211-218.

McEnroe, N. (2020). Celebrating Florence Nightingale’s bicentenary. The Lancet, 395(10235), 1475-1478.

Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Wolters Kluwer.

National League for Nursing. (2019). Mentoring of novice nurses to advance their careers and the profession. Nursing Education Perspectives, 40(2), 123-124.

Responses to Colleagues

Response to Luther Armstrong’s Post

Luther, your discussion on nursing burnout is both insightful and timely, given the immense pressures nurses have faced during the COVID-19 pandemic. You accurately identify high workloads, increased nurse-to-patient ratios, and extended shifts as key contributors to burnout. I appreciate your suggestion to improve nurse-to-patient ratios by recruiting and training more nurses. This solution aligns with the principles advocated by Florence Nightingale, who emphasized the importance of proper staffing to ensure quality patient care (McEnroe, 2020).

One additional solution to consider is the implementation of resilience training programs for nurses. Such programs can equip nurses with coping strategies to manage stress and prevent burnout. Research has shown that resilience training can significantly reduce burnout symptoms and improve job satisfaction among healthcare professionals (Mealer et al., 2014). Furthermore, organizational support in the form of counseling services and peer support groups can create a more supportive work environment.

Your call for political advocacy to mandate better staffing ratios is crucial. Advocacy efforts should also focus on improving workplace conditions and ensuring fair compensation for nurses. By addressing these systemic issues, we can create a more sustainable and fulfilling work environment for nurses.


Mealer, M., Jones, J., & Moss, M. (2014). A qualitative study of resilience and posttraumatic stress disorder in United States ICU nurses. Intensive Care Medicine, 38(9), 1445-1451.

McEnroe, N. (2020). Celebrating Florence Nightingale’s bicentenary. The Lancet, 395(10235), 1475-1478.

Response to Mylca Decembre’s Post

Mylca, your discussion highlights the importance of addressing nursing burnout and the role of self-care in maintaining nurse well-being. The strategies you propose, such as reflective journaling and meeting basic needs, are practical and effective. Reflective journaling, in particular, is a valuable tool for processing stressful experiences and fostering emotional resilience (Baikie & Wilhelm, 2005).

You also mention the issue of workplace bullying and gossip, which can exacerbate burnout and undermine team cohesion. Creating a positive and supportive work culture is essential for mitigating these negative behaviors. One approach is to implement zero-tolerance policies for bullying and to provide training on communication and conflict resolution skills. Encouraging a culture of kindness and mutual respect can significantly improve the work environment (Hutchinson et al., 2010).

Your vision of fostering a supportive and inclusive work culture where nurses uplift one another is commendable. By focusing on empathy and understanding, we can create a more collaborative and nurturing healthcare environment.


Baikie, K. A., & Wilhelm, K. (2005). Emotional and physical health benefits of expressive writing. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 11(5), 338-346.

Hutchinson, M., Vickers, M. H., Jackson, D., & Wilkes, L. (2010). A contemporary snapshot of workplace bullying in Australia: Impact, causes, and prevention. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 48(3), 328-343.

Reflection on Learning and Insights

Reading the posts of my colleagues has provided valuable insights into the shared and unique challenges we face in the nursing profession. Luther’s emphasis on political advocacy and staffing ratios, and Mylca’s focus on self-care and combating workplace bullying, highlight different but complementary aspects of addressing nursing burnout. Their ideas reinforce the need for a holistic approach that includes systemic changes, organizational support, and individual self-care strategies.

The discussions also underscore the importance of learning from both historical and contemporary nurse leaders. By integrating their wisdom and experiences into our practices, we can continue to advance the nursing profession and ensure that our personal legacies contribute positively to the healthcare system.

Detailed Assessment Instructions for the NURS 3100 IN3006 Creating Your Personal Nursing Legacy Discussion Assignment


This discussion is divided in two parts:

  1. Main discussion part
  2. Two replies part


Many nurses throughout history have left distinguished legacies of excellence in a variety of ways. What impact might you have on patients that you encounter every day?

Past and current challenges in nursing and health care have been met by exemplary nurse leaders. Each exhibited, or exhibits, an enhanced focus and ideation, enriched values, purpose, and grit! Successful nurse leaders are equipped to be effective thinkers, communicators, motivators, and champions of personalized health care.

Nurses continue to build upon a rich legacy of innovations and commitment to meet issues of nursing and health care. Florence Nightingale, for example, was highly educated, focused on a path of lifelong discovery, and dedicated to knowledge and science in the service of others. Her legacy created a better society.

Your individual nursing legacy is an integral part of the legacy of nursing. Reflect on how you want your nursing career to be remembered. Envision what you want to leave to the profession in the areas of practice, education, and research. Make a conscious decision to plan deliberately what your legacy will be, rather than just letting it happen.

Review the Learning Resources and write at least 350 words addressing the following Discussion topic. In this Discussion, you can begin considering your own personal nursing legacy.


  1. Post a 2-paragraph response (of at least 350 words) to the following.  
  2. The 200th birthday celebration of Florence Nightingale and the World Health Organization’s designation of 2020 as the Year of the Nurse and Midwife created an exciting opportunity to elevate and empower nursing.
  3. Describe a challenge in nursing. As a nurse leader, share at least two solutions to meet that specific challenge based on current proposals and/or inspiration derived from past nurse leaders’ expertise and experiences.  
  4. At least 3 references
  5. APA 7

To prepare

  • Review the Discussion Post Tips Document in the Writing Resources and Program Success Tools for this week. Your initial post must be 2 paragraphs and at least 350 words.
  • Review the Laureate Education video titled Issues and Trends in Nursing: Introduction (2009a) provided in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Explore this week’s Writing Resources and Program Success Tools, specifically:
    • Academic Writing Expectations (AWE) Checklist, Weeks 1–3
    • “Common Course Assignments: Discussion Posts” (Walden University, n.d.-e)
    • “Paragraphs: Overview” (Walden University, n.d.-h)
    • NURS 3100 3101 week 1 Discussion: Creating Your Personal Nursing Legacy
    • “Using Evidence: Overview” (Walden University, n.d.-o)
  • Review the following articles, provided in this week’s Learning Resources:
    • “The Empty Carriage: Lessons in Leadership From Florence Nightingale” (Heege, 2011)
    • “Creating a Career Legacy Map to Help Assure Meaningful Work in Nursing” (Hinds et al., 2015)

By Day 3

Post a 2-paragraph response (of at least 350 words) to one of the options below. Develop and post cohesive paragraphs and use evidence to support your ideas.

Option 1

Describe at least two current and/or future challenges in nursing and the solutions that are being proposed to meet those challenges. Explain how furthering your education will enable you to build upon your personal nursing legacy in meeting these types of challenges.


Option 2

Describe a nurse colleague or current nurse leader who inspires you. Identify and describe how this person’s actions have led to positive outcomes related to patients, peers, and/or supervisors. What do you see yourself doing similarly or differently?

By Day 7

Read and respond to two or more of your colleagues’ postings by sharing how you would change what you wrote based upon what you read in other posts. Also consider providing a supporting statement about each colleague’s vision for his/her personal nursing legacy based on at least one of this week’s Learning Resources. Ask a clarifying question about each colleague’s vision for his/her personal nursing legacy.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights you have gained as a result of the comments your colleagues made.

Post a discussion entry on 3 different days of the week. Refer to the Week 1 Discussion Rubric found in the Course Information area, located in the top left area of the course or access the link below.


 Respond to your colleagues. Consider providing a supporting statement about each colleagues’ response based on at least one of this week’s Learning Resources. Or consider asking a clarifying question about each colleagues’ vision.

 **minimum of three (3) scholarly references are required for each reply cited within the body of the reply & at the end**

Luther Armstrong

Challenge in Nursing

 Main Question Post.  One of the growing challenges that I have seen in nursing is nursing burnout.  This challenge has always existed in nursing, but due to the recent Covid-19 pandemic, the effects of high workloads, increased nurse-to-patient ratios, low staffing, and extended shifts have taken its toll on many nurses I have worked with, including myself, to a degree.  As a travel psychiatric nurse, I have had the opportunity to work in 4 states and at eight different hospital systems since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic.  I have witnessed the effects of deterioration of the nurses’ health, being emotionally drained, a decline in work performance and a reduction in personal accomplishment are just a few of the results of nursing burnout, according to Maslach (Ball et al., 2019).  Maslach developed the Maslach Burnout inventory scale, one of the scale models used to measure burnout in individuals.  One of the most significant effects I have seen that may result from nursing burnout is the decline in patient care.  Working in caring for the psychiatric population, to begin with, is a very trying and stressful task.  When coupled with the factors mentioned above of increased nurse-to-patient ratios and low staffing, to mention a couple, it is no wonder I have witnessed low employee morale in many places and, most of all, patients not being cared for as they should and even in some respects patients being mistreated. 

Two solutions to alleviate the effects and results of nursing burnout are better nurse-to-patient ratios and more nurses. These two solutions go together because to get better nurse-patient ratios, it will take educating, training, and hiring more people into the nursing field.  The process of becoming a nurse, as we all know, takes some years but getting better nurse-to-patient ratios can start now. In that same spirit and with the same tenacity that Florence Nightingale took when she challenged politicians to provide better equipment that would keep staff and soldiers safe and promote the cleanliness of hospitals for better patient outcomes (Natasha McEnroe, 2020), nurse leaders of today must challenge politicians to mandate better nurse-to-patient ratios across the country and give the necessary concessions, such as tax breaks, and financial grants to those that are willing to take the educational path to become a nurse in their respective states.  These are certainly two viable solutions that can alleviate the growing challenges we are facing of nursing burnout and, most of all, keep the patients safe, give them the care that they come to us for, and promote that the physically and mentally healthy nurse can continue to live up to the oath that we proudly took on that graduation day.


Ball, J., Reinius, M., & Griffiths, P. (2019). Burnout in nursing: a theoretical review.  Human Resources for H Ball, J., Reinius, M., & Grifiths, P. (2019). Burnout in nursing: A theoretical review.  Human Resources for Health, (18). Retrieved from

McEnroe, N. (2020). Celebrating Florence Nightingale’s bicentenary,.  The Lancet,  395(10235), 1475-1478. doi:


 Respond to your colleagues. Consider providing a supporting statement about each colleagues’ response based on at least one of this week’s Learning Resources. Or consider asking a clarifying question about each colleagues’ vision.

 **minimum of three (3) scholarly references are required for each reply cited within the body of the reply & at the end**

Mylca Decembre ( She/Her)

     As a new nurse during COVID, preventing nursing burnout is challenging. It is something I have had experience with and witnessed from colleagues and those in the healthcare field. One thing that nurses in the past and present are doing is creating better nurse-to-patient ratios and work conditions. Our delicate situation with COVID has caused the nurse-to-patient ratio to increase, and the number of nurses that have left the bedside has created another pandemic. Some of the solutions that have helped nurses combat nursing burnout are many. Having a journal to reflect on hard days is one of the solutions to help with burnout. We work with patients, and sometimes their outcomes could be better. Having a journal for the days that the unexpected has happened will help us move past those traumas. Those days are complicated, and writing down the challenges that day, what went right, and how one could move past this will help to become a better nurse and live in the moment. Another solution is to ensure one basic needs are being met. These needs could include:  exercising at least four times a week, drinking water throughout the day, having a snack when needed, and, most importantly, good sleep hygiene. Life becomes more manageable than when needs are unmet or when one can recognize their needs because they are keeping up with them.

     Another problem related to nursing burnout is bullying and gossiping in the workplace. We, as nurses, do not give the same grace to each other that we give to our patients. However, the new generation of nurses are working hard to change the nurses eating their young ideology that is common in this field of work. The solution is to remember that we are humans taking care of other humans. Sure, there are many opportunities to take accountability but being kind is more important than being right. Another helpful solution is using teaching moments not to intimidate those who do not know. Great, late Maya Angelou once said, “people do not always remember what you say, but they will always remember how you made them feel.”   

     The legacy I desire to carry as a nurse leader is to remember that we have all started from somewhere, and to be a successful nurse, one must remember their needs first.

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