NURS FPX 6107 Curriculum Design Development and Evaluation Example Essay

NURS FPX 6107 Curriculum Design Development and Evaluation Example EssayNURS FPX 6107 Curriculum Design Development and Evaluation Assignment Brief

Assignment Overview:

In this assignment, you will explore the important aspects of curriculum design, development, and evaluation within nursing education. The focus is on the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program, looking at its history, philosophy, organizing design, and theoretical framework. Additionally, you will address population dynamics, the need for the BSN course, and the continuous quality improvement process.

The Student’s Role:

As a student undertaking this assignment, your role is to critically analyze and synthesize information regarding the BSN program. Utilize your understanding of nursing education principles and explore how the BSN curriculum aligns with current healthcare demands. Provide well-referenced insights and ensure clarity in presenting your analysis, addressing key aspects such as history, philosophy, learner population, and the ongoing improvement process.

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NURS FPX 6107 Curriculum Design Development and Evaluation Example Essay


In recent times, the healthcare system has grown due to advancements in technology and changes in the population. These shifts have prompted innovative responses to address evolving healthcare needs (Krugman & Goode, 2018). Notably, new evidence-based programs have emerged to tackle various healthcare challenges. Additionally, different curriculum programs have been created to ensure healthcare professionals acquire the necessary skills and competencies to address issues within the healthcare system. One longstanding foundational nursing program is the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), which serves as a fundamental component in nursing practice. This evaluation aims to assess the BSN curriculum, examining its features and how it contributes to nursing’s current and future objectives.

Population of Learners:

The BSN program is designed to prepare students for nursing practice and progression to registered nurse (RN) roles. This curriculum imparts essential and hands-on nursing skills, enabling graduates to effectively practice nursing. Successful completion of this course serves as the first step towards obtaining RN certification (Krugman & Goode, 2018). The student body in this program encompasses both local and international students with a minimum GPA requirement from related degree fields. It also includes individuals who have achieved RN status through an associate degree program and seek career advancement.

The Need for BSN Curriculum:

The shifts in today’s healthcare system have intensified the need for healthcare professionals. However, this demand specifically targets well-qualified nurses possessing the right certifications and advanced nursing practice qualifications (Parolisi, 2020). The surge in demand has led to an increased student population and innovations in nursing delivery methods. Notably, healthcare practices have evolved from general care to more client-focused approaches, including home-based care (Krugman & Goode, 2018). These unique delivery models, not prevalent in the general population, create a high demand for skilled nursing practitioners. Consequently, there is a growing necessity for additional RN nurses in the healthcare industry to address contemporary healthcare needs. Furthermore, the expanded responsibilities of RN nurses, now including tasks once delegated to doctors, underscore the urgent need for the BSN program to fulfill emerging roles in the field. Therefore, the BSN program serves as a gateway for more healthcare professionals to enter the nursing practice.

Mission Statement and Philosophy:

Mission Statement

Crafting a mission statement holds great importance in shaping a successful nursing program. It serves as a guide for achieving educational objectives, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of nursing. The essence of this statement is to instill in nurses a dedication to accomplishing patient-care goals and enhancing overall quality of life (Krugman & Goode, 2018). For institutions offering a BSN program, the mission revolves around equipping bachelor nurses with the capabilities to engage in holistic, competent, evidence-based practices while upholding ethical standards in healthcare. This mission is achieved by imparting advanced nursing practice skills to the nurses. Overall, the mission of institutions providing BSN programs is geared towards reshaping the narrative in healthcare, enabling nurses to acquire additional skills crucial for addressing current challenges in the field.


Universities providing BSN programs are dedicated to enhancing the quality of healthcare by offering educational programs to nurses at the baccalaureate level. The faculty supporting nursing education at the bachelor’s level is focused on establishing a foundational system that equips learners with the necessary skills for their careers in the evolving healthcare landscape (Krugman & Goode, 2018). The philosophy of the BSN program aligns with the mission statement to ensure a shared cultural understanding among students. This philosophy encompasses the fundamental beliefs in patients, higher education, health, and nursing.

In the nursing field, healthcare delivery is influenced by both biological and social components. The patient’s well-being is intricately connected to factors such as family, community, cultural background, and socioeconomic status. Unfortunately, many current healthcare challenges persist due to inadequate approaches to these issues in the surrounding healthcare environment (Iheduru-Anderson, 2021). The BSN program introduces effective measures to train nurses in examining healthcare complexities through an environmental lens. Addressing environmental issues is crucial for promoting and protecting community health. Providing a comprehensive, holistic approach to each patient is essential for achieving better patient outcomes. However, mastering this complex holistic approach in healthcare requires the development of highly skilled nurse practitioners through the BSN program.

Organizing Design and Theoretical Framework:

The theoretical framework within the curriculum is built upon the conceptualization of nursing. This curriculum incorporates various concepts derived from behavioral and nursing theories. BSN nursing encourages students to transition from technical rationality to reflective practice. Reflective nursing is crucial in the current nursing profession as it ensures improved nursing care (Naicker, & Van Rensburg, 2018). Nurses engaging in reflective practice gain a comprehensive understanding of their actions, leading to continuous improvement in professional skills. The curriculum emphasizes critical thinking in care, with the framework grounded in the integration of theory into practice.

Reflective practice draws on the insights of early researchers such as John Dewey, Jean Piaget, and Kurt Lewin. According to John Dewey’s theory, an interdisciplinary curriculum should focus on connecting multiple subjects, allowing students the freedom to enter and exit the classroom at will (Naicker, & Van Rensburg, 2018). Piaget’s theory, on the other hand, concentrates on developing students’ emotional and cognitive abilities, while Kurt Lewin addresses the necessity of implementing change. The BSN course employs these theories to bring about transformative changes in nursing.

History of Organizing Design and Theoretical Framework:

Early researchers such as Dewey, Piaget, and Lewin laid the groundwork for reflective practice. Donald Schon later refined it and introduced the ideas of reflection on action and reflection-in-action (Naicker, & Van Rensburg, 2018). As the framework evolved, Schon identified a gap in the education system, noting that schools were not adequately teaching practitioners what they needed to address complexities in healthcare. This deficiency deeply concerned Schon, prompting the development of a reflective practitioner framework. This system underscores the importance of professionals learning from their experiences. Consequently, nursing students are encouraged to engage in reflective practices, both in the midst of their actions and upon further contemplation.

Major Concepts of Organizing Design and Theoretical Framework:

Key concepts within the reflective practitioner framework, such as reflection in action and reflection on action, play a central role in the BSN program. These ideas elucidate how professionals can navigate various healthcare challenges and enhance their practice through adaptation (Naicker, & Van Rensburg, 2018). In the field of nursing, reflection holds great significance, providing nurses with a valuable opportunity for contemplation on their actions and self-assessment. This concept proves particularly crucial during a nurse’s transition from RN to BSN program. Furthermore, these concepts find application in the BSN curriculum by addressing issues related to teamwork and interprofessional collaboration.


The nursing faculty has set out five main objectives: ensuring patient safety, fostering competency, and providing holistic, effective, patient-centered care. These objectives are in harmony with the philosophy and framework of the BSN nursing program (Parolisi, 2020). The goals of the BSN program encompass all facets of nursing and emphasize achieving quality and safety outcomes in healthcare.

One crucial goal for students pursuing the BSN program is the development of critical thinking skills regarding nursing issues and the nursing process, enabling them to assess and analyze healthcare challenges within a clinical context (Parolisi, 2020). This goal is significant as it empowers students to approach clinical settings with a broad and comprehensive mindset. Given the evolving healthcare landscape, there is a demand for students who are not only aware of changes but can also apply their BSN program knowledge to address emerging healthcare concerns.

Another key goal of the BSN program is to equip students with the skills to advocate for patients. Cultivated from a foundation of cultural values, this goal emphasizes the importance of providing superior care to all patients, regardless of their condition (Parolisi, 2020). Nurses trained in the BSN program are expected to employ effective communication methods, ensuring that patients receive personalized care approaches for improved overall outcomes. Additionally, these nurses are encouraged to implement various patient-centric measures to enhance the overall care process.

Furthermore, students are encouraged to actively seek educational opportunities to foster their professional growth and acquire additional healthcare-related skills. The BSN program encourages a mindset that enables students to seize opportunities for professional development, allowing them to pursue supplementary short-term courses and stay abreast of advancements in healthcare (Parolisi, 2020). This is particularly relevant for nurses aspiring to ascend the career ladder in healthcare.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon successfully completing the program, students will be expected to perform tasks in contemporary clinical settings. BSN students will possess the ability to incorporate critical thinking, engage in intellectual discourse, and utilize evidence-based practice as the cornerstone of clinical reasoning and decision-making processes (Iheduru-Anderson, 2021). Additionally, after finishing the program, students will exhibit cultural sensitivity, enabling them to provide holistic care. They will also demonstrate proficiency in coordinating care and facilitating access to healthcare resources across various healthcare settings. These learning outcomes align with the AACN essentials of baccalaureate nursing education, showcasing students’ capacity to handle a diverse range of patients.

Continuous Quality Improvement:

The evolving landscape of nursing demands a continuous adaptation of this course to address emerging needs. To achieve this goal, the nursing committee ought to convene an evaluation team every two years. This team, consisting of key stakeholders such as deans of Nursing, student leaders, and the faculty committee, will assess the course and propose adjustments. The review process aims to identify topics that need to be added or removed from the curriculum, aligning the BSN program with the latest trends in nursing and ensuring nurses acquire essential skills for modern healthcare.

Evaluation Process:

Assessing nursing programs is crucial to verify if the program successfully achieves its objectives. The effectiveness of the program can be gauged by the students’ adoption of new approaches and strategies to address contemporary healthcare challenges (Krugman & Goode, 2018). An increase in the application of evidence-based practices by students indicates an enhanced comprehension of nursing principles. Additionally, these nurses would play a pivotal role in shaping nursing and patient policies, thereby influencing the operational dynamics of their healthcare units.


In summary, the primary aim of the BSN curriculum is to encourage RN-qualified nurses to enroll in the program, thereby enhancing their skills in healthcare delivery. This curriculum is pivotal in shaping the nursing workforce to adapt to the fast-paced changes in the healthcare landscape. Nurses who undergo BSN education become well-versed in addressing contemporary healthcare challenges, playing a vital role in consolidating their knowledge, raising awareness, instilling optimism, and actively participating in healthcare-related issues. The program, rooted in a reflective practice framework and a history of meeting practitioners’ needs, prepares nurses for critical thinking, patient advocacy, and continuous improvement in their practice. The program’s comprehensive goals, aligned with its philosophy, contribute to the development of well-rounded nursing professionals. The ongoing quality improvement process ensures the BSN curriculum remains dynamic and responsive to emerging healthcare challenges.


Iheduru-Anderson, K. C. (2021). Students’ perspectives of factors related to delayed completion of online RN-BSN programs. BMC Nursing, 20(1), 1-13.

Krugman, M., & Goode, C. J. (2018). BSN Preparation for RNs: The Time Is Now!. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 48(2), 57-60.

Naicker, K., & Van Rensburg, G. H. (2018). Facilitation of reflective learning in nursing: reflective teaching practices of educators. Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 20(2), 1-15.

Parolisi, T. (2020). Experiences of graduates in Massachusetts of the United States from a RN-to-BSN program. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 7(2), 206-213.

Detailed Assessment Instructions for the NURS FPX 6107 Curriculum Design Development and Evaluation Assignment

MSNFP 6107 Capella University Curriculum Design Development & Evaluation Paper


Prepare a 5–7 page evaluation and theoretical framework analysis of a nursing curriculum of personal or professional interest.

Note: Each assessment in this course builds on the work you completed in the previous assessment. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.SHOW LESS

The nurse educator role is a dynamic, challenging, yet rewarding career choice for which many nurses have developed a passion. This course provides you with an opportunity to assess, design, implement, evaluate, and revise nursing curricula. Because health care knowledge and technology are expanding, these elements must be considered when a curriculum is built for today’s learner.

In this assessment, you will select a nursing curriculum either from an academic setting, such as a school of nursing, or a clinical setting, such as a hospital staff development program. You will evaluate the selected nursing curriculum in detail and describe the organizing design or theoretical framework on which your selected curriculum is based. You will also need to examine how this design or framework is demonstrated in the curriculum. Possible organizing designs or frameworks include simple-to-complex, stages of illness, nursing conceptual framework, concept-based, outcomes based, competency-based, interdisciplinary, and others.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Examine the development of a curriculum for a nursing program.

Identify an appropriate nursing curriculum, the intended learner population, and why it is needed.

Describe the student learning outcomes of a selected nursing program

Competency 2: Analyze factors that impact the design of a nursing curriculum.

Provide the mission statement and course descriptions for all courses in a selected curriculum.

Describe the established professional standards, guidelines, and competencies incorporated in a selected nursing program.

Competency 3: Select an appropriate organizing/curriculum framework for the design of nursing curriculum.

Explain how an organizing design and theoretical framework or model is demonstrated within a selected nursing curriculum.

Provide an overview of the history of a selected organizing design and theoretical framework or model.

Describe the major concepts of a selected organizing design and theoretical framework or model.

Competency 4: Select a curriculum evaluation process that facilitates continuous quality improvement.

Recommend a process to update health care knowledge in a selected nursing curriculum

In Assessment 2, you will design a course to be included in the curriculum selected in this assessment.

In Assessment 3, you will examine the evaluation process used to evaluate the curriculum selected for this assessment.

Identify an appropriate nursing curriculum, the intended learner population, and why it is needed.

Provide the mission statement and course descriptions for all courses in a selected curriculum.

Describe the established professional standards, guidelines, and competencies incorporated in the program.

Describe the student learning outcomes of a selected nursing program.

Recommend a process to update health care knowledge in a selected nursing curriculum.

Explain how an organizing design and theoretical framework or model is demonstrated within a selected nursing curriculum.

Provide an overview of the history of a selected organizing design and theoretical framework or model.

Describe the major concepts of a selected organizing design and theoretical framework or model.

References: Include references from at least three peer-reviewed journal articles, cited in proper APA format.

Length of analysis: The analysis should be 5–7 pages in length, not including the title page and the reference page, and it must follow proper APA style and formatting.

Appendix: You may use an appendix for appropriate material, such as individual course descriptions. The appendix will not be included in the page count for the analysis.

In Assessment 2, you will design a course to be included in the curriculum selected in this assessment.

In Assessment 3, you will examine the evaluation process used to evaluate the curriculum selected for this assessment.

Identify an appropriate nursing curriculum, the intended learner population, and why it is needed.

Provide the mission statement and course descriptions for all courses in a selected curriculum.

Describe the established professional standards, guidelines, and competencies incorporated in the program.

Describe the student learning outcomes of a selected nursing program.

Recommend a process to update health care knowledge in a selected nursing curriculum.

Explain how an organizing design and theoretical framework or model is demonstrated within a selected nursing curriculum.

Provide an overview of the history of a selected organizing design and theoretical framework or model.

Describe the major concepts of a selected organizing design and theoretical framework or model.

References: Include references from at least three peer-reviewed journal articles, cited in proper APA format.

Length of analysis: The analysis should be 5–7 pages in length, not including the title page and the reference page, and it must follow proper APA style and formatting.

Appendix: You may use an appendix for appropriate material, such as individual course descriptions. The appendix will not be included in the page count for the analysis.

Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations of a nursing education.

Write effectively using appropriate spelling, grammar, punctuation and mechanics, and APA style and formatting.

Toggle DrawerQuestions to ConsiderAs you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.

How do the mission, values, philosophy, and goals of an institution inform the development of a nursing curriculum?

In your experience, what types of curriculum designs commonly used to develop nursing curricula?

What characteristics of the intended audience for a nursing curriculum should inform development of the curriculum?

What is the difference between curriculum design and a theoretical framework for a nursing program? Should both be identified?

Capella University Library ResourcesThese resources address various aspects of nursing curriculum:

Oermann, M. H. (Ed.) (2013). Teaching in nursing and role of the educator. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.

Chapter 15, “Evidence-Based Teaching in Nursing.”

Keating, S. B. (2014). Curriculum development and evaluation in nursing (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.

Chapter 5, “Using Contextual Curriculum Design with Taxonomies to Promote Critical Thinking.”

Chapter 7, “Internal Frame Factors.”

Chapter 9, “The Components of the Curriculum.”

SHOW LESSThese resources review different curriculum models and theoretical frameworks:

Lisko, S. A., & O’Dell, V. (2010). Integration of theory and practice: Experiential learning theory and nursing education. Nursing Education Perspectives, 31(2), 106–108.

Payne, L. K. (2015). Intuitive decision making as the culmination of continuing education: A theoretical framework. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 46(7), 326–332.

Kaylor, S. K. (2014). Preventing information overload: Cognitive load theory as an instructional framework for teaching pharmacology. Journal of Nursing Education, 53(2), 108–111.

MacIntyre, J., & McInnis-Perry, G. (2014). Evaluating and transforming nursing curriculum: Using a modified curriculum model to enhance gerontological content. Perspectives, 37(2), 15–22.

Mosley, C. M., & Taylor, B. J. (2017). Integration of health literacy content into nursing curriculum utilizing the health literacy expanded model. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 12(2), 109–116.

Close, L., Gorski, M. S., Sroczynski, M., Farmer, P., & Wortock, J. (2015). Shared curriculum model: A promising practice for education transformation. Journal of Nursing Education, 54(12), 677–682.

Sherwood, G. (2011). Integrating quality and safety science in nursing education and practice. Journal of Research in Nursing, 16(3), 226–240.

This resource addresses quality and safety science in nursing education:PREPARATIONAs a practicing nurse, you have been asked to present an evaluation of a nursing curriculum to a nursing leadership team at your place of employment. They are seeking input on coursework recommendations for CEU fulfillment. The curriculum you select should be of interest to you either personally or professionally.In this assessment, you will select a nursing curriculum either from an academic setting, such as a school of nursing, or a clinical setting, such as a hospital staff development program. If you are currently teaching, you may wish to use the curriculum from your school or workplace. If you are not currently teaching, you may want to consider using the curriculum from your undergraduate program. If neither is an option, you are encouraged to look for a nursing curriculum you can use as a model for your assessments. One choice might be an orientation curriculum for a clinical facility.You will evaluate the selected nursing curriculum in detail and describe the organizing design or theoretical framework on which your selected curriculum is based. You will also examine how this design or framework is demonstrated in the curriculum. Possible organizing designs or frameworks include simple-to-complex, stages of illness, nursing conceptual framework, concept-based, outcomes based, competency-based, interdisciplinary, and others.REQUIREMENTSYour overview and analysis of the curriculum should fulfill the following:

Identify an appropriate nursing curriculum, the intended learner population, and why it is needed.

Provide the mission statement and course descriptions for all courses in a selected curriculum.

Describe the established professional standards, guidelines, and competencies incorporated in the program.

Describe the student learning outcomes of a selected nursing program.

Recommend a process to update health care knowledge in a selected nursing curriculum.

Explain how an organizing design and theoretical framework or model is demonstrated within a selected nursing curriculum.

Provide an overview of the history of a selected organizing design and theoretical framework or model.

Describe the major concepts of a selected organizing design and theoretical framework or model.

You will use this assessment to complete Assessment 3. Be sure to incorporate the feedback you receive before adding this assessment to Assessment 3.ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS

References: Include references from at least three peer-reviewed journal articles, cited in proper APA format.

Length of analysis: The analysis should be 5–7 pages in length, not including the title page and the reference page, and it must follow proper APA style and formatting.

Appendix: You may use an appendix for appropriate material, such as individual course descriptions. The appendix will not be included in the page count for the analysis.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


Identifies an appropriate nursing curriculum, the intended learner population, and why it is needed, and provides additional context about the organization and program.

Provides the mission statement and course descriptions for all courses in a selected curriculum and provides a critique of the content.

Describes the established professional standards, guidelines, and competencies incorporated in a selected nursing program and provides evidence that they are included.

Describes the student learning outcomes of a selected nursing program and relates them to the established professional standards, guidelines, and competencies incorporated in the program.

Recommend a process to update health care knowledge in a selected nursing curriculum, and provides a summary of the process and justification for its selection.

Explains how an organizing design and theoretical framework or model is demonstrated within a selected nursing curriculum and provides specific examples.

Provides a comprehensive historical overview of a selected organizing design and theoretical framework or model and explains any aspects of the history that are especially pertinent to this curriculum.

Describes the major concepts of a selected organizing design and theoretical framework or model and explains how they apply to a selected curriculum.

Writes effectively using appropriate spelling, grammar, punctuation and mechanics, and APA style and formatting. Supports conclusions by citing relevant sources.

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