NURS 4210 PH4005 Evidence-Based Intervention Plan Practicum Presentation Example

NURS 4210 PH4005 Evidence-Based Intervention Plan Practicum Presentation AssignmentNURS 4210 PH4005 Evidence-Based Intervention Plan Practicum Presentation Assignment

NURS 4210 PH4005 Evidence-Based Intervention Plan Practicum Presentation Assignment Brief

Course: Role of the Nurse Leader in Population Health

Assignment Title: NURS 4210 PH4005 Evidence-Based Intervention Plan Practicum Presentation Assignment

Assignment Instructions Overview

This assignment involves preparing and delivering a comprehensive presentation detailing your research on a public health problem within a community and proposing an evidence-based intervention plan aimed at preventing this problem at the primary level of prevention. Your presentation will integrate work from previous courses (PH4002, PH4003, and PH4004) and emphasize mitigating upstream determinants of health. Additionally, you will solicit feedback from a healthcare professional, analyze this feedback in a summary paper, and incorporate their suggestions into your intervention plan.

Understanding Assignment Objectives

The primary objectives of this assignment are to:

  • Identify and describe a significant public health problem within a community.
  • Develop and present an evidence-based intervention plan to prevent this problem at the primary prevention level, focusing on upstream factors.
  • Evaluate and incorporate professional feedback to refine your intervention plan.
  • Demonstrate competency in synthesizing research, developing practical intervention strategies, and engaging with healthcare professionals.

The Student’s Role

As a student, your role involves conducting thorough research on a public health issue, understanding its determinants and impacts, and developing an actionable intervention plan. You will act as a public health advocate, presenting your findings and proposed solutions to both academic and professional audiences. You are expected to:

  • Research: Conduct comprehensive research to understand the health problem, its prevalence, determinants, and impacts.
  • Plan Development: Develop an intervention plan that includes strategies for prevention, steps for implementation, and evaluation criteria.
  • Presentation: Create and deliver a clear, concise, and compelling presentation using the provided template.
  • Feedback Analysis: Present your plan to a healthcare professional, gather feedback, and incorporate this feedback into a refined intervention plan.
  • Reflection: Write a reflection paper analyzing the feedback received and outlining how it will enhance your intervention.

Competencies Measured

This assignment measures several key competencies, including:

  • Research and Analytical Skills: Ability to conduct thorough research and synthesize information from various sources.
  • Public Health Knowledge: Understanding of public health concepts, determinants of health, and primary prevention strategies.
  • Intervention Planning: Skills in developing practical, evidence-based intervention plans that address upstream factors and social determinants of health.
  • Presentation Skills: Ability to create and deliver effective presentations to professional audiences.
  • Collaboration and Feedback Integration: Skills in soliciting, analyzing, and integrating feedback from healthcare professionals to improve intervention plans.
  • Reflective Practice: Ability to reflect on feedback received and articulate plans for enhancing and implementing interventions.

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NURS 4210 PH4005 Evidence-Based Intervention Plan Practicum Presentation Example

Slide 1: Title Slide

Title: “Addressing Obesity in Cobb County, Georgia: An Evidence-Based Intervention Plan”

Subtitle: “PH4005 Practicum Presentation”

Presenter’s Name: [Your Name]

Date: [Presentation Date]

Slide 2: Introduction

Welcome esteemed colleagues and classmates. Today, I am honored to present an evidence-based intervention plan aimed at combating obesity within our community.

Obesity is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires a coordinated and evidence-based approach for effective intervention. Obesity presents a significant public health challenge, impacting individuals across all age groups and socioeconomic backgrounds.

In this presentation, we will delve into the various aspects of obesity within Cobb County, Georgia, including its prevalence, determinants, and associated health consequences. By understanding the scope of the problem, we can better tailor our intervention strategies to address the unique needs of our community members.

Slide 3: Defining the Health Problem

To effectively address obesity within Cobb County, Georgia, it is essential to first understand the scope of the problem. According to the CDC, Cobb County has an obesity rate of 30.0% among adults and 15.2% among children. These statistics underscore the urgency of addressing obesity as a public health priority in our community.

Obesity and Associated Health Risks

Obesity is a significant public health concern in Cobb County, with 30.0% of adults and 15.2% of children affected. This prevalence is higher than the national median of 36.2% for adults and 18.5% for children. Obesity is a major risk factor for chronic conditions such as:

  • Diabetes: Obesity increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, which can lead to serious complications if left untreated.
  • Cardiovascular Diseases: Obesity is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure, which are leading causes of death in the US.
  • Mental Health Disorders: Obesity is associated with a higher risk of depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

Slide 4: Community Assessment Summary

  • This intervention plan is informed by a comprehensive community assessment conducted within Cobb County, Georgia. Through surveys, focus groups, and key informant interviews, this assessment revealed several key determinants of obesity, including limited access to healthy foods, sedentary lifestyles, and cultural norms surrounding food consumption.
  • The community assessment found that many residents in Cobb County face barriers to accessing affordable, nutritious foods, particularly in low-income and minority communities. This limited access contributes to a reliance on energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods, which can lead to weight gain and other health issues.
  • Additionally, the assessment highlighted the prevalence of sedentary behaviors among community members, with many residents reporting insufficient physical activity levels. Factors such as lack of safe and accessible recreational spaces, as well as time constraints and competing priorities, were identified as barriers to regular physical activity.
  • The community assessment also revealed the influence of cultural norms and traditions surrounding food consumption in Cobb County. Many residents reported that traditional dishes and eating habits, while comforting and familiar, may not always align with healthy dietary guidelines. Understanding these cultural factors is crucial for developing interventions that are culturally relevant and acceptable to the community.
  • Furthermore, the assessment shed light on prevailing attitudes and perceptions towards obesity and health behaviors. Many community members expressed a desire for healthier lifestyles but felt overwhelmed by the challenges of making sustainable changes. Addressing these attitudes and perceptions through targeted education and support is essential for promoting long-term behavior change.
  • By understanding the community’s perceptions and attitudes towards obesity and health behaviors, we can develop targeted interventions that effectively address the root causes of obesity and promote healthier lifestyles in Cobb County, Georgia. The findings from this comprehensive community assessment will guide the development and implementation of our intervention plan, ensuring that it is tailored to the unique needs and characteristics of the local community.

Slide 5: Synthesis and Evaluation of Literature

Our intervention plan draws upon a diverse array of approaches aimed at addressing obesity within Cobb County, Georgia, informed by the latest research and evidence. Through a thorough review of the literature, we identified several promising strategies, including community-based education programs, policy interventions, and environmental modifications.

Effectiveness of Intervention Approaches

  • Community-based education programs: Studies have shown that school-based programs combining the promotion of healthy dietary habits and physical activity can effectively prevent obesity in children and adolescents. These programs help raise community readiness for childhood obesity prevention.
  • Policy interventions: Policy changes, such as improving access to healthy foods and promoting physical activity, can have a significant impact on obesity rates at the population level. For example, increasing the availability of healthy food options in schools and community settings can encourage healthier eating habits.
  • Environmental modifications: Modifying the built environment to support physical activity, such as improving access to parks, trails, and recreational facilities, can increase opportunities for active living and reduce sedentary behaviors. Creating safe and walkable neighborhoods can encourage active transportation and promote overall physical activity.

Slide 6: Intervention Plan Overview

The intervention plan is designed to address obesity at multiple levels, targeting individual behaviors, social norms, and environmental factors within Cobb County, Georgia. Central to this approach is the promotion of physical activity and healthy eating habits, which are fundamental to preventing and managing obesity.

Key Components of the Intervention

Community-based education programs:

  • Offer workshops on nutrition, portion control, and healthy cooking techniques
  • Provide cooking classes to teach community members how to prepare affordable, nutritious meals
  • Organize walking groups and fitness challenges to encourage regular physical activity

Policy interventions:

  • Work with local government and school districts to improve access to healthy foods in schools and community settings
  • Advocate for the implementation of physical activity requirements in schools and workplaces
  • Support the development of zoning policies that promote the establishment of grocery stores and farmers’ markets in underserved areas

Environmental modifications:

  • Partner with local parks and recreation departments to improve the quality and accessibility of parks, trails, and recreational facilities
  • Collaborate with urban planners to create safe and walkable neighborhoods that encourage active transportation
  • Work with community organizations to establish community gardens and urban farms to increase access to fresh produce

Slide 7: Description of Intervention Activities

The intervention activities are designed to be engaging, informative, and accessible to community members of all ages and backgrounds within Cobb County, Georgia. The following activities are included in the intervention plan:


  • Nutrition Education: Workshops will cover topics such as understanding nutrition labels, identifying healthy food options, and developing a balanced diet.
  • Meal Planning: Participants will learn how to plan and prepare healthy meals on a budget, incorporating local and seasonal ingredients.
  • Stress Management: Workshops will focus on stress-reducing techniques, such as mindfulness, deep breathing, and exercise, tailored to the local context.

Cooking Classes

  • Healthy Recipes: Cooking classes will feature recipes that are healthy, affordable, and culturally relevant to Cobb County. Examples include:
    • Southern-Style Vegetable Stir-Fry: A flavorful and nutritious stir-fry using locally sourced vegetables and whole grains.
    • Latin-Inspired Black Bean and Sweet Potato Tacos: A vibrant and healthy taco dish incorporating black beans, sweet potatoes, and fresh herbs.

Walking Groups

  • Scheduled Walks: Walking groups will meet at community parks and recreational areas, with scheduled walks to encourage socialization and physical activity.
  • Walk Schedules:
    • Monday: 30-minute morning walk at the Cobb County Park
    • Wednesday: 45-minute evening walk at the Marietta Trail
    • Friday: 60-minute lunchtime walk at the Smyrna Park

Slide 8: Steps for Implementation

Successful implementation of the intervention plan requires careful planning, coordination, and stakeholder engagement within Cobb County, Georgia. Key steps include:

Participant Recruitment:

  • Conduct targeted outreach to community organizations, schools, and healthcare providers to identify potential participants
  • Utilize social media, local media outlets, and community events to promote the intervention and encourage participation
  • Offer incentives, such as gift cards or raffle prizes, to increase recruitment and retention rates

Venue Selection:

  • Partner with local schools, community centers, and places of worship to host intervention activities
  • Ensure that venues are accessible, comfortable, and equipped with necessary resources (e.g., kitchen facilities for cooking classes)
  • Consider the cultural and linguistic preferences of the target population when selecting venues

Facilitator Training:

  • Recruit and train a diverse team of facilitators, including registered dietitians, fitness instructors, and community health workers
  • Provide comprehensive training on the intervention curriculum, behavior change techniques, and cultural sensitivity
  • Ensure that facilitators are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively deliver the intervention activities

Participant Engagement:

  • Develop a comprehensive communication plan to keep participants informed about upcoming activities and events
  • Offer childcare and transportation assistance to remove barriers to participation
  • Encourage social support and peer-to-peer interactions to foster a sense of community and accountability

Monitoring and Evaluation:

  • Establish clear goals and objectives for the intervention, with measurable outcomes
  • Collect data on participant attendance, satisfaction, and behavior change through surveys and focus groups
  • Regularly monitor and evaluate the intervention’s effectiveness, making adjustments as needed to ensure optimal outcomes

Slide 9: Consideration of Social and Cultural Characteristics

Cultural competence is integral to the success of our intervention plan within Cobb County, Georgia, as it ensures that our activities are relevant, respectful, and inclusive of diverse cultural perspectives. In developing our intervention plan, we carefully considered cultural preferences, beliefs, and traditions prevalent in Cobb County to ensure that our activities resonate with community members.

Embracing Cultural Diversity

Cobb County is home to a diverse population with varying cultural backgrounds, including Hispanic, African American, Asian, and Caucasian communities. Each of these groups has unique cultural characteristics that influence their attitudes towards health, food, and physical activity.

By acknowledging and embracing this diversity, we can create an intervention plan that is sensitive to the needs and preferences of all community members. This includes:

  • Offering workshops and cooking classes that feature culturally relevant recipes and preparation methods
  • Providing educational materials in multiple languages to ensure accessibility
  • Partnering with community organizations that have established trust and credibility within specific cultural groups
  • Ensuring that intervention activities are scheduled at times and locations that are convenient and comfortable for participants

Importance of Cultural Sensitivity

Cultural sensitivity is essential for building trust, fostering engagement, and promoting long-term behavior change within the community. By demonstrating respect for cultural differences and incorporating cultural elements into our intervention activities, we can create a welcoming and supportive environment that encourages participation and collaboration

Furthermore, culturally sensitive interventions are more likely to be effective in promoting healthy behaviors and reducing obesity rates. Studies have shown that culturally adapted interventions can improve participant engagement, acceptability, and health outcomes among minority cultural groups.

Slide 10: Addressing Risk Factors and Social Determinants

Obesity doesn’t occur in a vacuum—it’s often influenced by a complex interplay of social, economic, and environmental factors. That’s why our intervention plan takes a holistic approach to address both the risk factors and social determinants of obesity in Cobb County. From advocating for policies that support healthy eating and active living to partnering with local businesses to increase access to fresh produce, we’re working to create a community where healthy choices are the easy choices.

Slide 11: Barriers to Implementation

While our intervention plan holds great promise, we recognize that several barriers may hinder its successful implementation within Cobb County, Georgia. These barriers may include limited funding, logistical challenges, and community resistance to change.

Potential Barriers

  • Limited Funding: Securing adequate funding to support the intervention activities, such as workshops, cooking classes, and walking groups, may be a significant challenge.
  • Logistical Challenges: Coordinating intervention activities across multiple venues and ensuring the availability of necessary resources (e.g., kitchen facilities, fitness equipment) may pose logistical difficulties.
  • Community Resistance: Some community members may be resistant to changing their dietary and physical activity habits, making it challenging to engage them in the intervention activities.
  • Lack of Dedicated Resources: A lack of dedicated resources to support transition planning, care team training, or structured transition processes can impede the implementation of interventions and tools.
  • Outdated Protocols: As providers and organizations adapt and change due to other external and internal factors, processes may become outdated, making it difficult to implement effective transition protocols.

To overcome these barriers, we will leverage existing resources, build partnerships with local organizations and community leaders, and engage stakeholders in the planning and implementation process. By addressing barriers proactively and collaboratively, we can ensure the success and sustainability of our intervention efforts

Slide 12: Plan to Evaluate Success

Evaluation is an essential component of our intervention plan, enabling us to assess its effectiveness, identify areas for improvement, and demonstrate impact to stakeholders within Cobb County, Georgia. Our evaluation plan will utilize both quantitative and qualitative methods to measure key outcomes, such as changes in BMI, dietary habits, and physical activity levels among community members.

Evaluation Criteria

  • BMI Reduction: We will track changes in BMI among participants, aiming for a reduction of at least 5% over the course of the intervention.
  • Dietary Habits: We will assess changes in dietary habits through surveys and food diaries, focusing on increased consumption of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Physical Activity Levels: We will measure changes in physical activity levels through surveys and pedometer data, aiming for an increase of at least 30 minutes per day.
  • Health Outcomes: We will track changes in health outcomes such as blood pressure, blood glucose levels, and cholesterol levels among participants.
  • Community Engagement: We will assess community engagement through surveys and focus groups, focusing on increased participation in intervention activities and community events.

Evaluation Goals

  • Short-term Goals: Within the first six months of the intervention, we aim to:
    • Recruit at least 50% of the target population
    • Achieve a 5% reduction in BMI among participants
    • Increase dietary habits by at least 20% among participants
    • Increase physical activity levels by at least 15 minutes per day among participants
  • Long-term Goals: Within the first year of the intervention, we aim to:
    • Achieve a 10% reduction in BMI among participants
    • Increase dietary habits by at least 30% among participants
    • Increase physical activity levels by at least 30 minutes per day among participants
    • Demonstrate significant improvements in health outcomes among participants

Evaluation Methods

  • Quantitative Methods: We will use surveys, pedometer data, and health outcome data to track changes in BMI, dietary habits, physical activity levels, and health outcomes among participants.
  • Qualitative Methods: We will conduct focus groups and interviews to assess community engagement, gather feedback on intervention activities, and identify areas for improvement.

Slide 13: Criteria for Successful Interventions

Success Criteria:

  • Reduction in obesity rates
  • Increase in physical activity levels
  • Improvement in dietary habits
  • Participant engagement and community satisfaction

Benchmarks and Targets:

  • Short-term Targets (6 months): 2% reduction in obesity rates, 15% increase in physical activity, 10% increase in fruit and vegetable consumption.
  • Long-term Targets (1 year): 5% reduction in obesity rates, 30% increase in physical activity, 20% increase in fruit and vegetable consumption.

Reflecting on the Plan Part

Changes to the Intervention Plan

After reviewing the feedback from my presentation on the obesity intervention plan for Cobb County, Georgia, several key areas for improvement have been identified. These changes are designed to enhance the effectiveness and impact of the intervention:

  • Increase Community Involvement: Several comments highlighted the need for greater community involvement in both the planning and implementation phases. To address this, we will establish a community advisory board composed of local residents, healthcare professionals, and community leaders. This board will provide ongoing input and help tailor the intervention to better meet the specific needs and preferences of the community.
  • Enhance Cultural Relevance: Feedback suggested that more culturally relevant materials and activities would improve engagement. We will incorporate culturally specific dietary guidelines, recipes, and physical activities that resonate with the diverse populations in Cobb County, such as incorporating traditional foods and celebrations into the program.
  • Strengthen Educational Components: There was a call for more robust educational components, particularly around the long-term health benefits of healthy eating and physical activity. We will expand our educational workshops to include comprehensive modules on nutrition, chronic disease prevention, and mental health.
  • Improve Accessibility: Comments indicated that accessibility to intervention activities could be improved. We will offer more virtual workshops and online resources to accommodate those who cannot attend in-person events. Additionally, we will ensure all materials are available in multiple languages spoken within the community.

Enhancing the Intervention

The feedback received has provided valuable insights on how to enhance the intervention:

  • Community Advisory Board: By involving a diverse group of community members in the planning and evaluation process, we can ensure that the intervention is more aligned with local needs and preferences. This will increase community buy-in and participation.
  • Cultural Relevance: By incorporating culturally relevant content, we can make the program more appealing and relatable, thereby increasing engagement and adherence to healthy behaviors.
  • Expanded Education: Strengthening the educational component will empower participants with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed decisions about their health. This, in turn, will contribute to more sustainable behavior changes.
  • Improved Accessibility: By offering virtual options and materials in multiple languages, we can reach a broader audience and reduce barriers to participation, making the intervention more inclusive.

Implementation through Collaboration

To effectively implement these changes and ensure the success of the intervention, collaboration with various stakeholders is crucial:

  • Nurses and Healthcare Professionals: Partnering with local nurses and healthcare professionals will allow us to leverage their expertise in patient education and chronic disease management. They can serve as facilitators for workshops and support groups, providing medical insights and personalized advice.
  • Government Representatives: Collaborating with local government representatives will help in advocating for policy changes that support healthy environments. This includes zoning laws for urban farms, funding for recreational facilities, and initiatives to improve food accessibility.
  • Community Leaders: Engaging community leaders and organizations will help in building trust and credibility within the community. They can assist in outreach efforts, help organize events, and provide valuable feedback on the intervention’s progress.
  • Local Businesses: Partnering with local businesses, especially grocery stores and fitness centers, can enhance the intervention by providing discounts on healthy foods and gym memberships, hosting educational events, and creating a supportive environment for healthy living.

Detailed Assessment Instructions for the NURS 4210 PH4005 Evidence-Based Intervention Plan Practicum Presentation Assignment

PH4005: Evidence-Based Intervention Plan (Practicum)


For this Performance Task, you will prepare a presentation that details research about a public health problem in your community and presents a plan for how it can be prevented at the primary level of prevention with a focus on the system level of care. Your presentation will include work you have completed in PH4002, PH4003, and PH4004 and focus on mitigating determinants of health that are “upstream.” You will also solicit feedback on your plan from one healthcare professional, analyze the feedback by preparing a summary paper, and then incorporate that feedback into your intervention plan.

Submission Length: 14- to 19-slide PowerPoint presentation and a 1- to 2-page reflection paper


To complete this Assessment, do the following:

Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the SME will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.


All submissions must follow the conventions of scholarly writing. Properly formatted APA citations and references must be provided where appropriate. Submissions that do not meet these expectations will be returned without scoring.

Your response to this Performance Task should reflect the criteria provided in the rubric and adhere to the required length. This Assessment requires submission of two (2) files: the practicum presentation and the reflection essay. Save the practicum presentation as PH4005_PracticumPresentation_ firstinitial_lastname (for example, PH4005_PracticumPresentation_J_Smith). Save the reflection essay as PH4005_ReflectionEssay_ firstinitial_lastname (for example, PH4005_ReflectionEssay_J_Smith).

You may submit a draft of your assignment to the Turnitin Draft Check area to check for authenticity. When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.

Important Note: As a student taking this Competency, you agree that you may be required to submit your Assessment for textual similarity review to for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted Assessment materials will be included as source documents in the reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such materials. Use of the service is subject to the Usage Policy posted on the site.

Practicum Presentation

Your practicum presentation is the culmination of all the work you have accomplished so far in this Area of Expertise. You will include a presentation of all your synthesized research about a health problem in your community, a plan for how to intervene, and a plan for how to evaluate your intervention. Your presentation will include information you developed in PH4002, PH4003, and PH4004. Use the following guide to create your presentation and essay:

For the first three sections of your presentation, use the Practicum Presentation Template to synthesize information that you prepared in PH4002, PH4003, and PH4004. Include the following:

Defining the Health Problem

  • Describe and quantify the health problem (2–3 slides)
  • Summarize information gathered from the community assessment (2–3 slides)
  • Synthesize and evaluate the literature (2–3 slides)

Developing an Intervention Plan (6–7 slides)

Use the research you completed for PH4002, PH4003, and PH4004 to develop your own intervention plan. Include the following:

  • A description of your intervention plan
  • An outline of the steps that you would take to implement your intervention plan
  • An explanation of the social and cultural characteristics that you took into consideration when developing your intervention plan
  • An explanation of how your intervention plan addresses risk factors, social determinants, upstream factors, and access to resources for the health problem in your community
  • An explanation of the possible barriers to implementing the intervention plan

Developing a Plan to Evaluate Success (2–3 slides)

Finally, develop a plan that you can use to evaluate an intervention’s success. Include the following:

  • A description of criteria that can be used to benchmark successful interventions
  • An explanation of specific goals for the evaluation of the intervention

Include 1–2 slides that list the resources used in your intervention plan and evaluation plan.

Presenting Your Intervention Plan

The next step in this Assessment is to present your entire PowerPoint presentation to at least one healthcare professional in the community (preferably one with whom you collaborated initially) and ask them for their help in improving your intervention plan. Before you begin your presentation, hand out the Feedback Form to the attendee(s) and ask them to fill it out as you present. After your presentation, collect the form(s), read through the comments, and incorporate the feedback into your reflection paper. These forms should be scanned and inserted at the end of your reflection paper.

Reflecting on Your Plan

Based on the feedback from your presentation, write a 1- to 2-page essay that addresses the following:

A list of the changes you could make to your intervention plan in response to the feedback you received about your presentation

  • An explanation of how your intervention might be enhanced through the feedback
  • A list of ways you could implement your intervention in the community by collaborating with other nurses, healthcare professionals, government representatives, or community leaders

At the end of your essay, insert scanned copies of the Feedback Form(s) from each of the health professionals who were present for your presentation. (The scans of your Feedback Forms are not included in the overall page count for the “Reflecting on Your Plan” portion of your Assessment.)

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