HSCO 509 Moral Foundations and Value Differences Paper Example

HSCO 509 Moral Foundations and Value Differences Paper ExampleHSCO 509 Moral Foundations and Value Differences Assignment Brief

Assignment Title: Moral Foundations and Value Differences: Exploring Self-Perceptions and Scenarios

Assignment Overview:

In this assignment, you will explore the concepts of Moral Foundations and Value Differences within the context of the human services field. You will engage with the theory of Moral Foundations, complete a self-assessment, and reflect on its accuracy in representing your moral judgment. Additionally, you will identify three significant value differences or conflicts that you may encounter in your professional career, creating a fictional scenario to illustrate one of these conflicts. Finally, you will engage in an imaginary collaborative discussion with a fictional client, demonstrating your commitment to multicultural orientation and cultural humility.

Assignment Objectives:

  1. To understand and apply the theory of Moral Foundations in assessing your own moral values and judgment.
  2. To identify and analyze potential value differences or conflicts that may arise in the human services field.
  3. To develop a fictional case scenario illustrating one of these value differences.
  4. To engage in an imaginary collaborative discussion, showcasing multicultural orientation and cultural humility.

The Student’s Role:

As a student undertaking this assignment, your role involves:

  1. Exploring Moral Foundations:
  • Completing the Moral Foundations Questionnaire, either online or on paper, as per your preference.
  • Analyzing and presenting your results for each of the five Moral Foundations: Harm/Care, Reciprocity/Fairness, Loyalty/In-group, Respect/Authority, and Sanctity/Purity.
  • Reflecting on the accuracy of these results in describing your moral judgment and values.
  • Consider whether the Moral Foundations model fully captures your moral system or if it needs expansion to encompass your beliefs.
  1. Value Differences:
  • Identify three significant value differences or conflicts that you anticipate experiencing while working in the human services field. These differences could pertain to areas such as religion, sexuality, ethnicity, or other relevant aspects.
  • Creating a fictional case example that illustrates one of these value differences, including relevant context and characters.
  • Demonstrating your understanding of the importance of respecting diverse values and perspectives.
  1. Fictional Scenario and Discussion:
  • Develop an imaginary collaborative discussion between yourself and a fictional client within the context of the value difference scenario.
  • Utilizing culturally humble communication techniques, as outlined in Chapter 7 of Cultural Humility by Hook et al. (2017), to engage in the discussion.
  • Showcasing your commitment to fostering a multicultural orientation and respecting the client’s perspective.
  1. Conclusion:
  • Summarize the key points covered in your paper.
  • Reflect on your personal learning experience throughout the assignment, including insights gained from the Moral Foundations assessment, considerations of value differences, and the creation of the fictional scenario and discussion.


The theory of moral foundations, as articulated by researchers and psychologists, provides a framework for understanding the complexities of moral concerns. This theory identifies five primary foundations: (1) harm/care, (2) reciprocity/fairness, (3) loyalty/in-group, (4) respect/authority, and (5) sanctity/purity (Doğruyol et al., 2019). In this paper, we will delve into moral foundations, self-perceptions, and value differences, reflecting on how these aspects shape our understanding of right and wrong.

Moral Foundations:

Upon completing the online Moral Foundations Questionnaire, I obtained the following results:

  • Harm/Care: 27.26 percentile
  • Reciprocity/Fairness: 6.24 percentile
  • Loyalty/In-group: 93.56 percentile
  • Respect/Authority: 28.57 percentile
  • Sanctity/Purity: 97.18 percentile

The results of the questionnaire, in my view, moderately align with my self-perceptions. They highlight my strong inclinations toward authority and loyalty, consistent with my right-wing political ideology and my deep sense of patriotism. However, the questionnaire undervalued my concern for care, as I believe in addressing the suffering and exploitation of vulnerable individuals, even though my political stance may sometimes limit my actions. This discrepancy underscores the limitations of the moral foundations model in capturing the nuances of moral judgment, necessitating the expansion of the model to encompass broader perspectives.

Value Differences:

In the human services field, navigating value differences is essential for fostering a harmonious and culturally humble environment (Hook et al., 2017). Three significant value differences or conflicts that I anticipate encountering in my professional career are:

  1. Religion: Religious diversity is prevalent in our society, and respecting different faiths is crucial. History teaches us the importance of religious tolerance, as exemplified by the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany.
  2. Sexuality: Modern workplaces embrace diverse gender identities and sexual orientations. To maintain inclusivity, fairness, and support for all individuals, irrespective of their sexual orientation, is vital.
  3. Ethnicity: Embracing diversity and respecting different ethnic backgrounds is paramount in contemporary work environments, as all team members share the common bond of being human and working together.

Fictional Scenario:

Consider the case of Tevin, a 25-year-old African-American male who recently came out as gay. Fearing rejection and potential harm to his father’s political career, Tevin grapples with his identity and desires to express himself more freely.

Fictional Discussion:

Tevin: “I hate that I am built this way; it isn’t normal for a man to have desires for another man. Do you think this is normal?”

Me: “It is entirely normal to develop same-sex attractions. You shouldn’t feel ashamed; it’s a part of human nature.”

Tevin: “I love my parents, but I feel like we have to maintain my father’s political image. Is that right?”

Me: “I can’t define right and wrong for you, but open communication is important, especially with family. Have you talked to your father about this?”

Tevin: “No, but I know he’s conservative and religious. He’d see it as a sin.”

Me: “I’d suggest having a conversation with him. You’re still his son, and everyone deserves autonomy. Engage him in a comfortable setting, perhaps with your mother’s support.”

Tevin: “I hate that we live in a society where a son has to be cautious about expressing his identity. I’ll try talking to him.”


In conclusion, moral foundations and value differences play pivotal roles in shaping our perceptions of right and wrong. Embracing diversity and fostering inclusivity are essential, particularly in the human services field. By employing a moral foundation framework and engaging in open, respectful communication, professionals can navigate value differences effectively and create a positive working environment for all.

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