NURS FPX 8014 Nongovernmental Agencies Involved in Global Issues Essay Example

NURS FPX 8014 Assessment 1 Nongovernmental Agency Involved in Global IssuesNURS FPX 8014 Assessment 1 Nongovernmental Agency Involved in Global Issues

Assignment Brief: NURS FPX 8014 – Nongovernmental Agencies Involved in Global Issues Assignment

Course: NURS-FPX8014 Global Population Health

Assignment Title: Assessment 1 Nongovernmental Agency Involved in Global Issues

Assignment Instructions Overview:

In this assignment, students are tasked with comprehensively exploring the role, challenges, and contributions of non-governmental agencies (NGOs) involved in global health issues. The focus is on understanding the distinctions between NGOs and government-sponsored public health organizations, shedding light on their unique dynamics, advantages, and obstacles. Additionally, students are required to conduct an interview with a public health leader to gain practical insights into the collaborative nature required to address global health challenges effectively.

The Student’s Role:

As a student, your role is to conduct in-depth research, ensuring a thorough understanding of the explicit differences between NGOs and government-sponsored organizations in the realm of global health. Engage critically with the advantages and challenges faced by NGOs, drawing insights from real-world interviews. Additionally, explore how NGOs gather and utilize data to meet specific criteria, and conclude by summarizing the essential contributions of NGOs in the interconnected web of global health.

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NURS FPX 8014 Nongovernmental Agencies Involved in Global Issues Essay Example


In recent times, the world has become more interconnected, emphasizing the importance of global collaboration in advancing healthcare. Both Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and governmental bodies play a crucial role in addressing global health challenges. Their joint efforts aim to tackle issues related to sickness and health within communities. The distribution of healthcare resources and the overall health of populations serve as key indicators of societal progress, irrespective of economic wealth (World Health Organization [WHO], 2022). Collaborative initiatives between governmental agencies and NGOs have been established to address healthcare disparities on a global scale (GrantSpace, n.d.). For nursing students, understanding the partnerships and impacts of these organizations on global health is essential. This paper focuses on the roles of NGOs and governmental organizations in the context of global health, highlighting the advantages that NGOs possess over government-run agencies. It also explores the challenges faced by both types of organizations, shedding light on the criteria influencing NGOs’ focus on specific health concerns. Additionally, the paper examines the funding dynamics and draws insights from a public health officer to understand recent problems and their resolution within the affiliated organization.

Differentiating Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) from Governmental Public Health Organizations

In understanding the landscape of global health, it is imperative to draw a clear distinction between Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and governmental public health organizations. These entities play unique roles in promoting health equity, access to care, and addressing health disparities worldwide.

NGOs, such as Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), are non-profit organizations devoted to advancing health equity and universal access to care. This mission is achieved through numerous approaches such as advocacy, health literacy promotion, and the prevention of diseases by enhancing health outcomes and fostering social justice (Sisaye et al., 2021). Unlike governmental bodies, NGOs operate independently and are not directed, controlled, or affiliated with any specific government (GrantSpace, n.d.). Typically, NGOs are established to address specific health issues globally, aiming to positively impact health disparities (Sisaye et al., 2021).

NGOs exhibit diversity in their structure, being either operational or campaigning entities. Operational NGOs, like Helen Keller International, directly bring about change by implementing projects addressing public service needs. Their focus spans poverty alleviation, health and welfare programs, education, and environmental concerns, ultimately serving a particular cause. On the other hand, campaigning NGOs, which include Humanitarian NGOs, strive to influence political change, particularly in healthcare infrastructures (Sanadgol et al., 2021). The evolution of campaigning NGOs reflects a shift towards humanitarian approaches, emphasizing assistance and empowerment over scare tactics (GrantSpace, n.d). Financially, NGOs mainly sustain their operations through diverse means, including membership fees, grants, cooperative agreements, and government contracts. This approach ensures flexibility and independence in their activities.

In contrast, governmental public health organizations are integral parts of the government machinery, designed to serve and protect public health. Their core functions involve health assessment, policy development, and assurance. This encompasses monitoring health status, solving community health problems, diagnosing and investigating health issues, and developing policies through community education and empowerment. These organizations also enforce laws and regulations to safeguard health, ensuring safety and continuous monitoring of public health programs.

NGOs in public health do not engage in direct competition with non-profit organizations. Despite the potential receipt of government financing, NGOs remain non-profit entities, avoiding governmental control. Their global operations provide unique advantages to public health efforts (Sisaye et al., 2021). In contrast, governmental public health organizations, being state-run institutions, primarily focus on setting healthcare policies, regulatory monitoring, implementing public health initiatives, and gathering authorized government health statistics.

While NGOs and governmental organizations may both receive government financing, they operate differently. NGOs, despite obtaining government funding, remain non-profit entities, maintaining autonomy in their operations. This allows them to function globally and provide unique contributions to public health. Nevertheless, NGOs primarily receive donations from private entities, contributing to economic growth, medical research, and educational advancements. These donations encompass grants, annual membership fees, income from services and commodities, cooperative agreements, and government contracts. Conversely, government-sponsored programs seek state cash prizes through a challenging and competitive process. The legislative framework determines the distribution of government cash, requiring applicants to articulate the public and local community benefits before funding approval. NGOs, in contrast, streamline aid requests, ensuring a more straightforward process to promptly assist those in need.

Advantages of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Global Health

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) play a pivotal role in global health, offering distinct advantages over Governmental Public Health Organizations. These advantages contribute to their effectiveness and efficiency in addressing healthcare needs on a global scale (Sandagol et al., 2021).

NGOs, often viewed as alternative healthcare providers, share similar goals with governmental organizations, working towards the betterment of public health (Sayaiford et al., 2022). Notably, NGOs exhibit fewer financial constraints and less bureaucratic backlog than their governmental counterparts. This financial flexibility allows NGOs to swiftly deliver healthcare services to populations within a country, particularly in low-income areas, addressing challenges such as financial hardships, food insecurities, and inequitable resource distribution.

One of the key strengths of NGOs lies in their ability to focus on specific local areas rather than an entire nation. This targeted approach enables NGOs to tailor their activities to the immediate needs of distinct global populations. In contrast, government-sponsored public health programs are dependent on a country’s resources and revenue, often facing financial constraints that result in program cuts. Governmental agencies may encounter challenges due to extensive regulatory practices, leading to reduced productivity.

Governmental initiatives, by nature, are broad in scope, distributing funds across multiple areas simultaneously. This approach can contribute to unequal funding distribution and pockets of ineffective programs. Despite having robust data collection tools, government programs face challenges in terms of agility and responsiveness to emergent public health issues.

Public health NGOs, in comparison, offer several noteworthy benefits. Their agility allows them to respond swiftly to emerging health challenges. By focusing on specific areas of public health concern, NGOs can concentrate on targeted issues without being burdened by broader responsibilities (Sisaye, 2021). This specialization enables NGOs to provide unique and specialized solutions, testing innovative strategies before implementation in official initiatives. Additionally, public health NGOs often establish stronger connections with communities, fostering community involvement in public health initiatives. This community engagement enhances the effectiveness and sustainability of public health efforts.

Furthermore, public health NGOs enjoy greater creative latitude compared to government-sponsored initiatives. They can explore innovative approaches and leverage philanthropic funding, which complements government financing. This financial flexibility allows NGOs to access diverse funding sources, contributing to their adaptability and impact in the realm of global health.

Challenges Encountered by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Global Public Health

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) engaged in public health initiatives face distinctive challenges in contrast to government-sponsored programs. Addressing these hurdles is crucial for the effective functioning of public health NGOs (Sisaye, 2021).

One primary obstacle revolves around financial aspects. Unlike government initiatives funded through taxes, public health NGOs must actively secure diverse funding sources. This necessity introduces a complex dynamic where NGOs are accountable to the entities providing their finances. Additionally, NGOs lack the legal authority that government programs possess to enforce regulations compelling citizen participation, adding another layer of complexity (Sisaye, 2021).

The stability of governments compared to individual NGOs becomes apparent in the face of challenges. NGOs are susceptible to fluctuations in donor support or the influence of individuals seeking to exploit funds for political motives. Consequently, NGOs often find themselves navigating the intricate landscape of politics and its unpredictable nature.

Public health NGOs typically operate with fewer staff members and limited financial resources compared to their government-sponsored counterparts. This resource constraint may impact their ability to effectively reach and engage the populations they serve (Sisaye, 2021). Moreover, these NGOs frequently operate in challenging and potentially hostile environments, posing additional difficulties in performing their roles optimally.

Preserving transparency and preventing the misallocation of funds emerges as another significant challenge for many NGOs due to the absence of robust monitoring and accountability mechanisms. This lack of oversight can lead to potential misuse of funds, highlighting the importance of addressing this aspect for the integrity of public health NGOs.

Data Sufficiency for Non-Governmental Agencies Addressing Global Issues

Certain Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) choose to specialize in specific areas like health, education, or women’s rights, while others focus on particular regions or populations. The decision-making process for an NGO to concentrate on a specific area is guided by the identified needs of the community they aim to assist (WHO, 2021). Various factors, such as the cause, disease, or population the NGO intends to support, play a role in shaping their activities (Sanadgol et al., 2021).

In countries with limited access to healthcare, especially in developing or low-income nations, the potential impact on the local population becomes a significant criterion for NGO involvement (Sanadgol et al., 2021). The nature of a healthcare issue influences how an NGO engages with it (Sandgol et al., 2021). Additionally, the method through which donations are obtained can also influence the decision to get involved. Financial contributions to an affected community are crucial in the determination to bring about positive change (Sisaye et al., 2021).

NGOs often seek assistance by formally applying for aid, acting as representatives of the affected population (GrantSpace, n.d.). This involves a structured request from the NGO to the government or another NGO on behalf of the affected community (Sisaye et al., 2021). The success of such applications may hinge on various factors, including the manner in which they were submitted and the specific demographics affected by the disease or condition (Sisaye et al., 2021).

The criteria employed by most NGOs to address healthcare needs are contingent on the global concern and its impact on the lives of the intended beneficiaries. Ultimately, the primary goal of an NGO is to assist those in need and enhance their overall quality of life.

Interviewing Experience

In my pursuit of an interview with a leader from a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) or another public health official, I encountered several hurdles. Initially, my plan was to arrange an interview to gather firsthand information about an NGO, focusing on aspects like challenges, finances (if available), the organization’s primary cause, and its current engagements. However, my efforts faced setbacks as the two individuals I considered for the interview were unavailable. One suggested a meeting in two weeks via WhatsApp, and my preference was for a conversation with an NGO spokesperson serving a remote population with health challenges.

Despite my anticipation of an exciting encounter, my ideal experience did not materialize as expected. The promising leads I had envisioned did not pan out, leading to gaps in my research. I had already delved into potential concerns related to the specialized areas of these organizations, aiming to gain insights into the counties they served, the success of their campaigns, and potential projects to enhance their activities. Unfortunately, I could not explore specific details such as finances and their impact on the organization due to the unavailability of the intended interviewees.

However, my interview with a Public Health leader from Baltimore County proved to be invaluable. The leader emphasized the significance of collaboration between Public Health NGOs and Governmental Organizations. He highlighted the dwindling budgets in public healthcare and emphasized the renewed importance of Public Health, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. This global health crisis shifted the focus of public health organizations at various levels, underlining the critical role these entities play in safeguarding population health.


In conclusion, this assessment provides a comprehensive exploration of the complex space occupied by public health NGOs, looking into their history, financial aspects, strengths, and challenges. By comparing these organizations with government-sponsored programs, we gain valuable insights into the unique contributions and hurdles faced by NGOs in the pursuit of global health goals. The interview experience, despite encountering challenges, emphasizes the indispensable need for collaboration in effectively addressing global health issues. In essence, this exploration significantly contributes to fostering an enhanced awareness of the indispensable role played by NGOs within the interconnected framework of global health.

Detailed Assessment Instructions for the NURS FPX 8014 Nongovernmental Agencies Involved in Global Issues Essay Example


The Institute of Medicine (1997, p. v) characterized the connection the United States has to global health in these words:

America has a vital and direct stake in the health of people around the globe, and that this interest derives from both America’s long and enduring tradition of humanitarian concern and compelling reasons of enlightened self-interest. Our considered involvement can serve to protect our citizens, enhance our economy, and advance U.S. interests abroad.

The health care community is recognizing that addressing health and disease issues must take place within a larger context—a global context. The health issues of developed and undeveloped countries are converging. The World Health Organization (2018) noted that the “development of a society, rich or poor, can be judged by the quality of its population’s health, how fairly health is distributed across the social spectrum, and the degree of protection provided from disadvantage as a result of ill-health” (“The Commission Calls,” para. 3).


Institute of Medicine. (1997). America’s vital interest in global health: Protecting our people, enhancing our economy, and advancing our international interests. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press. Retrieved from

World Health Organization. (2008). Closing the gap in a generation: Health equity through action on the social determinants of health. Retrieved from…


Multiple government-funded agencies work worldwide to have a positive effect on health disparities across the globe. It is important for doctoral-prepared nurses to be aware of nongovernment funding organizations (NGOs) that are also affecting global health care issues.

NGOs originated with the formation of the United Nations in 1945. They are generally defined as nonprofit entities independent of governmental influence, although they may receive government funding. The term NGO is not typically applied to U.S.-based nonprofit organizations. Generally, the label is given to organizations operating on an international level, although some countries classify their own civil society groups as NGOs(GrantSpace, n.d.).

In this assessment, you are tasked with interviewing an individual from an NGO of interest that works in some way within the realm of public or global health. If you do not have such an organization that you are interested in, then it is acceptable to interview someone from your own organization who has a focus on public health and knowledge of working with NGOs. Remember that you should be looking for NGOs or population health considerations that are relevant to countries beyond just the United States.


Consider a health topic of your choice and investigate what current NGOs are doing on behalf of your chosen topic. (Keep in mind that the country you focus on in this course should not be the United States.) Remember, you need to make contact with your chosen NGO, or population health professional with knowledge of NGOs, and interview them. After your interview, evaluate the NGO, paying special attention to its ability (and potential willingness) to get help with your health topic of choice. For your assessment, make sure you are addressing the following:

  • Differentiate public health NGOs from governmental public health organizations.
    • Provide a history of the selected organization.
    • Examine the financial health of the organization including how much money the organization has raised for the selected program.
      • Include current data related to money raised, money distributed, and the effect on the health initiative.
    • Identify countries where this organization has a presence.
    • Explain how stakeholders and members are selected or join the organization.
  • Explain the advantages public health NGOs have over government-sponsored programs.
    • Compare NGOs to government-sponsored programs in terms of the following:
      • How donations are sought and obtained.
      • How funds are distributed.
      • How application for assistance is made.
  • Summarize the challenges public health NGOs have in comparison with government-sponsored programs.
  • Analyze the sufficiency of data available to meet the criteria that public health NGOs use to choose to get involved in a health issue.
    • Examine the determining criteria for this organization to get involved in a health issue.
      • Data used.
      • Scope or severity.
      • Degree of need.
    • Discuss how you would approach this agency for assistance.
  • Explain how your research and interviewing experiences challenged or met your assumptions about public health organizations and delivery.
    • What surprised (or aligned with your expectations) about public health delivery?
    • What surprised (or aligned with your expectations) about NGOs versus government-sponsored programs?
    • How has this experience affected you?

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