Nursing Assignment Consensus Model Discussion Post Example

NU 610 Nursing Assignment - Consensus Model Discussion PostAssignment Brief: NU 610 Nursing Assignment – Consensus Model Discussion Post

Understanding Assignment Objectives:

This assignment digs into the details of the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) Consensus Model, designed to shape how APRNs work. Your task is to explore the different parts of this model and understand how it affects healthcare access, cost, and quality. The main focus is on figuring out the barriers APRNs face at regulatory, state, and institutional levels and seeing how these challenges impact healthcare costs, access, and quality of care.

The Student’s Role:

As a part of this assignment, your job is to take a good look at the APRN Consensus Model. This means looking closely at how rules, state laws, and institutions affect the costs, access, and quality of healthcare. Use recent research data and real examples to show the specific problems APRNs deal with. When talking about your home state, where you live, or where you plan to work, talk about how APRNs are recognized and what they need to do their job, including things like getting a license, education requirements, national certification, and what they’re allowed to do.

Also, pick and talk about an important APRN policy issue, give a good summary, and suggest some practical ideas to make things better.

On top of that, you’ll be looking at the laws about APRNs in your location. Find and talk about the latest laws, using bill numbers and titles. And share an example of nurses doing a great job in healthcare policy, telling us about the issue, what they did, and what happened because of it.

This assignment isn’t just about knowing the APRN Consensus Model on paper. It’s about understanding how it works and what it means for the future of healthcare. Be clear, think carefully, and use good evidence in everything you write. Your ideas should add to a strong and informed conversation about what APRNs do now and what they could do in the future.

Original Assignment Instructions: Assessment Description

For this discussion, students will explore the elements of the APRN consensus model. Created by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing in 2008 to promote near nationwide full-practice authority for APRNs by the year 2015, there are still several inconsistencies in its implementation with subsequent effects on healthcare access, cost, and quality.

(3 points) Discuss how regulatory, state, and institutional barriers to APRN practice affect (a) healthcare costs, (b) access to care, and (c) quality of care.  Discuss and support each required factor individually being sure to include current research data and examples for each. Your discussion must identify specific barriers and illustrate how each of the factors listed above are affected as a result.

(2 points)  Discuss the status of the APRN consensus model’s implementation in your home state, state of residence, or intended state of employment. This section should include all of the following:

What title is used for advanced practice nurses in your state?  List each of the APRN roles that are recognized as well as any that are not.

Is the term “licensure” used for APRN roles in your state?  If not, what term(s) are used?

Is a graduate or post-graduate degree required in your state to practice in an advanced practice role?

Is national certification required in your state to practice in an advanced practice role?

Do APRN roles allow for independent practice in your state?  Not independent?  No authority?

Do the APRN roles allow for independent prescribing in your state?  Not independent?  No authority?

(3 points) Choose and discuss ONE (1) of the following related to current APRN policy issues:

Summarize current information on the mental health status of healthcare providers. What effect do mental health challenges have on providers, the healthcare system, and the ability to educate new generations of providers? Describe a policy idea (federal, state, board of nursing, or organizational) that may improve the impact of this issue.

Discuss how current payment and reimbursement models hinder the ability of providers and organizations to address health disparities. Identify proposed payment and reimbursement changes, and describe how they work to address health disparities.

As pressure rises for the government to make pandemic-related telehealth flexibilities permanent, discuss what other policy considerations are needed for telehealth to be effective at mitigating access and quality gaps. Consider factors such as broadband and technology access, reimbursement models, and cultural competence.

Discuss the potential of telehealth to mitigate treatment barriers in stigmatized populations (eg, HIV-positive, mental health, behavioral health). Summarize current research that supports the ability of telehealth to improve outcomes in these populations.

Summarize up-to-date information on a problem that APRNs will increasingly face as a result of the pandemic (eg, opioid misuse, intimate partner violence, child abuse, decreasing pediatric vaccine rates) and explain how the pandemic increased its incidence. What policy changes are needed to address the problem.

(1.5 points) Identify and discuss legislation regarding the APRN role in your home state, state of residence, or intended state of employment: What legislation is currently proposed? What previous legislation has been successful? What previous legislation has failed? Include bill numbers and titles if named. Cite and reference legislation in APA format.

(2 points) Summarize and share an example of nurses’ or APRNs’ successful participation in healthcare policy (legislative) initiatives. These may be local, state, or federal examples and should be something other than the one provided in the keynote. Include a brief background on the issue, what the nurses did, and the outcome of their work.

(2 points) Substantial cross post to at least one (1) other student who covered a different state than yourself.  The cross post provides new or supplemental information to the original posting or raises additional areas for discussion.  A new or additional peer-reviewed reference should be cited.

(1.5 points) Scholarship

(15 Total Points)

Each student will submit an initial discussion post of approximately 850-1000 words in the discussion.  Support your discussion with at least 5 references, the majority of which should be peer-reviewed. Primary references should be published within the last five (5) years. No title page is required. Use APA-style headings consistent with rubric order for initial post.

Your initial post needs to be submitted to the appropriate assignment area to receive a Turnitin report and then copied and pasted into the discussion area.


The Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) Consensus Model, introduced by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing in 2008, aimed to provide nearly nationwide full-practice authority for APRNs by 2015. However, despite these intentions, obstacles persist at regulatory, state, and institutional levels, impacting essential aspects of healthcare such as costs, access, and quality of care. This discussion aims to explore these barriers, take a closer look at the current state of the APRN consensus model’s implementation in Texas, and address existing policy challenges affecting APRN practice.

The Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) Consensus Model, established by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing in 2008, aimed to grant near nationwide full-practice authority for APRNs by 2015. However, barriers at regulatory, state, and institutional levels persist, impacting healthcare costs, access, and quality of care. This discussion explores these barriers, delves into the APRN consensus model’s implementation in Texas, and addresses current policy issues related to APRN practice.

Barriers to APRN Practice and Their Impact on Healthcare

Regulatory, state, and institutional barriers significantly affect how nurse practitioners can help people. In some places, rules say that APRNs need a doctor to oversee their work, creating a roadblock to what they can do to help patients. For example, some states require a doctor’s approval for prescribing medications or admitting patients to the hospital, making it hard for APRNs to provide quick and efficient care, especially in emergencies.

These rules and regulations can also cause problems for patients looking for regular healthcare services. Federal and institutional rules sometimes limit what APRNs can do, affecting how easily patients can access primary care. This can mean delays in getting the care they need, leading to higher costs and lower quality of care overall.

For example, if the rules are not consistent with what APRNs are trained to do, it can disrupt how they provide care. This disruption can result in patients not getting the full range of services that APRNs are qualified to provide, impacting both the cost and quality of healthcare. Additionally, these delays and limitations can contribute to differences in healthcare between different groups of people.

It’s important to recognize these challenges because they impact how nurses can contribute to healthcare. Overcoming these barriers requires looking closely at the rules in place and making changes that allow nurses to provide the best care possible.

Status of APRN Consensus Model Implementation in Texas

In the state of Texas, there are clear and concise guidelines dictating the rules and designations for nurse practitioners. When administering care, nurse practitioners in Texas are required to use the title “APRN” and prominently display their license from the state’s Board. This serves to assure individuals seeking medical assistance that the nurse practitioner is duly qualified to provide healthcare services. In contrast to other states, Texas does not typically use the term “licensure” for nurse practitioners. Instead, the emphasis is placed on national certification, which entails passing a rigorous exam to demonstrate competence and proficiency. As a result, nurse practitioners in Texas are granted significant autonomy in their professional practice. With full practice authority, they have the freedom to undertake a variety of tasks, including prescribing medication and managing their own nursing practices.

Despite some advancement in Texas towards expanding the roles of nurse practitioners, other states in the U.S. have not enacted similar measures. For instance, Tennessee and Alabama have not fully adopted the Consensus Model, resulting in potential discrepancies for nurse practitioners depending on their location. Recognizing these variations is critical as it highlights the need for further action to ensure that nurse practitioners nationwide can offer optimal care. This will enable patients to reap the benefits of the comprehensive abilities that nurse practitioners bring to the healthcare field.

Addressing Barriers through Policy Initiatives

Improving the nursing profession and the quality of care they provide involves examining the current regulations and seeking ways to enhance them. One crucial factor in nurses’ ability to aid us is the current method of healthcare payment. While these methods effectively control overall costs, there is an opportunity for refinement. The key concept is to transition towards payment methods that emphasize the value of the care rendered. Envision a system where the focus is on how well healthcare benefits people rather than its monetary cost. This shift would motivate healthcare providers, including nurses, to prioritize delivering excellent care. Facilitating these changes may require increased investments in technology and management systems. These tools assist healthcare providers in monitoring and improving the care provided.

One crucial factor is ensuring equal access to healthcare for all individuals. Unfortunately, some groups encounter greater difficulties in receiving necessary treatment. By modifying the way we fund healthcare, we can uncover these challenges and develop solutions. In essence, it’s about providing everyone, regardless of their identity, with an equal opportunity to receive quality healthcare (Bosco, 2022). In simpler words, by reevaluating our healthcare payment methods and providing resources to improve their work, we can empower nurses to provide even better care. Ultimately, it’s about ensuring that everyone has a fair chance at receiving the treatment they require.

Legislation Impacting Nursing in Texas and Beyond

In Texas, the rules for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) are set by the Nurse Practice Act. Different boards, laws, and regulations also play a role in how nursing works. The successful implementation of the Coronavirus Medicaid Response Act (H.R.1353) and the proposal of the Health Care Improvement Act of 2021 show that there are ongoing efforts to make healthcare policies work better for everyone.

These changes are not just happening in Texas; they reflect a broader trend of adapting healthcare rules to meet current challenges. However, it’s not always smooth sailing. In 2017, there were attempts to change the rules that affect APRNs, but they didn’t go through. This failure highlights the obstacles and opposition that still exist, especially from groups like the American Medical Association, as pointed out by Sofer (2018).

Understanding the legislative landscape in Texas and beyond is like peeking into how the rules for nursing are shaped. It’s a mix of successes and challenges, showing that there’s a continuous effort to make healthcare policies better, even though it’s not always an easy journey.

Nurses’ Advocacy in Healthcare Policy during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic showed how crucial it is for nurses to be actively involved in shaping healthcare rules. Nurses played a big part in creating guidelines that helped keep everyone safe and healthy. This active role didn’t just address the immediate challenges of the pandemic; it also led to lasting improvements in how healthcare is done.

Nurses weren’t just on the sidelines during the pandemic; they were in the thick of things, making important decisions. The impact of their efforts went beyond local areas and influenced decisions made by the government. As Phillips (2019) points out, nurses’ roles during the pandemic highlight how essential they are in shaping healthcare rules, both locally and nationally.

Their involvement in creating guidelines wasn’t just about dealing with the pandemic at hand. It was also about using their on-the-ground experience to come up with rules that make sense and truly care about people.

Nurses working together on healthcare rules is something that deserves attention. It’s not just about responding to immediate problems; it’s about making healthcare better in the long run. This shows the strength of nurses’ voices in making real changes and being advocates for the health and well-being of individuals and communities.

Cross-Post and Scholarship: Sharing Insights and Learning Together

When chatting with a peer talking about a different state, it’s good to remember that how nurses work can be quite different from one place to another. Having ongoing conversations helps in seeing the whole picture better.

To make the discussions stronger, using a trusted source, like recent research on how nurses work in different states, can provide useful insights. These insights help in understanding the different ways states handle nurse practices, showing the varied rules and setups.

This sharing of information isn’t just about making the conversation more interesting; it’s about understanding the challenges and opportunities nurses face in different areas of practice. It’s like putting together a puzzle to see the bigger picture of how nurses do their jobs in various places.


In conclusion, the APRN Consensus Model, crafted to elevate APRN practice, grapples with persistent challenges in regulations, state-level policies, and institutional dynamics. While Texas has seen strides in putting the model into action, differences persist on a national scale. Effectively addressing these hurdles calls for strategic policy initiatives that champion fairness, advocate for value-based payments, and foster collaboration among all players in healthcare. The notable engagement of nurses in healthcare policy, prominently observed during the COVID-19 pandemic, emphatically highlights the pivotal role their voices play in molding the trajectory of healthcare for the future.

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