NURS FPX 5005 Quantitative and Qualitative Research Publication Critique Example

NURS FPX 5005 Assessment 2 Quantitative and Qualitative Research Publication CritiqueNURS FPX 5005 Assessment 2 Quantitative and Qualitative Research Publication Critique

NURS FPX 5005 Quantitative and Qualitative Research Publication Critique Assignment Brief

Course: NURS-FPX 5005 Introduction to Nursing Research, Ethics, and Technology

Assignment Title: Assessment 2 Quantitative and Qualitative Research Publication Critique

Assignment Instructions Overview:

In this assignment, you will critically evaluate two research publications—one qualitative and one quantitative—in the field of nursing. The goal is to assess the strengths and weaknesses of each study objectively, enhancing your analytical skills and understanding of research methodologies. By engaging in this critique, you will develop the ability to evaluate research findings and their applicability to evidence-based nursing practice.

The Student’s Role:

As a nursing student, your role in this assignment is to critically analyze the selected research publications with a discerning eye. You will apply your knowledge of research methodologies, ethical considerations, and evidence-based practice principles to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each study. Your analysis should be thorough and well-supported, drawing on relevant literature and scholarly sources to substantiate your arguments.

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NURS FPX 5005 Quantitative and Qualitative Research Publication Critique Example in Nursing

Nursing faces growing challenges and complexities due to its focus on human well-being. Given the stakes involved in patient care, nurses must exercise meticulous attention to detail and sharp decision-making skills.

This essay undertakes a critical examination of two studies—one qualitative and one quantitative—to assess their strengths and weaknesses objectively. Such scrutiny is essential as it ensures the integrity of research findings and hones analytical abilities. It’s not enough for a study to be published and peer-reviewed; its practical applicability must also be scrutinized.

The qualitative study under review is titled “Informal carers’ experience of caring for stroke survivors,” exploring the impact of caregiving on the lifestyle of individuals looking after stroke survivors. The quantitative study, “Effects of acupressure on dysmenorrhea and skin temperature changes in college students: A non-randomized controlled trial,” investigates the efficacy of alternative therapy in alleviating menstrual pain among women. Each study will be dissected systematically, covering its title, authors, journal, abstract, introduction/literature review/background, research design/methodology/methods, study rigor, validity and reliability, ethical considerations, findings, discussions, conclusions, implications, limitations, and recommendations. Finally, an overall conclusion will be drawn, considering the implications for evidence-based practice.

Qualitative Study: “Informal Carers’ Experience of Caring for Stroke Survivors”

Title, Authors, and Journal

The title of the article effectively conveys its subject matter in clear and understandable language. However, the term “informal” used to describe caregivers may be subject to interpretation. Throughout the paper, it refers to individuals without formal nursing training who suddenly find themselves in a caregiving role. A more suitable term could be “layman” or “civilian” to accurately depict the caregiver’s role. The authors’ credentials lend credibility to the study, given their expertise in the nursing field. Published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing, a reputable peer-reviewed journal, the article is held to high scholarly standards.


The abstract provides a detailed summary of the article, including sections on background, aims, study design, findings, and conclusions. This structured approach aids in understanding the content, unlike many abstracts that offer only a brief overview without headings. While the abstract offers an overview, it also prompts readers to delve deeper into the full article for additional details.

Introduction/Literature Review/Background

The introduction, literature review, and background sections of this study provide a comprehensive overview of stroke and its impact on both patients and caregivers. It establishes a solid foundation for the entire article, offering detailed yet concise sub-topics. The information provided anticipates potential reader questions without overwhelming them with unnecessary details. Inserts, such as caregiver interview prompts, are strategically placed to enhance reader understanding.

Unlike many studies, this qualitative research does not extensively review existing literature, acknowledging the limited perspective on caregivers. Instead, it relies heavily on gathered data to depict the true nature of caregiver-patient interactions and experiences.

Research Design/Methodology/Methods

The qualitative research design outlined in this study is thorough and well-organized. It includes criteria for participant selection, data collection methods, analysis procedures, and presentation of findings.

Bowen (2005) conducted a detailed investigation in a limited number of communities, similar to the approach taken in this study. Purposive sampling was used to select participants, focusing on quality rather than quantity. This method ensures saturation of information on the topic rather than maximizing participant numbers.

Taped interviews with caregivers, conducted one year after the stroke, aimed to provide objectivity. This timing allowed for some distance from the initial stress of the stroke, with both patients and caregivers potentially having settled into a more stable routine.

Despite the tedious task of sorting gathered data, researchers managed to derive meaningful themes from participant responses. Bowen’s (2005) analysis identified patterns in data using thematic codes, reflecting an inductive approach where themes emerge from the data itself rather than being imposed beforehand.

Study Rigor

To ensure the robustness of the study, rigorous measures were taken. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and meticulously checked for accuracy before being entered into a software called QSR NUD*IST (Non-numerical Unstructured Data Indexing Searching and Theorizing). However, the article did not specify who would undertake this task.

In this study, each patient-caregiver pair could be considered a case study, as each pair might have a unique story to tell. Critics argue that case studies, due to their small sample sizes, may lack reliability and generalizability. This limitation is compounded by the researcher’s deep involvement with the cases at hand. The study employed the same interviewer for all interviews, using a predefined schedule that had been previously tested. However, relying on a single interviewer for all interviews may lead to fatigue and response bias. To enhance rigor and objectivity, it is suggested that interviewers undergo effective training, and additional individuals trained in thematic analysis be involved to ensure unbiased analysis and comparison of themes.

Ethical Issues

The study upheld ethical standards by obtaining approval from the Local Research Ethics Committee. Participants were well-informed through information sheets and provided written consent. To accommodate them, interviews took place in their homes and were recorded with permission, ensuring anonymity and confidentiality. Conducting interviews in the presence of patients allowed caregivers to verify certain issues, enhancing validation. However, conducting separate individual interviews, rather than paired ones, might have elicited more personal data from caregivers, revealing deeper issues they may have withheld to avoid conflict with patients.


The study presented its findings based on themes derived from the data, arranged chronologically from the time of the stroke to one year later. Winter (2000) suggests that qualitative research may not always involve hypotheses or standardized tests. Here, the aim was to explore caregivers’ experiences with stroke patients. Butt (1992) defines qualitative validity as the alignment of research claims with reality.

“In the case of the human sciences, it is the congruence of our text of understanding with the lived reality of persons” (Eisner & Peshkin, 1990, pp. 97-98). Including participants’ actual words in the text is helpful. The validity of the findings depends on how well perceptions are represented – the feelings, thinking, and experiences of individuals, as well as the breadth, depth, and interrelations of issues, concerns, and themes (Butt, 1992). These aspects appear to be addressed in the presentation of findings in this study.

Discussions, Conclusions, Implications, Limitations, and Recommendations

The discussion in the article focused on key issues raised during the in-depth interviews, centering on the perspectives of caregivers. Initially, the tone conveyed sympathy towards them, but it gradually expanded to explore future possibilities. The discussion delved into implications for nursing practice and offered practical conclusions to facilitate smoother caregiving in the future, bridging the gap between findings and real-world application.

In drawing conclusions based on a critical review and discussing implications for evidence-based practice, this article stands out as an exemplary qualitative study, adhering to rigorous research standards. Straus and Corbin (1990) argue that qualitative methods are invaluable for comprehending phenomena with limited understanding. Additionally, these methods shed new light on known subjects or provide deeper insights challenging to express quantitatively.

Glesne (1999) emphasizes that qualitative researchers embrace diverse perspectives without reducing them to a standard interpretation. Face-to-face interactions are central to qualitative research but may present challenges, such as researchers becoming closely involved with participants. Given the potentially stressful nature of interview topics and their emotional intensity, comprehensive interviewer training is essential to uncover valuable insights. It is recommended that both caregivers and patients receive effective and nurturing care training before discharge to optimize their post-care experience.

Quantitative Study: “Effects of Acupressure on Dysmenorrhea and Skin Temperature Changes in College Students: A Non-Randomized Controlled Trial”

Title, authors, and the journal

The title immediately grabs attention by using relevant keywords that accurately reflect the study’s focus. It’s likely to attract female readers, given its relevance to them.

The authors’ Korean names are provided along with their qualifications, enhancing the paper’s credibility.

Published in a reputable journal, this article benefits from the journal’s prestige as a peer-reviewed scholarly publication.


The abstract succinctly outlines the study’s components, providing enough detail to inform readers comprehensively.

Introduction, literature review, background

This section is rich in information sourced from previous research, including statistics and studies related to the topic. It’s thorough yet concise, offering detailed insights into the subject matter.

Research Design/Methodology/Methods

The study employed a classic experimental design where subjects were unaware of their assigned treatment group (either SP-6 treatment or a control group receiving light touch). Detailed steps of the research design were meticulously provided. Recruiting subjects posed a challenge as the researchers couldn’t predict their menstrual cycles, necessitating patience and an extended data-gathering period. A system was devised to simplify subject grouping, with volunteers on certain dates assigned to the treatment group while others to the control.

To mitigate inter-rater error, a single researcher administered all treatments, extensively trained in SP-6 acupressure. However, the 20-minute duration per SP-6 session posed a risk of researcher fatigue, potentially impacting results.

Subjects completed a survey questionnaire upon lab arrival, adapted from another questionnaire and translated into Korean by one of the authors. Though translation posed a risk to subject comprehension, it demonstrated high internal consistency.

Notably, all study variables were quantitatively measurable, including dysmenorrhea severity rated on a 5-point scale.

While the tables presenting quantitative results may appear daunting to those unfamiliar with statistics, they offer discernible trends for analysis.

Validity and Reliability

In this study, the SP-6 and Light touch placebo treatments served as independent variables, while the severity of dysmenorrhea and skin temperature changes constituted the dependent variables. According to Heiman (2002), a variable should be a measurable aspect of behavior capable of producing study scores and data. The various steps undertaken by the subjects may have introduced confounding variables. Nonetheless, the researchers made diligent efforts to uphold the validity and reliability of the study.

Ethical Issues

The sensitive nature of the topic might have posed challenges for the participants. They had to adhere to certain personal conditions, such as abstaining from using intrauterine devices and oral contraceptives during the study period, as well as avoiding nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or other analgesics with prostaglandin synthetase-inhibiting activity the week before their expected menstrual period. Importantly, the researchers did not coerce participation, as evidenced by the modest number of participants. Out of 312 potential subjects invited, only 58 met the inclusion criteria and agreed to take part. This indicates that the participants likely felt respected and valued throughout the study.


The study meticulously presented its findings through clear tables and thorough explanations for each variable. The integrity and impartiality of the results were emphasized, along with a detailed description of the statistical methods applied. The data provided convincing evidence that SP6 effectively reduces dysmenorrhea pain, particularly evident two hours post-treatment.

Discussions, Conclusions, Implications, Limitations, and Recommendations

This section provided a comprehensive reflection on the entire study process. It critically analyzed both the strengths and limitations of the research, presenting them transparently. It felt like summarizing the journey taken throughout the study and evaluating it as a whole. The suggestions for future research in this area are valuable, especially if we aim to further explore the effectiveness of SP6 as an alternative method for alleviating pain.


The conclusion, albeit brief, encapsulates the essence of the study, focusing on its integrity and implications for practice without delving into excessive numerical data. It highlights the importance of the study and the efficacy of the proposed treatment.

Drawing from a critical examination of the findings and their implications for evidence-based practice, this study stands as another example of meticulous design aimed at ensuring validity and reliability. The detailed methodology facilitates replication by future researchers, showcasing the thoroughness of the investigative process. While covering substantial ground, the study leaves room for further exploration, hinting at areas ripe for future investigation.

In terms of substance, the study presents compelling evidence supporting the effectiveness of an alternative therapy for pain, addressing a significant need among a growing population of women experiencing menstrual discomfort.


In summary, both the qualitative study on stroke caregivers’ experiences and the quantitative investigation into acupressure’s effects on dysmenorrhea offer valuable insights into nursing practice. These studies exemplify meticulous research design aimed at ensuring validity and reliability. While the qualitative study sheds light on the career’s experiences of caregivers, the quantitative research provides empirical evidence supporting the efficacy of alternative pain management methods. Together, they underscore the importance of evidence-based practice in addressing the diverse needs of patients and caregivers alike. Critically evaluating these studies enhances our understanding of nursing research and informs evidence-based practice.


Bowen, G. A. (2005). Preparing a qualitative research-based dissertation: Lessons learned. The Qualitative Report, 10(2), 208-222.

Butt, T. F. (1992). Education, empowerment, and the discourse of care. In S. N. Hesse-Biber & P. Leavy (Eds.), Approaches to qualitative research: A reader on theory and practice (pp. 127-144). Oxford University Press.

Eisner, E. W., & Peshkin, A. (1990). Qualitative inquiry in education: The continuing debate. Teachers College Press.

Glesne, C. (1999). Becoming qualitative researchers: An introduction. Longman.

Heiman, G. W. (2002). Research methods in psychology. Houghton Mifflin.

Straus, A. L., & Corbin, J. (1990). Basics of qualitative research: Grounded theory procedures and techniques. Sage.

Winter, R. (2000). Issues of validity in qualitative research. Nurse Researcher, 8(3), 4-15.

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