NURS FPX 6105 Teaching Strategies Report Nursing Example

NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 3 Teaching Strategies to Support Teaching and LearningNURS FPX 6105 Assessment 3 Teaching Strategies to Support Teaching and Learning

NURS FPX 6105 Teaching Strategies Report Nursing Example to Support Teaching and Learning Assignment Brief

Course: NURS FPX 6105 Teaching and Active Learning Strategies

Assignment Title: Assessment 3 Teaching Strategies

Assignment Overview:

This assignment tasks students with developing a teaching strategies report to support the delivery of such a course. By outlining clear learning outcomes, evaluating suitable teaching methodologies, and addressing potential barriers to learning, students will create a framework for fostering optimal learning experiences in stress management education.

Understanding Assignment Objectives:

The primary objective of this assignment is threefold: firstly, to develop clear learning outcomes for the stress management course that align with the course content and learner expectations; secondly, to identify and evaluate appropriate teaching strategies conducive to achieving these outcomes and catering to the diverse learner population; and thirdly, to explore potential barriers to learning and propose effective strategies to overcome these barriers while sustaining learner motivation. Through critical analysis and synthesis of contemporary literature, students will gain insights into evidence-based teaching strategies and their application in nursing education.

The Student’s Role:

As a student undertaking this assignment, you will commence by crafting three clear and concise learning outcomes informed by research on stress management. These outcomes should encapsulate the essential knowledge and skills that learners are expected to acquire and demonstrate by the end of the course. Next, you will evaluate at least three teaching strategies that align with the course outcomes, learner population, and course content. It is imperative to articulate why these strategies are the most appropriate for achieving the desired learning outcomes, considering the advantages and potential challenges associated with each strategy. Additionally, you will explore potential barriers to learning in the context of the stress management course and propose evidence-based strategies to mitigate these barriers while sustaining learner motivation. Your analysis should be supported by relevant research findings from the field of nursing education. Through this assignment, you will enhance your understanding of effective teaching strategies in nursing education and develop critical thinking skills essential for curriculum design and instructional delivery.

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NURS FPX 6105 Teaching Strategies Report Nursing Example to Support Teaching and Learning


In the realm of education, the effectiveness of instruction is paramount to fostering meaningful learning experiences. This report endeavors to outline the essential components of effective teaching strategies for a stress management course tailored to Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) students. By incorporating insights from contemporary scholarly literature, this report aims to elucidate the significance of learning outcomes, appropriate teaching strategies, mitigation of potential learning barriers, and the sustenance of student motivation.

Learning Outcomes

The stress management course tailored for Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) students is meticulously crafted with specific learning objectives aimed at addressing stress-related challenges commonly encountered by nursing students. These objectives encompass theoretical understanding, practical application, personal growth, and professional development. Firstly, students are expected to grasp the concept of stress comprehensively, including differentiating between eustress and distress, and understanding the physiological and psychological responses to stress.

Given the demanding nature of the nursing profession, understanding the impact of stress on health is deemed crucial. Secondly, students are tasked with identifying personal stressors and implementing various stress management techniques such as relaxation exercises, time management, mindfulness, and cognitive restructuring. Thirdly, students are expected to integrate these learned stress management strategies into their professional lives, ensuring optimal productivity and quality of care. They are encouraged to effectively manage work-related stressors, mitigate burnout, and strike a balance between work and personal life. Lastly, the course fosters personal growth by encouraging students to self-assess and adapt these techniques to their individual needs and lifestyles, thereby promoting resilience and emotional well-being (Khojanashvili et al., 2023).

These objectives are rooted in the acknowledgment that nursing students are particularly susceptible to high levels of stress due to the demanding nature of their academic programs and concurrent personal stressors. The course operates under the premise that equipping nursing students with a comprehensive understanding of stress and effective coping mechanisms can not only improve their academic performance but also enhance their personal well-being and future professional competence. Furthermore, the course recognizes the diversity of students’ understanding and skills regarding stress management at the outset and is thus designed to cater to varied learning needs and paces (Madsgaard et al., 2022).

Evaluation of Appropriate Teaching Strategies for the Course and Audience

For the stress management course designed for ADN nursing students, a blended learning approach is considered the most effective, leveraging the benefits of both traditional face-to-face learning and online instruction. This decision is premised on the recognition that effective stress management education should not only be informative but also immersive, allowing students to practically apply learned techniques and strategies.

Blended Learning Approach:

The blended approach offers a unique synergy between the online medium’s flexibility and personalized learning pace and the rich interactive context of physical classrooms. This model allows theoretical knowledge acquisition to occur online, including understanding the physiology of stress, its impact on health, and various stress management techniques. The face-to-face component of the learning can be utilized for group discussions, experiential learning, role-plays, and practicing stress management activities, such as mindfulness, relaxation exercises, and cognitive restructuring techniques (Khojanashvili et al., 2023).

Peer Learning:

Considering the importance of social interactions and peer support in stress management, the course will integrate peer learning strategies. This could include peer-led discussions, collaborative problem-solving tasks, and peer feedback sessions on the application of stress management techniques. Peer learning can enhance learning engagement, stimulate critical thinking, and foster a supportive learning community (Khojanashvili et al., 2023).

Self-paced Learning:

Given the diversity of learners and their different learning paces, the course will also incorporate self-paced learning strategies. These might involve self-directed online learning modules, reflective journals, and individual projects on stress management strategy design and implementation (Khojanashvili et al., 2023).

This teaching strategy evaluation recognizes potential areas of uncertainty and knowledge gaps. One of the uncertainties revolves around the varying digital competencies of individual students. While the blended learning approach leverages online learning, it presupposes a basic level of digital literacy among students. The course might require provision of additional support, resources, or training to students struggling with the digital components, ensuring that no learner is left behind in the learning journey (Madsgaard et al., 2022).

Furthermore, a knowledge gap that might present a challenge is the students’ initial understanding and skills related to stress management. The course design must account for this diversity, providing foundational knowledge for novices while offering advanced learning opportunities for those with a prior understanding of the topic. This balance could be struck by offering optional advanced modules or providing additional resources for in-depth exploration. Also, while peer learning strategies can enrich the learning experience, they can also potentially lead to conflicts or unequal participation. Managing such dynamics effectively would require clear guidelines for respectful interaction, effective group work, and constructive feedback. Lastly, in a self-paced learning environment, there is a risk of students falling behind due to procrastination or poor time management. Implementing regular check-ins, progress tracking, and personalized feedback could help mitigate this risk (Saifan et al., 2021).

Addressing Potential Barriers to Learning

In ensuring a robust and inclusive learning environment for the stress management course, we’ve carefully considered various barriers that could affect students’ learning experiences. These barriers encompass cultural diversity, language proficiency, digital literacy levels, individual stress levels, and prior knowledge or misconceptions about stress management. To tackle these challenges, evidence-based strategies have been identified, chosen for their effectiveness as demonstrated in peer-reviewed literature and their alignment with the course’s objectives (Madsgaard et al., 2022; Saifan et al., 2021).

Cultural and Linguistic Inclusivity:

Recognizing the diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds of our student body, we’ll employ culturally responsive teaching strategies. Course materials will be thoughtfully crafted to embrace and integrate various cultural perspectives. Additionally, we’ll provide resources in multiple languages, including translated glossaries and multilingual support, to assist students in overcoming language barriers (Saifan et al., 2021).

Digital Literacy Support:

Given the blended learning approach utilized in the course, proficiency in digital literacy is crucial. Understanding that students may have varying levels of familiarity with digital tools, we’ll offer technical support to address any challenges they may encounter. Moreover, a basic digital literacy module will be integrated into the course at the beginning to ensure all students can navigate the online components effectively (Saifan et al., 2021).

Managing Individual Stress Levels:

Recognizing that the nature of the course itself may induce stress among students, mindfulness and relaxation techniques will be seamlessly integrated into the teaching and learning process. Regular check-ins and reflections will be incorporated to ensure that the course doesn’t contribute to additional stress for students (Saifan et al., 2021).

Addressing Prior Knowledge and Misconceptions:

Acknowledging that students may enter the course with varying levels of prior knowledge or misconceptions about stress management, the initial phase of the course will focus on exploring and dispelling these preconceptions. By establishing a common understanding, we aim to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment conducive to enhancing student engagement, satisfaction, and ultimately, learning outcomes (Saifan et al., 2021).

Addressing Learning Barriers with Evidence-Based Strategies

To address potential barriers encountered by students in this course, we’ve drawn upon recent peer-reviewed academic research to ground our strategies. These approaches aim to improve learning outcomes and engagement by capitalizing on their proven effectiveness and practicality. Firstly, cultural and linguistic inclusivity has been prioritized, as studies indicate that culturally responsive teaching can enhance student engagement and learning outcomes (Abacioglu et al., 2020). By integrating diverse cultural perspectives and offering multilingual resources, we aim to create an inclusive environment where all students feel valued and can better comprehend course content, particularly those whose first language isn’t English.

Secondly, digital literacy support is emphasized, recognizing its importance in blended learning environments. Providing technical assistance and digital literacy training ensures that all students can effectively navigate the online components of the course (Khojanashvili et al., 2023). Research has shown a significant improvement in academic performance with the provision of such support.

Additionally, mindfulness and relaxation techniques are strategically incorporated into the course curriculum, as studies have demonstrated their efficacy in reducing student stress levels and enhancing academic performance (van Loon et al., 2020). Regular check-ins and reflections not only assist in stress management but also serve to reinforce the practical application of stress management techniques taught in the course.

Strategies to Sustain Motivation of Diverse Learners

In the stress management course for ADN nursing students, various strategies have been implemented to maintain learners’ motivation, particularly considering the diverse student body. Each of these methods is grounded in recent peer-reviewed research, ensuring their effectiveness.

Firstly, a blended learning approach has been embraced, backed by studies showing increased student engagement and motivation in such environments. This method blends face-to-face and online learning, offering students the flexibility of self-paced study while retaining the interactive benefits of traditional classrooms (Petges & Sabio, 2020).

Secondly, cultural inclusivity is prioritized, aligning with research indicating its positive impact on motivation. Studies suggest that when students feel a sense of belonging and respect for their cultural backgrounds, their motivation levels increase. By fostering such an environment, motivation is sustained across the diverse student body (van Loon et al., 2020).

Additionally, mindfulness and stress-relief activities are integrated into the curriculum, acknowledging the link between stress management and academic motivation. By equipping students with practical stress management techniques, emotional well-being is enhanced, consequently boosting motivation to engage with course material (Khojanashvili et al., 2023).

Moreover, active learning approaches, such as group discussions and case study analyses, are emphasized to stimulate learner motivation. Research supports the effectiveness of such methods in promoting intrinsic motivation by allowing students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios (Petges & Sabio, 2020).


In conclusion, effective teaching strategies are pivotal in facilitating optimal learning experiences for ADN nursing students enrolled in stress management courses. The success of such educational programs relies on delineating clear learning outcomes, implementing appropriate teaching methodologies, addressing potential learning barriers, and sustaining student motivation. By incorporating evidence-based practices tailored to the unique needs and challenges of the students, the stress management course aims to equip nursing students with essential stress management skills. This endeavor not only enhances their academic success but also contributes to their overall well-being, enabling them to thrive in their demanding profession. Through a comprehensive array of teaching strategies informed by contemporary scholarly literature, including cultural inclusivity, digital literacy support, stress management techniques, and motivation sustenance, the course strives to create an inclusive learning environment conducive to student success and personal growth.


Abacioglu, C. S., Cakiroglu, J., Ozmen, M. Z., & Uzuntiryaki-Kondakci, E. (2020). Enhancing Student Engagement in Science Education: A Comprehensive Model to Evaluate Instructional Approaches and Learning Environments. Research in Science Education, 50(1), 307–328.

Khojanashvili, L., Tsereteli, M., Bakashvili, M., & Aslan, M. (2023). Exploring the challenges of transitioning to higher education for students studying away from home. Educational Psychology in Practice, 1–22.

Madsgaard, M., Ryberg, T., & Buus, L. (2022). The Empowering Potential of Digital Technology for Social Work Practice: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies. Social Work Research, 46(3), 173–185.

Petges, N., & Sabio, N. (2020). The Impact of Blended Learning on Student Engagement and Course Performance in a Clinical Nursing Course. Nurse Educator, 45(6), 333–336.

Saifan, A. R., AbuRuz, M. E., Masa’deh, R. E., & Obeidat, B. Y. (2021). The impact of mobile learning on students’ academic success: a holistic view from the higher education students in Jordan. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 18(4), 431–448.

van Loon, A. W. G., Creemers, H. E., Beumer, W. Y., Okorn, A., Vogelaar, S., Saab, N., Miers, A. C., Westenberg, P. M., & Asscher, J. J. (2020). Can schools reduce adolescent psychological stress? A multilevel meta-analysis of the effectiveness of school-based intervention programs. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 49(6), 1127–1145.

Detailed Assessment Instructions for the NURS FPX 6105 Teaching Strategies Report Nursing to Support Teaching and Learning Assignment


Create a 5–7-page report on teaching strategies that will support teaching and learning in the course you began designing in Assessments 1 and 2.

Note: Assessments in this course build on each other and must be completed in sequential order.
To prepare for this Assessment, read the Assessment 3 Context document.

Assessment Instructions

Note: Assessments in this course build on each other and must be completed in sequential order.

Create a 5–7-page report on teaching strategies you can apply in the course you are designing.


Practice implementing these considerations in the Vila Health challenge provided in the Resources before beginning your work here.


  • Create three learning outcomes for your course. Conduct research on your course topic as necessary to create these outcomes. Summarize general course content and how these outcomes will relate to overall course content and how they align with learner expectations.
  • Identify and evaluate at least three teaching strategies that could be used in your course and that are a good fit for your learner population, course topic, outcomes, and content. Explain which are the most appropriate teaching strategies for your course and audience, and why they are the most appropriate. Be sure to describe the advantages of using the selected strategies. Support your assertions with research from the field.
  • Explain some of the possible barriers to learning might you encounter in your course. Identify the strategies you could use to overcome those barriers and to keep learners motivated.


  • Format: 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font, double-spaced in Microsoft Word.
  • Length: 5–7 pages, plus a title page and a references page.
  • Use correct APA format, including running head, page numbers, and a title page.
  • Use and cite at least two scholarly articles in your plan.
  • Writing should be free of grammar and spelling errors that distract from content.


The resources provided here are optional. You may use other resources of your choice to prepare for this assessment; however, you will need to ensure that they are appropriate, credible, and valid. The MSN-FP6105 Library Guide can help direct your research, and the Supplemental Resources and Research Resources, both linked from the left navigation menu in your courseroom, provide additional resources to help support you.

Preparation for Assessment

You are invited to practice in the Vila Health challenge simulation setting before beginning this assessment.


Innovative Teaching Strategies

Objectives and Outcomes

Additional Resources for Further Exploration

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